/* libs/graphics/ports/SkFontHost_fontconfig.cpp ** ** Copyright 2008, Google Inc. ** ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ** You may obtain a copy of the License at ** ** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ** ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ** limitations under the License. */ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This file provides implementations of the font resolution members of // SkFontHost by using the fontconfig[1] library. Fontconfig is usually found // on Linux systems and handles configuration, parsing and caching issues // involved with enumerating and matching fonts. // // [1] http://fontconfig.org // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #include #include "base/compiler_specific.h" #include "third_party/skia/src/ports/SkFontDescriptor.h" #include "SkFontHost.h" #include "SkStream.h" #include "SkFontHost_fontconfig_control.h" #include "SkFontHost_fontconfig_impl.h" #include "SkFontHost_fontconfig_direct.h" static FontConfigInterface* global_fc_impl = NULL; void SkiaFontConfigUseDirectImplementation() { if (global_fc_impl) delete global_fc_impl; global_fc_impl = new FontConfigDirect; } void SkiaFontConfigSetImplementation(FontConfigInterface* font_config) { if (global_fc_impl) delete global_fc_impl; global_fc_impl = font_config; } static FontConfigInterface* GetFcImpl() { if (!global_fc_impl) global_fc_impl = new FontConfigDirect; return global_fc_impl; } SK_DECLARE_STATIC_MUTEX(global_remote_font_map_lock); static std::map >* global_remote_fonts; // Initialize the map declared above. Note that its corresponding mutex must be // locked before calling this function. static void AllocateGlobalRemoteFontsMapOnce() { if (!global_remote_fonts) { global_remote_fonts = new std::map >(); } } static unsigned global_next_remote_font_id; // This is the maximum size of the font cache. static const unsigned kFontCacheMemoryBudget = 2 * 1024 * 1024; // 2MB // UniqueIds are encoded as (filefaceid << 8) | style // For system fonts, filefaceid = (fileid << 4) | face_index. // For remote fonts, filefaceid = fileid. static unsigned UniqueIdToFileFaceId(unsigned uniqueid) { return uniqueid >> 8; } static SkTypeface::Style UniqueIdToStyle(unsigned uniqueid) { return static_cast(uniqueid & 0xff); } static unsigned FileFaceIdAndStyleToUniqueId(unsigned filefaceid, SkTypeface::Style style) { SkASSERT((style & 0xff) == style); return (filefaceid << 8) | static_cast(style); } static const unsigned kRemoteFontMask = 0x00800000u; static bool IsRemoteFont(unsigned filefaceid) { return filefaceid & kRemoteFontMask; } class FontConfigTypeface : public SkTypeface { public: FontConfigTypeface(Style style, uint32_t id) : SkTypeface(style, id) { } virtual ~FontConfigTypeface() { const uint32_t id = uniqueID(); if (IsRemoteFont(UniqueIdToFileFaceId(id))) { SkAutoMutexAcquire ac(global_remote_font_map_lock); AllocateGlobalRemoteFontsMapOnce(); std::map >::iterator iter = global_remote_fonts->find(id); if (iter != global_remote_fonts->end()) { sk_free(iter->second.first); // remove the font on memory. global_remote_fonts->erase(iter); } } } }; // static SkTypeface* SkFontHost::CreateTypeface(const SkTypeface* familyFace, const char familyName[], SkTypeface::Style style) { std::string resolved_family_name; if (familyFace) { // Given the fileid we can ask fontconfig for the familyname of the // font. const unsigned filefaceid = UniqueIdToFileFaceId(familyFace->uniqueID()); if (!GetFcImpl()->Match(&resolved_family_name, NULL, true /* filefaceid valid */, filefaceid, "", NULL, 0, NULL, NULL)) { return NULL; } } else if (familyName) { resolved_family_name = familyName; } bool bold = style & SkTypeface::kBold; bool italic = style & SkTypeface::kItalic; unsigned filefaceid; if (!GetFcImpl()->Match(NULL, &filefaceid, false, -1, /* no filefaceid */ resolved_family_name, NULL, 0, &bold, &italic)) { return NULL; } const SkTypeface::Style resulting_style = static_cast( (bold ? SkTypeface::kBold : 0) | (italic ? SkTypeface::kItalic : 0)); const unsigned id = FileFaceIdAndStyleToUniqueId(filefaceid, resulting_style); SkTypeface* typeface = SkNEW_ARGS(FontConfigTypeface, (resulting_style, id)); return typeface; } // static SkTypeface* SkFontHost::CreateTypefaceFromStream(SkStream* stream) { if (!stream) return NULL; const size_t length = stream->read(0, 0); if (!length) return NULL; if (length >= 1024 * 1024 * 1024) return NULL; // don't accept too large fonts (>= 1GB) for