// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include <windows.h> #include <psapi.h> #include "skia/ext/bitmap_platform_device_win.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkMatrix.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkRefCnt.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkRegion.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkUtils.h" namespace skia { namespace { // Constrains position and size to fit within available_size. If |size| is -1, // all the available_size is used. Returns false if the position is out of // available_size. bool Constrain(int available_size, int* position, int *size) { if (*size < -2) return false; if (*position < 0) { if (*size != -1) *size += *position; *position = 0; } if (*size == 0 || *position >= available_size) return false; if (*size > 0) { int overflow = (*position + *size) - available_size; if (overflow > 0) { *size -= overflow; } } else { // Fill up available size. *size = available_size - *position; } return true; } } // namespace class BitmapPlatformDevice::BitmapPlatformDeviceData : public SkRefCnt { public: explicit BitmapPlatformDeviceData(HBITMAP hbitmap); // Create/destroy hdc_, which is the memory DC for our bitmap data. HDC GetBitmapDC(); void ReleaseBitmapDC(); bool IsBitmapDCCreated() const; // Sets the transform and clip operations. This will not update the DC, // but will mark the config as dirty. The next call of LoadConfig will // pick up these changes. void SetMatrixClip(const SkMatrix& transform, const SkRegion& region); const SkMatrix& transform() const { return transform_; } protected: // Loads the current transform and clip into the DC. Can be called even when // the DC is NULL (will be a NOP). void LoadConfig(); // Windows bitmap corresponding to our surface. HBITMAP hbitmap_; // Lazily-created DC used to draw into the bitmap, see getBitmapDC. HDC hdc_; // True when there is a transform or clip that has not been set to the DC. // The DC is retrieved for every text operation, and the transform and clip // do not change as much. We can save time by not loading the clip and // transform for every one. bool config_dirty_; // Translation assigned to the DC: we need to keep track of this separately // so it can be updated even if the DC isn't created yet. SkMatrix transform_; // The current clipping SkRegion clip_region_; private: virtual ~BitmapPlatformDeviceData(); // Copy & assign are not supported. BitmapPlatformDeviceData(const BitmapPlatformDeviceData&); BitmapPlatformDeviceData& operator=(const BitmapPlatformDeviceData&); }; BitmapPlatformDevice::BitmapPlatformDeviceData::BitmapPlatformDeviceData( HBITMAP hbitmap) : hbitmap_(hbitmap), hdc_(NULL), config_dirty_(true) { // Want to load the config next time. // Initialize the clip region to the entire bitmap. BITMAP bitmap_data; if (GetObject(hbitmap_, sizeof(BITMAP), &bitmap_data)) { SkIRect rect; rect.set(0, 0, bitmap_data.bmWidth, bitmap_data.bmHeight); clip_region_ = SkRegion(rect); } transform_.reset(); } BitmapPlatformDevice::BitmapPlatformDeviceData::~BitmapPlatformDeviceData() { if (hdc_) ReleaseBitmapDC(); // this will free the bitmap data as well as the bitmap handle DeleteObject(hbitmap_); } HDC BitmapPlatformDevice::BitmapPlatformDeviceData::GetBitmapDC() { if (!hdc_) { hdc_ = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL); InitializeDC(hdc_); HGDIOBJ old_bitmap = SelectObject(hdc_, hbitmap_); // When the memory DC is created, its display surface is exactly one // monochrome pixel wide and one monochrome pixel high. Since we select our // own bitmap, we must delete the previous one. DeleteObject(old_bitmap); } LoadConfig(); return hdc_; } void BitmapPlatformDevice::BitmapPlatformDeviceData::ReleaseBitmapDC() { SkASSERT(hdc_); DeleteDC(hdc_); hdc_ = NULL; } bool BitmapPlatformDevice::BitmapPlatformDeviceData::IsBitmapDCCreated() const { return hdc_ != NULL; } void BitmapPlatformDevice::BitmapPlatformDeviceData::SetMatrixClip( const SkMatrix& transform, const SkRegion& region) { transform_ = transform; clip_region_ = region; config_dirty_ = true; } void BitmapPlatformDevice::BitmapPlatformDeviceData::LoadConfig() { if (!config_dirty_ || !hdc_) return; // Nothing to do. config_dirty_ = false; // Transform. SkMatrix t(transform_); LoadTransformToDC(hdc_, t); LoadClippingRegionToDC(hdc_, clip_region_, t); } // We use this static factory function instead of the regular constructor so // that we can create the pixel data before calling the constructor. This is // required so that we can call the base class' constructor with the pixel // data. BitmapPlatformDevice* BitmapPlatformDevice::create( HDC screen_dc, int width, int height, bool is_opaque, HANDLE shared_section) { SkBitmap bitmap; // CreateDIBSection appears to get unhappy if we create an empty bitmap, so // just create a minimal bitmap if ((width == 0) || (height == 0)) { width = 1; height = 1; } BITMAPINFOHEADER hdr = {0}; hdr.