# Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.


env = env.Clone()

if env.Bit('windows'):

  # NOTE:  env.Replace() instead of inhering the normal *.scons settings!
      CPPDEFINES = [
          ('_WIN32_WINNT', '0x0501'),
          ('WINVER', '0x0501'),
      CPPPATH = [
      CCFLAGS = [


          '/GS-',   # VCCLCompilerTool.BufferSecurityCheck="false"
          '/GR-',   # VCCLCompilerTool.RuntimeTypeInfo="false"
          '/W3',    # treat warnings as errors
          '/Wp64',  # VCCLCompilerTool.Detect64BitPortabilityProblems="false"

          # In the old Visual Studio build, we used /Zi (edit and continue),
          # VCCLComilerTool.DebugInformationFormat="3".
          # /Zi ends up with multiple compiler invocations trying to updat
          # the same vc80.pdb file at the same time, with race conditions
          # and permission problems.  We're using /Z7 because it makes things
          # work even in parallel builds, without special config to avoid
          # multiple simultaneous updates the vc80.pdb file.  All the
          # debugging information and capability still end up in the
          # executables.
          '/Z7',    # VCCLCompilerTool.DebugInformationFormat="1"

      LINKFLAGS = [
  if env['TARGET_DEBUG']:
        CPPDEFINES = [
        CCFLAGS = [
        CPPDEFINES = [
        CCFLAGS = [
            '/MT',      # VCCLLinkerTool.RuntimeLibrary="0"
        LINKFLAGS = [
            '/OPT:REF', # VCCLLinkerTool.OptimizeReferences="2"
            '/OPT:ICF', # VCCLLinkerTool.EnableCOMDATFolding="2"

input_files = [

env.ChromeProgram('wow_helper', input_files)