/* libs/graphics/animator/SkCondensedRelease.cpp ** ** Copyright 2006, Google Inc. ** ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ** You may obtain a copy of the License at ** ** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ** ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ** limitations under the License. */ #include "SkTypes.h" #ifndef SK_BUILD_FOR_UNIX #ifdef SK_RELEASE // This file was automatically generated. // To change it, edit the file with the matching debug info. // Then execute SkDisplayType::BuildCondensedInfo() to regenerate this file. static const char gMathStrings[] = "E\0" "LN10\0" "LN2\0" "LOG10E\0" "LOG2E\0" "PI\0" "SQRT1_2\0" "SQRT2\0" "abs\0" "acos\0" "asin\0" "atan\0" "atan2\0" "ceil\0" "cos\0" "exp\0" "floor\0" "log\0" "max\0" "min\0" "pow\0" "random\0" "round\0" "sin\0" "sqrt\0" "tan" ; static const SkMemberInfo gMathInfo[] = { {0, -1, 67, 98}, {2, -2, 67, 98}, {7, -3, 67, 98}, {11, -4, 67, 98}, {18, -5, 67, 98}, {24, -6, 67, 98}, {27, -7, 67, 98}, {35, -8, 67, 98}, {41, -1, 66, 98}, {45, -2, 66, 98}, {50, -3, 66, 98}, {55, -4, 66, 98}, {60, -5, 66, 98}, {66, -6, 66, 98}, {71, -7, 66, 98}, {75, -8, 66, 98}, {79, -9, 66, 98}, {85, -10, 66, 98}, {89, -11, 66, 98}, {93, -12, 66, 98}, {97, -13, 66, 98}, {101, -14, 66, 98}, {108, -15, 66, 98}, {114, -16, 66, 98}, {118, -17, 66, 98}, {123, -18, 66, 98} }; static const char gAddStrings[] = "inPlace\0" "offset\0" "use\0" "where" ; static const SkMemberInfo gAddInfo[] = { {0, 4, 26, 1}, {8, 8, 96, 1}, {15, 12, 37, 1}, {19, 16, 37, 1} }; static const char gAddCircleStrings[] = "\0" "radius\0" "x\0" "y" ; static const SkMemberInfo gAddCircleInfo[] = { {0, 3, 18, 1}, {1, 12, 98, 1}, {8, 16, 98, 1}, {10, 20, 98, 1} }; static const char gUnknown1Strings[] = "direction" ; static const SkMemberInfo gUnknown1Info[] = { {0, 8, 75, 1} }; static const char gAddOvalStrings[] = "" ; static const SkMemberInfo gAddOvalInfo[] = { {0, 6, 18, 5} }; static const char gAddPathStrings[] = "matrix\0" "path" ; static const SkMemberInfo gAddPathInfo[] = { {0, 8, 65, 1}, {7, 12, 74, 1} }; static const char gAddRectangleStrings[] = "\0" "bottom\0" "left\0" "right\0" "top" ; static const SkMemberInfo gAddRectangleInfo[] = { {0, 3, 18, 1}, {1, 24, 98, 1}, {8, 12, 98, 1}, {13, 20, 98, 1}, {19, 16, 98, 1} }; static const char gAddRoundRectStrings[] = "\0" "rx\0" "ry" ; static const SkMemberInfo gAddRoundRectInfo[] = { {0, 6, 18, 5}, {1, 28, 98, 1}, {4, 32, 98, 1} }; static const char gUnknown2Strings[] = "begin\0" "blend\0" "dur\0" "dynamic\0" "field\0" "formula\0" "from\0" "mirror\0" "repeat\0" "reset\0" "target\0" "to\0" "values" ; static const SkMemberInfo gUnknown2Info[] = { {0, 4, 71, 1}, {6, 8, 119, 98}, {12, 16, 71, 1}, {16, -1, 67, 26}, {24, 20, 108, 1}, {30, 24, 40, 1}, {38, 28, 40, 1}, {43, -2, 