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); hdr.biWidth = width; hdr.biHeight = -height; // minus means top-down bitmap hdr.biPlanes = 1; hdr.biBitCount = 32; hdr.biCompression = BI_RGB; // no compression hdr.biSizeImage = 0; hdr.biXPelsPerMeter = 1; hdr.biYPelsPerMeter = 1; hdr.biClrUsed = 0; hdr.biClrImportant = 0; void* data = NULL; HBITMAP hbitmap = CreateDIBSection(screen_dc, reinterpret_cast<BITMAPINFO*>(&hdr), 0, &data, shared_section, 0); if (!hbitmap) { return NULL; } bitmap.setConfig(SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config, width, height); bitmap.setPixels(data); bitmap.setIsOpaque(is_opaque); if (is_opaque) { #ifndef NDEBUG // To aid in finding bugs, we set the background color to something // obviously wrong so it will be noticable when it is not cleared bitmap.eraseARGB(255, 0, 255, 128); // bright bluish green #endif } else { bitmap.eraseARGB(0, 0, 0, 0); } // The device object will take ownership of the HBITMAP. The initial refcount // of the data object will be 1, which is what the constructor expects. return new BitmapPlatformDevice(new BitmapPlatformDeviceData(hbitmap), bitmap); } // static BitmapPlatformDevice* BitmapPlatformDevice::create(int width, int height, bool is_opaque, HANDLE shared_section) { HDC screen_dc = GetDC(NULL); BitmapPlatformDevice* device = BitmapPlatformDevice::create( screen_dc, width, height, is_opaque, shared_section); ReleaseDC(NULL, screen_dc); return device; } // The device will own the HBITMAP, which corresponds to also owning the pixel // data. Therefore, we do not transfer ownership to the SkDevice's bitmap. BitmapPlatformDevice::BitmapPlatformDevice( BitmapPlatformDeviceData* data, const SkBitmap& bitmap) : PlatformDevice(bitmap), data_(data) { // The data object is already ref'ed for us by create(). } // The copy constructor just adds another reference to the underlying data. // We use a const cast since the default Skia definitions don't define the // proper constedness that we expect (accessBitmap should really be const). BitmapPlatformDevice::BitmapPlatformDevice( const BitmapPlatformDevice& other) : PlatformDevice( const_cast<BitmapPlatformDevice&>(other).accessBitmap(true)), data_(other.data_) { data_->ref(); } BitmapPlatformDevice::~BitmapPlatformDevice() { data_->unref(); } BitmapPlatformDevice& BitmapPlatformDevice::operator=( const BitmapPlatformDevice& other) { data_ = other.data_; data_->ref(); return *this; } HDC BitmapPlatformDevice::getBitmapDC() { return data_->GetBitmapDC(); } void BitmapPlatformDevice::setMatrixClip(const SkMatrix& transform, const SkRegion& region) { data_->SetMatrixClip(transform, region); } void BitmapPlatformDevice::drawToHDC(HDC dc, int x, int y, const RECT* src_rect) { bool created_dc = !data_->IsBitmapDCCreated(); HDC source_dc = getBitmapDC(); RECT temp_rect; if (!src_rect) { temp_rect.left = 0; temp_rect.right = width(); temp_rect.top = 0; temp_rect.bottom = height(); src_rect = &temp_rect; } int copy_width = src_rect->right - src_rect->left; int copy_height = src_rect->bottom - src_rect->top; // We need to reset the translation for our bitmap or (0,0) won't be in the // upper left anymore SkMatrix identity; identity.reset(); LoadTransformToDC(source_dc, identity); if (isOpaque()) { BitBlt(dc, x, y, copy_width, copy_height, source_dc, src_rect->left, src_rect->top, SRCCOPY); } else { SkASSERT(copy_width != 0 && copy_height != 0); BLENDFUNCTION blend_function = {AC_SRC_OVER, 0, 255, AC_SRC_ALPHA}; GdiAlphaBlend(dc, x, y, copy_width, copy_height, source_dc, src_rect->left, src_rect->top, copy_width, copy_height, blend_function); } LoadTransformToDC(source_dc, data_->transform()); if (created_dc) data_->ReleaseBitmapDC(); } void BitmapPlatformDevice::makeOpaque(int x, int y, int width, int height) { const SkBitmap& bitmap = accessBitmap(true); SkASSERT(bitmap.config() == SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config); // FIXME(brettw): This is kind of lame, we shouldn't be dealing with // transforms at this level. Probably there should be a PlatformCanvas // function that does the transform (using the actual transform not just the // translation) and calls us with the transformed rect. const SkMatrix& matrix = data_->transform(); int bitmap_start_x = SkScalarRound(matrix.getTranslateX()) + x; int bitmap_start_y = SkScalarRound(matrix.getTranslateY()) + y; if (Constrain(bitmap.width(), &bitmap_start_x, &width) && Constrain(bitmap.height(), &bitmap_start_y, &height)) { SkAutoLockPixels lock(bitmap); SkASSERT(bitmap.rowBytes() % sizeof(uint32_t) == 0u); size_t row_words = bitmap.rowBytes() / sizeof(uint32_t); // Set data to the first pixel to be modified. uint32_t* data = bitmap.getAddr32(0, 0) + (bitmap_start_y * row_words) + bitmap_start_x; for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) data[j] |= (0xFF << SK_A32_SHIFT); data += row_words; } } } // Returns the color value at the specified location. SkColor BitmapPlatformDevice::getColorAt(int x, int y) { const SkBitmap& bitmap = accessBitmap(false); SkAutoLockPixels lock(bitmap); uint32_t* data = bitmap.getAddr32(0, 0); return static_cast<SkColor>(data[x + y * width()]); } void BitmapPlatformDevice::onAccessBitmap(SkBitmap* bitmap) { // FIXME(brettw) OPTIMIZATION: We should only flush if we know a GDI // operation has occurred on our DC. if (data_->IsBitmapDCCreated()) GdiFlush(); } } // namespace skia