// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "sandbox/win/src/restricted_token.h" #include <vector> #include "base/logging.h" #include "sandbox/win/src/acl.h" #include "sandbox/win/src/win_utils.h" namespace sandbox { unsigned RestrictedToken::Init(const HANDLE effective_token) { if (init_) return ERROR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED; if (effective_token) { // We duplicate the handle to be able to use it even if the original handle // is closed. HANDLE effective_token_dup; if (::DuplicateHandle(::GetCurrentProcess(), effective_token, ::GetCurrentProcess(), &effective_token_dup, 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS)) { effective_token_ = effective_token_dup; } else { return ::GetLastError(); } } else { if (!::OpenProcessToken(::GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS, &effective_token_)) return ::GetLastError(); } init_ = true; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } unsigned RestrictedToken::GetRestrictedTokenHandle(HANDLE *token_handle) const { DCHECK(init_); if (!init_) return ERROR_NO_TOKEN; size_t deny_size = sids_for_deny_only_.size(); size_t restrict_size = sids_to_restrict_.size(); size_t privileges_size = privileges_to_disable_.size(); SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES *deny_only_array = NULL; if (deny_size) { deny_only_array = new SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES[deny_size]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sids_for_deny_only_.size() ; ++i) { deny_only_array[i].Attributes = SE_GROUP_USE_FOR_DENY_ONLY; deny_only_array[i].Sid = const_cast<SID*>(sids_for_deny_only_[i].GetPSID()); } } SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES *sids_to_restrict_array = NULL; if (restrict_size) { sids_to_restrict_array = new SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES[restrict_size]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < restrict_size; ++i) { sids_to_restrict_array[i].Attributes = 0; sids_to_restrict_array[i].Sid = const_cast<SID*>(sids_to_restrict_[i].GetPSID()); } } LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES *privileges_to_disable_array = NULL; if (privileges_size) { privileges_to_disable_array = new LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES[privileges_size]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < privileges_size; ++i) { privileges_to_disable_array[i].Attributes = 0; privileges_to_disable_array[i].Luid = privileges_to_disable_[i]; } } BOOL result = TRUE; HANDLE new_token = NULL; // The SANDBOX_INERT flag did nothing in XP and it was just a way to tell // if a token has ben restricted given the limiations of IsTokenRestricted() // but it appears that in Windows 7 it hints the AppLocker subsystem to // leave us alone. if (deny_size || restrict_size || privileges_size) { result = ::CreateRestrictedToken(effective_token_, SANDBOX_INERT, static_cast<DWORD>(deny_size), deny_only_array, static_cast<DWORD>(privileges_size), privileges_to_disable_array, static_cast<DWORD>(restrict_size), sids_to_restrict_array, &new_token); } else { // Duplicate the token even if it's not modified at this point // because any subsequent changes to this token would also affect the // current process. result = ::DuplicateTokenEx(effective_token_, TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, SecurityIdentification, TokenPrimary, &new_token); } if (deny_only_array) delete[] deny_only_array; if (sids_to_restrict_array) delete[] sids_to_restrict_array; if (privileges_to_disable_array) delete[] privileges_to_disable_array; if (!result) return ::GetLastError(); // Modify the default dacl on the token to contain Restricted and the user. if (!AddSidToDefaultDacl(new_token, WinRestrictedCodeSid, GENERIC_ALL)) return ::GetLastError(); if (!AddUserSidToDefaultDacl(new_token, GENERIC_ALL)) return ::GetLastError(); DWORD error = SetTokenIntegrityLevel(new_token, integrity_level_); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != error) return error; BOOL status = ::DuplicateHandle(::GetCurrentProcess(), new_token, ::GetCurrentProcess(), token_handle, TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, // Don't inherit. 