67, 26}, {50, 32, 98, 1}, {57, -3, 67, 26}, {63, 36, 40, 1}, {70, 40, 40, 1}, {73, -4, 67, 40} }; static const char gAnimateFieldStrings[] = "" ; static const SkMemberInfo gAnimateFieldInfo[] = { {0, 8, 18, 13} }; static const char gApplyStrings[] = "animator\0" "begin\0" "dontDraw\0" "dynamicScope\0" "interval\0" "mode\0" "pickup\0" "restore\0" "scope\0" "step\0" "steps\0" "time\0" "transition" ; static const SkMemberInfo gApplyInfo[] = { {0, -1, 67, 10}, {9, 4, 71, 1}, {15, 8, 26, 1}, {24, 12, 108, 1}, {37, 16, 71, 1}, {46, 20, 13, 1}, {51, 24, 26, 1}, {58, 28, 26, 1}, {66, 32, 37, 1}, {72, -2, 67, 96}, {77, 36, 96, 1}, {83, -3, 67, 71}, {88, 40, 14, 1} }; static const char gUnknown3Strings[] = "x\0" "y" ; static const SkMemberInfo gUnknown3Info[] = { {0, 36, 98, 1}, {2, 40, 98, 1} }; static const char gBitmapStrings[] = "\0" "erase\0" "format\0" "height\0" "rowBytes\0" "width" ; static const SkMemberInfo gDrawBitmapInfo[] = { {0, 11, 18, 2}, {1, -1, 67, 15}, {7, 44, 21, 1}, {14, 48, 96, 1}, {21, 52, 96, 1}, {30, 56, 96, 1} }; static const char gBitmapShaderStrings[] = "\0" "filterType\0" "image" ; static const SkMemberInfo gDrawBitmapShaderInfo[] = { {0, 66, 18, 2}, {1, 16, 47, 1}, {12, 20, 17, 1} }; static const char gBlurStrings[] = "blurStyle\0" "radius" ; static const SkMemberInfo gDrawBlurInfo[] = { {0, 12, 63, 1}, {10, 8, 98, 1} }; static const char gBoundsStrings[] = "\0" "inval" ; static const SkMemberInfo gDisplayBoundsInfo[] = { {0, 57, 18, 7}, {1, 32, 26, 1} }; static const char gClipStrings[] = "path\0" "rectangle" ; static const SkMemberInfo gDrawClipInfo[] = { {0, 8, 74, 1}, {5, 4, 91, 1} }; static const char gColorStrings[] = "alpha\0" "blue\0" "color\0" "green\0" "hue\0" "red\0" "saturation\0" "value" ; static const SkMemberInfo gDrawColorInfo[] = { {0, -1, 67, 98}, {6, -2, 67, 98}, {11, 8, 15, 1}, {17, -3, 67, 98}, {23, -4, 67, 98}, {27, -5, 67, 98}, {31, -6, 67, 98}, {42, -7, 67, 98} }; static const char gCubicToStrings[] = "x1\0" "x2\0" "x3\0" "y1\0" "y2\0" "y3" ; static const SkMemberInfo gCubicToInfo[] = { {0, 8, 98, 1}, {3, 16, 98, 1}, {6, 24, 98, 1}, {9, 12, 98, 1}, {12, 20, 98, 1}, {15, 28, 98, 1} }; static const char gDashStrings[] = "intervals\0" "phase" ; static const SkMemberInfo gDashInfo[] = { {0, 8, 119, 98}, {10, 16, 98, 1} }; static const char gDataStrings[] = "\0" "name" ; static const SkMemberInfo gDataInfo[] = { {0, 32, 18, 3}, {1, 16, 108, 1} }; static const char gDiscreteStrings[] = "deviation\0" "segLength" ; static const SkMemberInfo gDiscreteInfo[] = { {0, 8, 98, 1}, {10, 12, 98, 1} }; static const char gDrawToStrings[] = "drawOnce\0" "use" ; static const SkMemberInfo gDrawToInfo[] = { {0, 36, 26, 1}, {9, 40, 19, 1} }; static const char gEmbossStrings[] = "ambient\0" "direction\0" "radius\0" "specular" ; static