// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <list>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "sandbox/src/crosscall_server.h"
#include "sandbox/src/job.h"
#include "sandbox/src/sandbox.h"
#include "sandbox/src/sharedmem_ipc_server.h"
#include "sandbox/src/win2k_threadpool.h"
#include "sandbox/src/win_utils.h"

namespace sandbox {

class PolicyBase;

// BrokerServicesBase ---------------------------------------------------------
// Broker implementation version 0
// This is an implementation of the interface BrokerServices and
// of the associated TargetProcess interface. In this implementation
// TargetProcess is a friend of BrokerServices where the later manages a
// collection of the former.
class BrokerServicesBase : public BrokerServices,
                           public SingletonBase<BrokerServicesBase>  {


  // The next four methods are the BrokerServices interface
  virtual ResultCode Init();

  virtual TargetPolicy* CreatePolicy();

  virtual ResultCode SpawnTarget(const wchar_t* exe_path,
                                 const wchar_t* command_line,
                                 TargetPolicy* policy,
                                 PROCESS_INFORMATION* target);

  virtual ResultCode WaitForAllTargets();

  // Helper structure that allows the Broker to associate a job notification
  // with a job object and with a policy.
  struct JobTracker {
    HANDLE job;
    PolicyBase* policy;
    JobTracker(HANDLE cjob, PolicyBase* cpolicy)
        : job(cjob), policy(cpolicy) {

  // Releases the Job and notifies the associated Policy object to its
  // resources as well.
  static void FreeResources(JobTracker* tracker);

  // The routine that the worker thread executes. It is in charge of
  // notifications and cleanup-related tasks.
  static DWORD WINAPI TargetEventsThread(PVOID param);

  // The completion port used by the job objects to communicate events to
  // the worker thread.
  HANDLE job_port_;

  // Handle to a manual-reset event that is signaled when the total target
  // process count reaches zero.
  HANDLE no_targets_;

  // Handle to the worker thread that reacts to job notifications.
  HANDLE job_thread_;

  // Lock used to protect the list of targets from being modified by 2
  // threads at the same time.

  // provides a pool of threads that are used to wait on the IPC calls.
  ThreadProvider* thread_pool_;

  // List of the trackers for closing and cleanup purposes.
  typedef std::list<JobTracker*> JobTrackerList;
  JobTrackerList tracker_list_;


}  // namespace sandbox