// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "sandbox/src/win_utils.h"

#include <map>

#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "sandbox/src/internal_types.h"
#include "sandbox/src/nt_internals.h"

namespace {

// Holds the information about a known registry key.
struct KnownReservedKey {
  const wchar_t* name;
  HKEY key;

// Contains all the known registry key by name and by handle.
const KnownReservedKey kKnownKey[] = {

}  // namespace

namespace sandbox {

HKEY GetReservedKeyFromName(const std::wstring& name) {
  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kKnownKey); ++i) {
    if (name == kKnownKey[i].name)
      return kKnownKey[i].key;

  return NULL;

bool ResolveRegistryName(std::wstring name, std::wstring* resolved_name) {
  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kKnownKey); ++i) {
    if (name.find(kKnownKey[i].name) == 0) {
      HKEY key;
      DWORD disposition;
      if (ERROR_SUCCESS != ::RegCreateKeyEx(kKnownKey[i].key, L"", 0, NULL, 0,
                                            MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, NULL, &key,
        return false;

      bool result = GetPathFromHandle(key, resolved_name);

      if (!result)
        return false;

      *resolved_name += name.substr(wcslen(kKnownKey[i].name));
      return true;

  return false;

DWORD IsReparsePoint(const std::wstring& full_path, bool* result) {
  std::wstring path = full_path;

  // Remove the nt prefix.
  if (0 == path.compare(0, kNTPrefixLen, kNTPrefix))
    path = path.substr(kNTPrefixLen);

  // Check if it's a pipe. We can't query the attributes of a pipe.
  const wchar_t kPipe[] = L"pipe\\";
  if (0 == path.compare(0, arraysize(kPipe) - 1, kPipe)) {
    *result = FALSE;
    return ERROR_SUCCESS;

  std::wstring::size_type last_pos = std::wstring::npos;

  do {
    path = path.substr(0, last_pos);

    DWORD attributes = ::GetFileAttributes(path.c_str());
    if (INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES == attributes) {
      DWORD error = ::GetLastError();
      if (error != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND &&
          error != ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND &&
          error != ERROR_INVALID_NAME) {
        // Unexpected error.
        return error;
    } else if (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT & attributes) {
      // This is a reparse point.
      *result = true;
      return ERROR_SUCCESS;

    last_pos = path.rfind(L'\\');
  } while (last_pos != std::wstring::npos);

  *result = false;

bool ConvertToLongPath(const std::wstring& short_path,
                       std::wstring* long_path) {
  // Check if the path is a NT path.
  bool is_nt_path = false;
  std::wstring path = short_path;
  if (0 == path.compare(0, kNTPrefixLen, kNTPrefix)) {
    path = path.substr(kNTPrefixLen);
    is_nt_path = true;

  DWORD size = MAX_PATH;
  scoped_array<wchar_t> long_path_buf(new wchar_t[size]);

  DWORD return_value = ::GetLongPathName(path.c_str(), long_path_buf.get(),
  while (return_value >= size) {
    size *= 2;
    long_path_buf.reset(new wchar_t[size]);
    return_value = ::GetLongPathName(path.c_str(), long_path_buf.get(), size);

  DWORD last_error = ::GetLastError();
  if (0 == return_value && (ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND == last_error ||
                            ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND == last_error ||
                            ERROR_INVALID_NAME == last_error)) {
    // The file does not exist, but maybe a sub path needs to be expanded.
    std::wstring::size_type last_slash = path.rfind(L'\\');
    if (std::wstring::npos == last_slash)
      return false;

    std::wstring begin = path.substr(0, last_slash);
    std::wstring end = path.substr(last_slash);
    if (!ConvertToLongPath(begin, &begin))
      return false;

    // Ok, it worked. Let's reset the return value.
    path = begin + end;
    return_value = 1;
  } else if (0 != return_value) {
    path = long_path_buf.get();

  if (return_value != 0) {
    if (is_nt_path) {
      *long_path = kNTPrefix;
      *long_path += path;
    } else {
      *long_path = path;

    return true;

  return false;

bool GetPathFromHandle(HANDLE handle, std::wstring* path) {
  NtQueryObjectFunction NtQueryObject = NULL;
  ResolveNTFunctionPtr("NtQueryObject", &NtQueryObject);

  ULONG size = 0;
  // Query the name information a first time to get the size of the name.
  NTSTATUS status = NtQueryObject(handle, ObjectNameInformation, name, size,

  scoped_ptr<OBJECT_NAME_INFORMATION> name_ptr;
  if (size) {
    name = reinterpret_cast<OBJECT_NAME_INFORMATION*>(new BYTE[size]);

    // Query the name information a second time to get the name of the
    // object referenced by the handle.
    status = NtQueryObject(handle, ObjectNameInformation, name, size, &size);

  if (STATUS_SUCCESS != status)
    return false;

  path->assign(name->ObjectName.Buffer, name->ObjectName.Length /
  return true;

};  // namespace sandbox

// The information is cached in a map. The map has to be global, so it's memory
// is leaked, and it's ok.
void ResolveNTFunctionPtr(const char* name, void* ptr) {
  static std::map<std::string, FARPROC>* function_map = NULL;
  if (!function_map)
    function_map = new std::map<std::string, FARPROC>;

  static HMODULE ntdll = ::GetModuleHandle(sandbox::kNtdllName);

  FARPROC* function_ptr = reinterpret_cast<FARPROC*>(ptr);
  *function_ptr = (*function_map)[name];
  if (*function_ptr)

  *function_ptr = ::GetProcAddress(ntdll, name);
  (*function_map)[name] = *function_ptr;
  DCHECK(*function_ptr) << "Failed to resolve NTDLL function";

  if (!*function_ptr) {
    // If we return NULL, we are going to crash. Unfortunately, this happens.
    // See bug 11789.
    // Maybe our module handle is not valid anymore?
    HMODULE ntdll2 = ::GetModuleHandle(sandbox::kNtdllName);
    *function_ptr = ::GetProcAddress(ntdll2, name);
    (*function_map)[name] = *function_ptr;

    // TODO(nsylvain): Remove this check after we are done troubleshooting.
    CHECK(ntdll2) << "Fatal error: NTLL module is NULL";
    CHECK(*function_ptr) << "Fatal error: Failed to resolve NTDLL function";

    // If we are here, it means that getting the new module handle worked. This
    // is not really expected. We want to receive some reports from users, so
    // we will crash anyway.
    // TODO(nsylvain): Remove this check after we are done troubleshooting.
    CHECK(ntdll) << "Fatal Error: NTDLL module was NULL.";
    CHECK(ntdll == ntdll2) << "Fatal Error: NTDLL module has been moved.";
    CHECK(false) << "Fatal Error: GetProcAddress Inconsistency";