const SkMemberInfo gDrawEmbossInfo[] = { {0, -1, 67, 98}, {8, 8, 119, 98}, {18, 16, 98, 1}, {25, -2, 67, 98} }; static const char gEventStrings[] = "code\0" "disable\0" "key\0" "keys\0" "kind\0" "target\0" "x\0" "y" ; static const SkMemberInfo gDisplayEventInfo[] = { {0, 4, 43, 1}, {5, 8, 26, 1}, {13, -1, 67, 108}, {17, -2, 67, 108}, {22, 12, 44, 1}, {27, 16, 108, 1}, {34, 20, 98, 1}, {36, 24, 98, 1} }; static const char gFromPathStrings[] = "mode\0" "offset\0" "path" ; static const SkMemberInfo gFromPathInfo[] = { {0, 8, 49, 1}, {5, 12, 98, 1}, {12, 16, 74, 1} }; static const char gUnknown4Strings[] = "\0" "offsets\0" "unitMapper" ; static const SkMemberInfo gUnknown4Info[] = { {0, 66, 18, 2}, {1, 16, 119, 98}, {9, 24, 108, 1} }; static const char gGStrings[] = "condition\0" "enableCondition" ; static const SkMemberInfo gGInfo[] = { {0, 4, 40, 1}, {10, 8, 40, 1} }; static const char gHitClearStrings[] = "targets" ; static const SkMemberInfo gHitClearInfo[] = { {0, 4, 119, 36} }; static const char gHitTestStrings[] = "bullets\0" "hits\0" "targets\0" "value" ; static const SkMemberInfo gHitTestInfo[] = { {0, 4, 119, 36}, {8, 12, 119, 96}, {13, 20, 119, 36}, {21, 28, 26, 1} }; static const char gImageStrings[] = "\0" "base64\0" "src" ; static const SkMemberInfo gImageInfo[] = { {0, 11, 18, 2}, {1, 44, 16, 2}, {8, 52, 108, 1} }; static const char gIncludeStrings[] = "src" ; static const SkMemberInfo gIncludeInfo[] = { {0, 4, 108, 1} }; static const char gInputStrings[] = "s32\0" "scalar\0" "string" ; static const SkMemberInfo gInputInfo[] = { {0, 4, 96, 1}, {4, 8, 98, 1}, {11, 12, 108, 1} }; static const char gLineStrings[] = "x1\0" "x2\0" "y1\0" "y2" ; static const SkMemberInfo gLineInfo[] = { {0, 12, 98, 1}, {3, 16, 98, 1}, {6, 20, 98, 1}, {9, 24, 98, 1} }; static const char gLineToStrings[] = "x\0" "y" ; static const SkMemberInfo gLineToInfo[] = { {0, 8, 98, 1}, {2, 12, 98, 1} }; static const char gLinearGradientStrings[] = "\0" "points" ; static const SkMemberInfo gLinearGradientInfo[] = { {0, 26, 18, 3}, {1, 48, 77, 4} }; static const char gMatrixStrings[] = "matrix\0" "perspectX\0" "perspectY\0" "rotate\0" "scale\0" "scaleX\0" "scaleY\0" "skewX\0" "skewY\0" "translate\0" "translateX\0" "translateY" ; static const SkMemberInfo gDrawMatrixInfo[] = { {0, 4, 119, 98}, {7, -1, 67, 98}, {17, -2, 67, 98}, {27, -3, 67, 98}, {34, -4, 67, 98}, {40, -5, 67, 98}, {47, -6, 67, 98}, {54, -7, 67, 98}, {60, -8, 67, 98}, {66, -9, 67, 77}, {76, -10, 67, 98}, {87, -11, 67, 98} }; static const char gMoveStrings[] = "" ; static const SkMemberInfo gMoveInfo[] = { {0, 1, 18, 4} }; static const char gMoveToStrings[] = "x\0" "y" ; static const SkMemberInfo gMoveToInfo[] = { {0, 8, 98, 1}, {2, 12, 98, 1} }; static const char gMovieStrings[] = "src" ; static const SkMemberInfo