# Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

import re


env = env.Clone(OPEN_VCDIFF_DIR='open-vcdiff')

cpppath = [

if env['PLATFORM'] == 'win32':

env.Prepend(CPPPATH = cpppath)

input_files = [

env.ChromeStaticLibrary('sdch', input_files)

if env['PLATFORM'] in ('posix', 'darwin'):

  # Generate a target config.h file from a source config.h.in file.
  # The list of defines has been taken empirically from Autoconf
  # (./configure) runs on Mac OS X and Ubuntu Hardy.

  defines = [
      ('PACKAGE', '"open-vcdiff"'),
      ('PACKAGE_BUGREPORT', '"opensource@google.com"'),
      ('PACKAGE_NAME', '"open-vcdiff"'),
      ('PACKAGE_STRING', '"open-vcdiff 0.1"'),
      ('PACKAGE_TARNAME', '"open-vcdiff"'),
      ('PACKAGE_VERSION', '"0.1"'),
      ('VERSION', '"0.1"'),

  if env['PLATFORM'] == 'posix':

  if env['PLATFORM'] == 'darwin':

  def AutoConfig(target, source, env):
    Action to generate a config.h file from an Autotools config.h.in file,
    given the list of definitions in the DEFINES construction variable.

    Each entry in DEFINES is either a string, in which case it
    will be enabled with a value of 1, or a tuple, in which case
    the first element is the #define name and the second its value.

    Any leftover #undef lines get commented out.
    contents = open(str(source[0]), 'r').read()

    for d in env['DEFINES']:
        if isinstance(d, tuple):
            define, value = d
            define = d
            value = 1
        undef = '^#undef %s$' % re.escape(define)
        definition = '#define %s %s' % (define, value)
        contents = re.sub(undef, definition, contents)

    undef_re = re.compile(r'^(#undef .*)$', re.M)
    contents = undef_re.sub(r'/* \1 */', contents)

    header = '/* src/config.h.  Generated by SCons.  */\n'
    open(str(target[0]), 'w').write(header + contents)

  # varlist['DEFINES'] below makes the target config.h file depend
  # on the list of definitions in the passed-in $DEFINES variable.
              Action(AutoConfig, varlist=['DEFINES']),