0); if (new_token != effective_token_) ::CloseHandle(new_token); if (!status) return ::GetLastError(); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } unsigned RestrictedToken::GetRestrictedTokenHandleForImpersonation( HANDLE *token_handle) const { DCHECK(init_); if (!init_) return ERROR_NO_TOKEN; HANDLE restricted_token_handle; unsigned err_code = GetRestrictedTokenHandle(&restricted_token_handle); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != err_code) return err_code; HANDLE impersonation_token; if (!::DuplicateToken(restricted_token_handle, SecurityImpersonation, &impersonation_token)) { ::CloseHandle(restricted_token_handle); return ::GetLastError(); } ::CloseHandle(restricted_token_handle); BOOL status = ::DuplicateHandle(::GetCurrentProcess(), impersonation_token, ::GetCurrentProcess(), token_handle, TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, // Don't inherit. 0); ::CloseHandle(impersonation_token); if (!status) return ::GetLastError(); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } unsigned RestrictedToken::AddAllSidsForDenyOnly(std::vector<Sid> *exceptions) { DCHECK(init_); if (!init_) return ERROR_NO_TOKEN; TOKEN_GROUPS *token_groups = NULL; DWORD size = 0; BOOL result = ::GetTokenInformation(effective_token_, TokenGroups, NULL, // No buffer. 0, // Size is 0. &size); if (!size) return ::GetLastError(); token_groups = reinterpret_cast<TOKEN_GROUPS*>(new BYTE[size]); result = ::GetTokenInformation(effective_token_, TokenGroups, token_groups, size, &size); if (!result) { delete[] reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(token_groups); return ::GetLastError(); } // Build the list of the deny only group SIDs for (unsigned int i = 0; i < token_groups->GroupCount ; ++i) { if ((token_groups->Groups[i].Attributes & SE_GROUP_INTEGRITY) == 0 && (token_groups->Groups[i].Attributes & SE_GROUP_LOGON_ID) == 0) { bool should_ignore = false; if (exceptions) { for (unsigned int j = 0; j < exceptions->size(); ++j) { if (::EqualSid(const_cast<SID*>((*exceptions)[j].GetPSID()), token_groups->Groups[i].Sid)) { should_ignore = true; break; } } } if (!should_ignore) { sids_for_deny_only_.push_back( reinterpret_cast<SID*>(token_groups->Groups[i].Sid)); } } } delete[] reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(token_groups); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } unsigned RestrictedToken::AddSidForDenyOnly(const Sid &sid) { DCHECK(init_); if (!init_) return ERROR_NO_TOKEN; sids_for_deny_only_.push_back(sid); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } unsigned RestrictedToken::AddUserSidForDenyOnly() { DCHECK(init_); if (!init_) return ERROR_NO_TOKEN; DWORD size = sizeof(TOKEN_USER) + SECURITY_MAX_SID_SIZE; TOKEN_USER* token_user = reinterpret_cast<TOKEN_USER*>(new BYTE[size]); BOOL result = ::GetTokenInformation(effective_token_, TokenUser, token_user, size, &size); if (!result) { delete[] reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(token_user); return ::GetLastError(); } Sid user = reinterpret_cast<SID*>(token_user->User.Sid); sids_for_deny_only_.push_back(user); delete[] reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(token_user); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } unsigned RestrictedToken::DeleteAllPrivileges( const std::vector<base::string16> *exceptions) { DCHECK(init_); if (!init_) return ERROR_NO_TOKEN; // Get the list of privileges in the token TOKEN_PRIVILEGES *token_privileges = NULL; DWORD size = 0; BOOL result = ::GetTokenInformation(effective_token_, TokenPrivileges, NULL, // No buffer. 