gMovieInfo[] = { {0, 4, 108, 1} }; static const char gOvalStrings[] = "" ; static const SkMemberInfo gOvalInfo[] = { {0, 57, 18, 7} }; static const char gPaintStrings[] = "antiAlias\0" "ascent\0" "color\0" "descent\0" "filterType\0" "linearText\0" "maskFilter\0" "measureText\0" "pathEffect\0" "shader\0" "strikeThru\0" "stroke\0" "strokeCap\0" "strokeJoin\0" "strokeMiter\0" "strokeWidth\0" "style\0" "textAlign\0" "textScaleX\0" "textSize\0" "textSkewX\0" "textTracking\0" "typeface\0" "underline\0" "xfermode" ; static const SkMemberInfo gDrawPaintInfo[] = { {0, 4, 26, 1}, {10, -1, 67, 98}, {17, 8, 31, 1}, {23, -2, 67, 98}, {31, 12, 47, 1}, {42, 16, 26, 1}, {53, 20, 62, 1}, {64, -1, 66, 98}, {76, 24, 76, 1}, {87, 28, 102, 1}, {94, 32, 26, 1}, {105, 36, 26, 1}, {112, 40, 27, 1}, {122, 44, 58, 1}, {133, 48, 98, 1}, {145, 52, 98, 1}, {157, 56, 109, 1}, {163, 60, 9, 1}, {173, 64, 98, 1}, {184, 68, 98, 1}, {193, 72, 98, 1}, {203, 76, 98, 1}, {216, 80, 120, 1}, {225, 84, 26, 1}, {235, 88, 121, 1} }; static const char gPathStrings[] = "d\0" "fillType\0" "length" ; static const SkMemberInfo gDrawPathInfo[] = { {0, 32, 108, 1}, {2, -1, 67, 46}, {11, -2, 67, 98} }; static const char gUnknown5Strings[] = "x\0" "y\0" "z" ; static const SkMemberInfo gUnknown5Info[] = { {0, 0, 98, 1}, {2, 4, 98, 1}, {4, 8, 98, 1} }; static const char gPointStrings[] = "x\0" "y" ; static const SkMemberInfo gDrawPointInfo[] = { {0, 4, 98, 1}, {2, 8, 98, 1} }; static const char gPolyToPolyStrings[] = "destination\0" "source" ; static const SkMemberInfo gPolyToPolyInfo[] = { {0, 12, 80, 1}, {12, 8, 80, 1} }; static const char gPolygonStrings[] = "" ; static const SkMemberInfo gPolygonInfo[] = { {0, 47, 18, 1} }; static const char gPolylineStrings[] = "points" ; static const SkMemberInfo gPolylineInfo[] = { {0, 56, 119, 98} }; static const char gPostStrings[] = "delay\0" "initialized\0" "mode\0" "sink\0" "target\0" "type" ; static const SkMemberInfo gPostInfo[] = { {0, 4, 71, 1}, {6, 8, 26, 1}, {18, 12, 45, 1}, {23, -1, 67, 108}, {28, -2, 67, 108}, {35, -3, 67, 108} }; static const char gQuadToStrings[] = "x1\0" "x2\0" "y1\0" "y2" ; static const SkMemberInfo gQuadToInfo[] = { {0, 8, 98, 1}, {3, 16, 98, 1}, {6, 12, 98, 1}, {9, 20, 98, 1} }; static const char gRCubicToStrings[] = "" ; static const SkMemberInfo gRCubicToInfo[] = { {0, 18, 18, 6} }; static const char gRLineToStrings[] = "" ; static const SkMemberInfo gRLineToInfo[] = { {0, 34, 18, 2} }; static const char gRMoveToStrings[] = "" ; static const SkMemberInfo gRMoveToInfo[] = { {0, 38, 18, 2} }; static const char gRQuadToStrings[] = "" ; static const SkMemberInfo gRQuadToInfo[] = { {0, 49, 18, 4} }; static const char gRadialGradientStrings[] = "\0" "center\0" "radius" ; static const SkMemberInfo gRadialGradientInfo[] = { {0, 26, 18, 