// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "sandbox/src/policy_engine_params.h" #include "sandbox/src/policy_engine_processor.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" #define POLPARAMS_BEGIN(x) sandbox::ParameterSet x[] = { #define POLPARAM(p) sandbox::ParamPickerMake(p), #define POLPARAMS_END } namespace sandbox { bool SetupNtdllImports(); TEST(PolicyEngineTest, Rules1) { SetupNtdllImports(); // Construct two policy rules that say: // // #1 // If the path is c:\\documents and settings\\* AND // If the creation mode is 'open existing' AND // If the security descriptor is null THEN // Ask the broker. // // #2 // If the security descriptor is null AND // If the path ends with *.txt AND // If the creation mode is not 'create new' THEN // return Access Denied. enum FileCreateArgs { FileNameArg, CreationDispositionArg, FlagsAndAttributesArg, SecurityAttributes }; const size_t policy_sz = 1024; PolicyBuffer* policy = reinterpret_cast<PolicyBuffer*>(new char[policy_sz]); OpcodeFactory opcode_maker(policy, policy_sz - 0x40); // Add rule set #1 opcode_maker.MakeOpWStringMatch(FileNameArg, L"c:\\documents and settings\\", 0, CASE_INSENSITIVE, kPolNone); opcode_maker.MakeOpNumberMatch(CreationDispositionArg, OPEN_EXISTING, kPolNone); opcode_maker.MakeOpVoidPtrMatch(SecurityAttributes, (void*)NULL, kPolNone); opcode_maker.MakeOpAction(ASK_BROKER, kPolNone); // Add rule set #2 opcode_maker.MakeOpWStringMatch(FileNameArg, L".TXT", kSeekToEnd, CASE_INSENSITIVE, kPolNone); opcode_maker.MakeOpNumberMatch(CreationDispositionArg, CREATE_NEW, kPolNegateEval); opcode_maker.MakeOpAction(FAKE_ACCESS_DENIED, kPolNone); policy->opcode_count = 7; wchar_t* filename = L"c:\\Documents and Settings\\Microsoft\\BLAH.txt"; unsigned long creation_mode = OPEN_EXISTING; unsigned long flags = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL; void* security_descriptor = NULL; POLPARAMS_BEGIN(eval_params) POLPARAM(filename) POLPARAM(creation_mode) POLPARAM(flags) POLPARAM(security_descriptor) POLPARAMS_END; PolicyResult pr; PolicyProcessor pol_ev(policy); // Test should match the first rule set. pr = pol_ev.Evaluate(kShortEval, eval_params, _countof(eval_params)); EXPECT_EQ(POLICY_MATCH, pr); EXPECT_EQ(ASK_BROKER, pol_ev.GetAction()); // Test should still match the first rule set. pr = pol_ev.Evaluate(kShortEval, eval_params, _countof(eval_params)); EXPECT_EQ(POLICY_MATCH, pr); EXPECT_EQ(ASK_BROKER, pol_ev.GetAction()); // Changing creation_mode such that evaluation should not match any rule. creation_mode = CREATE_NEW; pr = pol_ev.Evaluate(kShortEval, eval_params, _countof(eval_params)); EXPECT_EQ(NO_POLICY_MATCH, pr); // Changing creation_mode such that evaluation should match rule #2. creation_mode = OPEN_ALWAYS; pr = pol_ev.Evaluate(kShortEval, eval_params, _countof(eval_params)); EXPECT_EQ(POLICY_MATCH, pr); EXPECT_EQ(FAKE_ACCESS_DENIED, pol_ev.GetAction()); delete [] reinterpret_cast<char*>(policy); } } // namespace sandbox