safety. uint8_t* font = (uint8_t*)sk_malloc_throw(length); if (stream->read(font, length) != length) { sk_free(font); return NULL; } SkTypeface::Style style = static_cast(0); unsigned id = 0; { SkAutoMutexAcquire ac(global_remote_font_map_lock); AllocateGlobalRemoteFontsMapOnce(); id = FileFaceIdAndStyleToUniqueId( global_next_remote_font_id | kRemoteFontMask, style); if (++global_next_remote_font_id >= kRemoteFontMask) global_next_remote_font_id = 0; if (!global_remote_fonts->insert( std::make_pair(id, std::make_pair(font, length))).second) { sk_free(font); return NULL; } } SkTypeface* typeface = SkNEW_ARGS(FontConfigTypeface, (style, id)); return typeface; } // static SkTypeface* SkFontHost::CreateTypefaceFromFile(const char path[]) { SkASSERT(!"SkFontHost::CreateTypefaceFromFile unimplemented"); return NULL; } uint32_t SkFontHost::NextLogicalFont(SkFontID curr, SkFontID orig) { // We don't handle font fallback, WebKit does. return 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Serialize, Deserialize need to be compatible across platforms, hence the use // of SkFontDescriptor. void SkFontHost::Serialize(const SkTypeface* face, SkWStream* stream) { SkFontDescriptor desc(face->style()); std::string resolved_family_name; const unsigned filefaceid = UniqueIdToFileFaceId(face->uniqueID()); if (GetFcImpl()->Match(&resolved_family_name, NULL, true /* filefaceid valid */, filefaceid, "", NULL, 0, NULL, NULL)) desc.setFamilyName(resolved_family_name.c_str()); else desc.setFamilyName("sans-serif"); // would also like other names (see SkFontDescriptor.h) desc.serialize(stream); // by convention, we also write out the actual sfnt data, preceeded by // a packed-length. For now we skip that, so we just write the zero. stream->writePackedUInt(0); } SkTypeface* SkFontHost::Deserialize(SkStream* stream) { SkFontDescriptor desc(stream); // by convention, Serialize will have also written the actual sfnt data. // for now, we just want to skip it. size_t size = stream->readPackedUInt(); stream->skip(size); return SkFontHost::CreateTypeface(NULL, desc.getFamilyName(), desc.getStyle()); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class SkFileDescriptorStream : public SkStream { public: SkFileDescriptorStream(int fd) { memory_ = NULL; offset_ = 0; // this ensures that if we fail in the constructor, we will safely // ignore all subsequent calls to read() because we will always trim // the requested size down to 0 length_ = 0; struct stat st; if (fstat(fd, &st)) return; void* memory = mmap(NULL, st.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0); close(fd); if (memory == MAP_FAILED) return; memory_ = reinterpret_cast(memory); length_ = st.st_size; } virtual ~SkFileDescriptorStream() { munmap(const_cast(memory_), length_); } virtual bool rewind() OVERRIDE { offset_ = 0; return true; } // SkStream implementation. virtual size_t read(void* buffer, size_t size) OVERRIDE { if (!buffer && !size) { // This is request for the length of the stream. return length_; } size_t remaining = length_ - offset_; if (size > remaining) size = remaining; if (buffer) memcpy(buffer, memory_ + offset_, size); offset_ += size; return size; } virtual const void* getMemoryBase() OVERRIDE { return memory_; } private: const uint8_t* memory_; size_t offset_, length_; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // static SkStream* SkFontHost::OpenStream(uint32_t id) { const unsigned filefaceid = UniqueIdToFileFaceId(id); if (IsRemoteFont(filefaceid)) { // remote font SkAutoMutexAcquire ac(global_remote_font_map_lock); AllocateGlobalRemoteFontsMapOnce(); std::map >::const_iterator iter = global_remote_fonts->find(id); if (iter == global_remote_fonts->end()) return NULL; return SkNEW_ARGS( SkMemoryStream, (iter->second.first, iter->second.second)); } // system font const int fd = GetFcImpl()->Open(filefaceid); if (fd < 0) return NULL; return SkNEW_ARGS(SkFileDescriptorStream, (fd)); } // static size_t SkFontHost::GetFileName(SkFontID fontID, char path[], size_t length, int32_t* index) { const unsigned filefaceid = UniqueIdToFileFaceId(fontID); if (IsRemoteFont(filefaceid)) return 0; if (index) { *index = filefaceid & 0xfu; // 1 is a bogus return value. // We had better change the signature of this function in Skia // to return bool to indicate success/failure and have another // out param for fileName length. if (!path) return 1; } if (path) SkASSERT(!"SkFontHost::GetFileName does not support the font path " "retrieval."); return 0; }