3}, {1, 48, 77, 2}, {8, 56, 98, 1} }; static const char gRandomStrings[] = "blend\0" "max\0" "min\0" "random\0" "seed" ; static const SkMemberInfo gDisplayRandomInfo[] = { {0, 4, 98, 1}, {6, 12, 98, 1}, {10, 8, 98, 1}, {14, 1, 67, 98}, {21, -2, 67, 96} }; static const char gRectToRectStrings[] = "destination\0" "source" ; static const SkMemberInfo gRectToRectInfo[] = { {0, 12, 91, 1}, {12, 8, 91, 1} }; static const char gRectangleStrings[] = "bottom\0" "height\0" "left\0" "needsRedraw\0" "right\0" "top\0" "width" ; static const SkMemberInfo gRectangleInfo[] = { {0, 24, 98, 1}, {7, -1, 67, 98}, {14, 12, 98, 1}, {19, -2, 67, 26}, {31, 20, 98, 1}, {37, 16, 98, 1}, {41, -3, 67, 98} }; static const char gRemoveStrings[] = "offset\0" "where" ; static const SkMemberInfo gRemoveInfo[] = { {0, 8, 96, 1}, {7, 16, 37, 1} }; static const char gReplaceStrings[] = "" ; static const SkMemberInfo gReplaceInfo[] = { {0, 1, 18, 4} }; static const char gRotateStrings[] = "center\0" "degrees" ; static const SkMemberInfo gRotateInfo[] = { {0, 12, 77, 2}, {7, 8, 98, 1} }; static const char gRoundRectStrings[] = "\0" "rx\0" "ry" ; static const SkMemberInfo gRoundRectInfo[] = { {0, 57, 18, 7}, {1, 32, 98, 1}, {4, 36, 98, 1} }; static const char gS32Strings[] = "value" ; static const SkMemberInfo gS32Info[] = { {0, 4, 96, 1} }; static const char gScalarStrings[] = "value" ; static const SkMemberInfo gScalarInfo[] = { {0, 4, 98, 1} }; static const char gScaleStrings[] = "center\0" "x\0" "y" ; static const SkMemberInfo gScaleInfo[] = { {0, 16, 77, 2}, {7, 8, 98, 1}, {9, 12, 98, 1} }; static const char gSetStrings[] = "begin\0" "dur\0" "dynamic\0" "field\0" "formula\0" "reset\0" "target\0" "to" ; static const SkMemberInfo gSetInfo[] = { {0, 4, 71, 1}, {6, 16, 71, 1}, {10, -1, 67, 26}, {18, 20, 108, 1}, {24, 24, 40, 1}, {32, -3, 67, 26}, {38, 36, 40, 1}, {45, 40, 40, 1} }; static const char gShaderStrings[] = "matrix\0" "tileMode" ; static const SkMemberInfo gShaderInfo[] = { {0, 8, 65, 1}, {7, 12, 116, 1} }; static const char gSkewStrings[] = "center\0" "x\0" "y" ; static const SkMemberInfo gSkewInfo[] = { {0, 16, 77, 2}, {7, 8, 98, 1}, {9, 12, 98, 1} }; static const char g3D_CameraStrings[] = "axis\0" "hackHeight\0" "hackWidth\0" "location\0" "observer\0" "patch\0" "zenith" ; static const SkMemberInfo g3D_CameraInfo[] = { {0, 24, 106, 3}, {5, 8, 98, 1}, {16, 4, 98, 1}, {26, 12, 106, 3}, {35, 48, 106, 3}, {44, 96, 105, 1}, {50, 36, 106, 3} }; static const char g3D_PatchStrings[] = "origin\0" "rotateDegrees\0" "u\0" "v" ; static const SkMemberInfo g3D_PatchInfo[] = { {0, 28, 106, 3}, {7, -1, 66, 98}, {21, 4, 106, 3}, {23, 16, 106, 3} }; static const char gUnknown6Strings[] = "x\0" "y\0" "z" ; static const SkMemberInfo gUnknown6Info[] = { {0, 0, 98, 1}, {2, 4, 98, 1}, {4, 8, 98, 1} }; static