0, // Size is 0. &size); if (!size) return ::GetLastError(); token_privileges = reinterpret_cast<TOKEN_PRIVILEGES*>(new BYTE[size]); result = ::GetTokenInformation(effective_token_, TokenPrivileges, token_privileges, size, &size); if (!result) { delete[] reinterpret_cast<BYTE *>(token_privileges); return ::GetLastError(); } // Build the list of privileges to disable for (unsigned int i = 0; i < token_privileges->PrivilegeCount; ++i) { bool should_ignore = false; if (exceptions) { for (unsigned int j = 0; j < exceptions->size(); ++j) { LUID luid = {0}; ::LookupPrivilegeValue(NULL, (*exceptions)[j].c_str(), &luid); if (token_privileges->Privileges[i].Luid.HighPart == luid.HighPart && token_privileges->Privileges[i].Luid.LowPart == luid.LowPart) { should_ignore = true; break; } } } if (!should_ignore) { privileges_to_disable_.push_back(token_privileges->Privileges[i].Luid); } } delete[] reinterpret_cast<BYTE *>(token_privileges); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } unsigned RestrictedToken::DeletePrivilege(const wchar_t *privilege) { DCHECK(init_); if (!init_) return ERROR_NO_TOKEN; LUID luid = {0}; if (LookupPrivilegeValue(NULL, privilege, &luid)) privileges_to_disable_.push_back(luid); else return ::GetLastError(); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } unsigned RestrictedToken::AddRestrictingSid(const Sid &sid) { DCHECK(init_); if (!init_) return ERROR_NO_TOKEN; sids_to_restrict_.push_back(sid); // No attributes return ERROR_SUCCESS; } unsigned RestrictedToken::AddRestrictingSidLogonSession() { DCHECK(init_); if (!init_) return ERROR_NO_TOKEN; TOKEN_GROUPS *token_groups = NULL; DWORD size = 0; BOOL result = ::GetTokenInformation(effective_token_, TokenGroups, NULL, // No buffer. 0, // Size is 0. &size); if (!size) return ::GetLastError(); token_groups = reinterpret_cast<TOKEN_GROUPS*>(new BYTE[size]); result = ::GetTokenInformation(effective_token_, TokenGroups, token_groups, size, &size); if (!result) { delete[] reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(token_groups); return ::GetLastError(); } SID *logon_sid = NULL; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < token_groups->GroupCount ; ++i) { if ((token_groups->Groups[i].Attributes & SE_GROUP_LOGON_ID) != 0) { logon_sid = static_cast<SID*>(token_groups->Groups[i].Sid); break; } } if (logon_sid) sids_to_restrict_.push_back(logon_sid); delete[] reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(token_groups); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } unsigned RestrictedToken::AddRestrictingSidCurrentUser() { DCHECK(init_); if (!init_) return ERROR_NO_TOKEN; DWORD size = sizeof(TOKEN_USER) + SECURITY_MAX_SID_SIZE; TOKEN_USER* token_user = reinterpret_cast<TOKEN_USER*>(new BYTE[size]); BOOL result = ::GetTokenInformation(effective_token_, TokenUser, token_user, size, &size); if (!result) { delete[] reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(token_user); return ::GetLastError(); } Sid user = reinterpret_cast<SID*>(token_user->User.Sid); sids_to_restrict_.push_back(user); delete[] reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(token_user); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } unsigned RestrictedToken::AddRestrictingSidAllSids() { DCHECK(init_); if (!init_) return ERROR_NO_TOKEN; // Add the current user to the list. unsigned error = AddRestrictingSidCurrentUser(); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != error) return error; TOKEN_GROUPS *token_groups = NULL; DWORD size = 0; // Get the buffer size required. BOOL result = ::GetTokenInformation(effective_token_, TokenGroups, NULL, 0, &size); if (!size) return ::GetLastError(); token_groups = reinterpret_cast<TOKEN_GROUPS*>(new BYTE[size]); result = ::GetTokenInformation(effective_token_, TokenGroups, token_groups, size, &size); if (!result) { delete[] reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(token_groups); return ::GetLastError(); } // Build the list of restricting sids from all groups. for (unsigned int i = 0; i < token_groups->GroupCount ; ++i) { if ((token_groups->Groups[i].Attributes & SE_GROUP_INTEGRITY) == 0) AddRestrictingSid(reinterpret_cast<SID*>(token_groups->Groups[i].Sid)); } delete[] reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(token_groups); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } unsigned RestrictedToken::SetIntegrityLevel(IntegrityLevel integrity_level) { integrity_level_ = integrity_level; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } } // namespace sandbox