// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "sandbox/src/window.h" #include <aclapi.h> #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/scoped_ptr.h" namespace { // Gets the security attributes of a window object referenced by |handle|. The // lpSecurityDescriptor member of the SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES parameter returned // must be freed using LocalFree by the caller. bool GetSecurityAttributes(HANDLE handle, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES* attributes) { attributes->bInheritHandle = FALSE; attributes->nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); PACL dacl = NULL; DWORD result = ::GetSecurityInfo(handle, SE_WINDOW_OBJECT, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, NULL, NULL, &dacl, NULL, &attributes->lpSecurityDescriptor); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == result) return true; return false; } } namespace sandbox { ResultCode CreateAltWindowStation(HWINSTA* winsta) { // Get the security attributes from the current window station; we will // use this as the base security attributes for the new window station. SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES attributes = {0}; if (!GetSecurityAttributes(::GetProcessWindowStation(), &attributes)) { return SBOX_ERROR_CANNOT_CREATE_WINSTATION; } // Create the window station using NULL for the name to ask the os to // generate it. // TODO(nsylvain): don't ask for WINSTA_ALL_ACCESS if we don't need to. *winsta = ::CreateWindowStationW(NULL, 0, WINSTA_ALL_ACCESS, &attributes); LocalFree(attributes.lpSecurityDescriptor); if (*winsta) return SBOX_ALL_OK; return SBOX_ERROR_CANNOT_CREATE_WINSTATION; } ResultCode CreateAltDesktop(HWINSTA winsta, HDESK* desktop) { std::wstring desktop_name = L"sbox_alternate_desktop_"; // Append the current PID to the desktop name. wchar_t buffer[16]; _snwprintf_s(buffer, sizeof(buffer) / sizeof(wchar_t), L"0x%X", ::GetCurrentProcessId()); desktop_name += buffer; // Get the security attributes from the current desktop, we will use this as // the base security attributes for the new desktop. SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES attributes = {0}; if (!GetSecurityAttributes(GetThreadDesktop(GetCurrentThreadId()), &attributes)) { return SBOX_ERROR_CANNOT_CREATE_DESKTOP; } // Back up the current window station, in case we need to switch it. HWINSTA current_winsta = ::GetProcessWindowStation(); if (winsta) { // We need to switch to the alternate window station before creating the // desktop. if (!::SetProcessWindowStation(winsta)) { ::LocalFree(attributes.lpSecurityDescriptor); return SBOX_ERROR_CANNOT_CREATE_DESKTOP; } } // Create the destkop. // TODO(nsylvain): don't ask for GENERIC_ALL if we don't need to. *desktop = ::CreateDesktop(desktop_name.c_str(), NULL, NULL, 0, GENERIC_ALL, &attributes); ::LocalFree(attributes.lpSecurityDescriptor); if (winsta) { // Revert to the right window station. if (!::SetProcessWindowStation(current_winsta)) { return SBOX_ERROR_FAILED_TO_SWITCH_BACK_WINSTATION; } } if (*desktop) return SBOX_ALL_OK; return SBOX_ERROR_CANNOT_CREATE_DESKTOP; } std::wstring GetWindowObjectName(HANDLE handle) { // Get the size of the name. DWORD size = 0; ::GetUserObjectInformation(handle, UOI_NAME, NULL, 0, &size); if (!size) { NOTREACHED(); return std::wstring(); } // Create the buffer that will hold the name. scoped_array<wchar_t> name_buffer(new wchar_t[size]); // Query the name of the object. if (!::GetUserObjectInformation(handle, UOI_NAME, name_buffer.get(), size, &size)) { NOTREACHED(); return std::wstring(); } return std::wstring(name_buffer.get()); } std::wstring GetFullDesktopName(HWINSTA winsta, HDESK desktop) { if (!desktop) { NOTREACHED(); return std::wstring(); } std::wstring name; if (winsta) { name = GetWindowObjectName(winsta); name += L'\\'; } name += GetWindowObjectName(desktop); return name; } } // namespace sandbox