const char gSnapshotStrings[] = "filename\0" "quality\0" "sequence\0" "type" ; static const SkMemberInfo gSnapshotInfo[] = { {0, 4, 108, 1}, {9, 8, 98, 1}, {17, 12, 26, 1}, {26, 16, 20, 1} }; static const char gStringStrings[] = "length\0" "slice\0" "value" ; static const SkMemberInfo gStringInfo[] = { {0, -1, 67, 96}, {7, -1, 66, 108}, {13, 4, 108, 1} }; static const char gTextStrings[] = "length\0" "text\0" "x\0" "y" ; static const SkMemberInfo gTextInfo[] = { {0, -1, 67, 96}, {7, 12, 108, 1}, {12, 16, 98, 1}, {14, 20, 98, 1} }; static const char gTextBoxStrings[] = "\0" "mode\0" "spacingAdd\0" "spacingAlign\0" "spacingMul\0" "text" ; static const SkMemberInfo gTextBoxInfo[] = { {0, 57, 18, 7}, {1, 44, 113, 1}, {6, 40, 98, 1}, {17, 48, 112, 1}, {30, 36, 98, 1}, {41, 32, 108, 1} }; static const char gTextOnPathStrings[] = "offset\0" "path\0" "text" ; static const SkMemberInfo gTextOnPathInfo[] = { {0, 12, 98, 1}, {7, 16, 74, 1}, {12, 20, 110, 1} }; static const char gTextToPathStrings[] = "path\0" "text" ; static const SkMemberInfo gTextToPathInfo[] = { {0, 4, 74, 1}, {5, 8, 110, 1} }; static const char gTranslateStrings[] = "x\0" "y" ; static const SkMemberInfo gTranslateInfo[] = { {0, 8, 98, 1}, {2, 12, 98, 1} }; static const char gTypedArrayStrings[] = "length\0" "values" ; static const SkMemberInfo gTypedArrayInfo[] = { {0, -1, 67, 96}, {7, 4, 119, 0} }; static const char gTypefaceStrings[] = "fontName" ; static const SkMemberInfo gTypefaceInfo[] = { {0, 8, 108, 1} }; static const SkMemberInfo* const gInfoTables[] = { gMathInfo, gAddInfo, gAddCircleInfo, gUnknown1Info, gAddOvalInfo, gAddPathInfo, gAddRectangleInfo, gAddRoundRectInfo, gUnknown2Info, gAnimateFieldInfo, gApplyInfo, gUnknown3Info, gDrawBitmapInfo, gDrawBitmapShaderInfo, gDrawBlurInfo, gDisplayBoundsInfo, gDrawClipInfo, gDrawColorInfo, gCubicToInfo, gDashInfo, gDataInfo, gDiscreteInfo, gDrawToInfo, gDrawEmbossInfo, gDisplayEventInfo, gFromPathInfo, gUnknown4Info, gGInfo, gHitClearInfo, gHitTestInfo, gImageInfo, gIncludeInfo, gInputInfo, gLineInfo, gLineToInfo, gLinearGradientInfo, gDrawMatrixInfo, gMoveInfo, gMoveToInfo, gMovieInfo, gOvalInfo, gDrawPaintInfo, gDrawPathInfo, gUnknown5Info, gDrawPointInfo, gPolyToPolyInfo, gPolygonInfo, gPolylineInfo, gPostInfo, gQuadToInfo, gRCubicToInfo, gRLineToInfo, gRMoveToInfo, gRQuadToInfo, gRadialGradientInfo, gDisplayRandomInfo, gRectToRectInfo, gRectangleInfo, gRemoveInfo, gReplaceInfo, gRotateInfo, gRoundRectInfo, gS32Info, gScalarInfo, gScaleInfo, gSetInfo, gShaderInfo, gSkewInfo, g3D_CameraInfo, g3D_PatchInfo, gUnknown6Info, gSnapshotInfo, gStringInfo, gTextInfo, gTextBoxInfo, gTextOnPathInfo, gTextToPathInfo, gTranslateInfo, gTypedArrayInfo, gTypefaceInfo, }; static const unsigned char gInfoCounts[] = { 26,4,4,1,1,2,5,3,13,1,13,2,6,3,2,2,2,8,6, 2,2,2,2,4,8,3,3,2,1,4,3,1,3,4,2,2,12,1,2, 1,1,25,3,3,2,2,1,1,6,4,1,1,1,1,3,5,2,7,2, 1,2,3,1,1,3,8,2,3,7,4,3,4,3,4,6,3,2,2,2, 1 }; static const unsigned char gTypeIDs[] = { 1, // Math 2, // Add 3, // AddCircle 4, // Unknown1 5, // AddOval 6, // AddPath 7, // AddRectangle 8, // AddRoundRect 10, // Unknown2 11, // AnimateField 12, // Apply 17, // Unknown3 19, // Bitmap 22, // BitmapShader 23, // Blur 25, // Bounds 29, // Clip 31, // Color 32, // CubicTo 33, // Dash 34, // Data 35, // Discrete 38, // DrawTo 41, // Emboss 42, // Event 48, // FromPath 51, // Unknown4 52, // G 53, // HitClear 54, // HitTest 55, // Image 56, // Include 57, // Input 59, // Line 60, // LineTo 61, // LinearGradient 65, // Matrix 68, // Move 69, // MoveTo 70, // Movie 72, // Oval 73, // Paint 74, // Path 77, // Unknown5 78, // Point 79, // PolyToPoly 80, // Polygon 81, // Polyline 82, // Post 83, // QuadTo 84, // RCubicTo 85, // RLineTo 86, // RMoveTo 87, // RQuadTo 88, // RadialGradient 89, // Random 90, // RectToRect 91, // Rectangle 92, // Remove 93, // Replace 94, // Rotate 95, // RoundRect 96, // S32 98, // Scalar 99, // Scale 101, // Set 102, // Shader 103, // Skew 104, // 3D_Camera 105, // 3D_Patch 106, // Unknown6 107, // Snapshot 108, // String 110, // Text 111, // TextBox 114, // TextOnPath 115, // TextToPath 117, // Translate 119, // TypedArray 120, // Typeface }; static const int kTypeIDs = 80; static const char* const gInfoNames[] = { gMathStrings, gAddStrings, gAddCircleStrings, gUnknown1Strings, gAddOvalStrings, gAddPathStrings, gAddRectangleStrings, gAddRoundRectStrings, gUnknown2Strings, gAnimateFieldStrings, gApplyStrings, gUnknown3Strings, gBitmapStrings, gBitmapShaderStrings, gBlurStrings, gBoundsStrings, gClipStrings, gColorStrings, gCubicToStrings, gDashStrings, gDataStrings, gDiscreteStrings, gDrawToStrings, gEmbossStrings, gEventStrings, gFromPathStrings, gUnknown4Strings, gGStrings, gHitClearStrings, gHitTestStrings, gImageStrings, gIncludeStrings, gInputStrings, gLineStrings, gLineToStrings, gLinearGradientStrings, gMatrixStrings, gMoveStrings, gMoveToStrings, gMovieStrings, gOvalStrings, gPaintStrings, gPathStrings, gUnknown5Strings, gPointStrings, gPolyToPolyStrings, gPolygonStrings, gPolylineStrings, gPostStrings, gQuadToStrings, gRCubicToStrings, gRLineToStrings, gRMoveToStrings, gRQuadToStrings, gRadialGradientStrings, gRandomStrings, gRectToRectStrings, gRectangleStrings, gRemoveStrings, gReplaceStrings, gRotateStrings, gRoundRectStrings, gS32Strings, gScalarStrings, gScaleStrings, gSetStrings, gShaderStrings, gSkewStrings, g3D_CameraStrings, g3D_PatchStrings, gUnknown6Strings, gSnapshotStrings, gStringStrings, gTextStrings, gTextBoxStrings, gTextOnPathStrings, gTextToPathStrings, gTranslateStrings, gTypedArrayStrings, gTypefaceStrings }; #endif #endif