/* include/graphics/SkEvent.h ** ** Copyright 2006, Google Inc. ** ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ** You may obtain a copy of the License at ** ** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ** ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ** limitations under the License. */ #ifndef SkEvent_DEFINED #define SkEvent_DEFINED #include "SkDOM.h" #include "SkMetaData.h" #include "SkString.h" //class SkOSWindow; /** Unique 32bit id used to identify an instance of SkEventSink. When events are posted, they are posted to a specific sinkID. When it is time to dispatch the event, the sinkID is used to find the specific SkEventSink object. If it is found, its doEvent() method is called with the event. */ typedef uint32_t SkEventSinkID; /** \class SkEvent SkEvents are used to communicate type-safe information to SkEventSinks. SkEventSinks (including SkViews) each have a unique ID, which is stored in an event. This ID is used to target the event once it has been "posted". */ class SkEvent { public: /** Default construct, creating an empty event. */ SkEvent(); /** Construct a new event with the specified type. */ explicit SkEvent(const SkString& type); /** Construct a new event with the specified type. */ explicit SkEvent(const char type[]); /** Construct a new event by copying the fields from the src event. */ SkEvent(const SkEvent& src); ~SkEvent(); // /** Return the event's type (will never be null) */ // const char* getType() const; /** Copy the event's type into the specified SkString parameter */ void getType(SkString* str) const; /** Returns true if the event's type matches exactly the specified type (case sensitive) */ bool isType(const SkString& str) const; /** Returns true if the event's type matches exactly the specified type (case sensitive) */ bool isType(const char type[], size_t len = 0) const; /** Set the event's type to the specified string. In XML, use the "type" attribute. */ void setType(const SkString&); /** Set the event's type to the specified string. In XML, use the "type" attribute. */ void setType(const char type[], size_t len = 0); /** Return the event's unnamed 32bit field. Default value is 0 */ uint32_t getFast32() const { return f32; } /** Set the event's unnamed 32bit field. In XML, use the subelement <data fast32=... /> */ void setFast32(uint32_t x) { f32 = x; } /** Return true if the event contains the named 32bit field, and return the field in value (if value is non-null). If there is no matching named field, return false and ignore the value parameter. */ bool findS32(const char name[], int32_t* value = NULL) const { return fMeta.findS32(name, value); } /** Return true if the event contains the named SkScalar field, and return the field in value (if value is non-null). If there is no matching named field, return false and ignore the value parameter. */ bool findScalar(const char name[], SkScalar* value = NULL) const { return fMeta.findScalar(name, value); } /** Return true if the event contains the named SkScalar field, and return the fields in value[] (if value is non-null), and return the number of SkScalars in count (if count is non-null). If there is no matching named field, return false and ignore the value and count parameters. */ const SkScalar* findScalars(const char name[], int* count, SkScalar values[] = NULL) const { return fMeta.findScalars(name, count, values); } /** Return the value of the named string field, or if no matching named field exists, return null. */ const char* findString(const char name[]) const { return fMeta.findString(name); } /** Return true if the event contains the named pointer field, and return the field in value (if value is non-null). If there is no matching named field, return false and ignore the value parameter. */ bool findPtr(const char name[], void** value) const { return fMeta.findPtr(name, value); } bool findBool(const char name[], bool* value) const { return fMeta.findBool(name, value); } /** Returns true if ethe event contains the named 32bit field, and if it equals the specified value */ bool hasS32(const char name[], int32_t value) const { return fMeta.hasS32(name, value); } /** Returns true if ethe event contains the named SkScalar field, and if it equals the specified value */ bool hasScalar(const char name[], SkScalar value) const { return fMeta.hasScalar(name, value); } /** Returns true if ethe event contains the named string field, and if it equals (using strcmp) the specified value */ bool hasString(const char name[], const char value[]) const { return fMeta.hasString(name, value); } /** Returns true if ethe event contains the named pointer field, and if it equals the specified value */ bool hasPtr(const char name[], void* value) const { return fMeta.hasPtr(name, value); } bool hasBool(const char name[], bool value) const { return fMeta.hasBool(name, value); } /** Add/replace the named 32bit field to the event. In XML use the subelement <data name=... s32=... /> */ void setS32(const char name[], int32_t value) { fMeta.setS32(name, value); } /** Add/replace the named SkScalar field to the event. In XML use the subelement <data name=... scalar=... /> */ void setScalar(const char name[], SkScalar value) { fMeta.setScalar(name, value); } /** Add/replace the named SkScalar[] field to the event. */ SkScalar* setScalars(const char name[], int count, const SkScalar values[] = NULL) { return fMeta.setScalars(name, count, values); } /** Add/replace the named string field to the event. In XML use the subelement <data name=... string=... */ void setString(const char name[], const SkString& value) { fMeta.setString(name, value.c_str()); } /** Add/replace the named string field to the event. In XML use the subelement <data name=... string=... */ void setString(const char name[], const char value[]) { fMeta.setString(name, value); } /** Add/replace the named pointer field to the event. There is no XML equivalent for this call */ void setPtr(const char name[], void* value) { fMeta.setPtr(name, value); } void setBool(const char name[], bool value) { fMeta.setBool(name, value); } /** Return the underlying metadata object */ SkMetaData& getMetaData() { return fMeta; } /** Return the underlying metadata object */ const SkMetaData& getMetaData() const { return fMeta; } void tron() { SkDEBUGCODE(fDebugTrace = true;) } void troff() { SkDEBUGCODE(fDebugTrace = false;) } bool isDebugTrace() const { #ifdef SK_DEBUG return fDebugTrace; #else return false; #endif } /** Call this to initialize the event from the specified XML node */ void inflate(const SkDOM&, const SkDOM::Node*); SkDEBUGCODE(void dump(const char title[] = NULL);) /** Post the specified event to the event queue, targeting the specified eventsink, with an optional delay. The event must be dynamically allocated for this. It cannot be a global or on the stack. After this call, ownership is transfered to the system, so the caller must not retain the event's ptr. Returns false if the event could not be posted (which means it will have been deleted). */ static bool Post(SkEvent* evt, SkEventSinkID targetID, SkMSec delay = 0); /** Post the specified event to the event queue, targeting the specified eventsink, to be delivered on/after the specified millisecond time. The event must be dynamically allocated for this. It cannot be a global or on the stack. After this call, ownership is transfered to the system, so the caller must not retain the event's ptr. Returns false if the event could not be posted (which means it will have been deleted). */ static bool PostTime(SkEvent* evt, SkEventSinkID targetID, SkMSec time); /** Helper method for calling SkEvent::PostTime(this, ...), where the caller specifies a delay. The real "time" will be computed automatically by sampling the clock and adding its value to delay. */ bool post(SkEventSinkID sinkID, SkMSec delay = 0) { return SkEvent::Post(this, sinkID, delay); } void postTime(SkEventSinkID sinkID, SkMSec time) { SkEvent::PostTime(this, sinkID, time); } /////////////////////////////////////////////// /** Porting layer must call these functions **/ /////////////////////////////////////////////// /** Global initialization function for the SkEvent system. Should be called exactly once before any other event method is called, and should be called after the call to SkGraphics::Init(). */ static void Init(); /** Global cleanup function for the SkEvent system. Should be called exactly once after all event methods have been called, and should be called before calling SkGraphics::Term(). */ static void Term(); /** Call this to process one event from the queue. If it returns true, there are more events to process. */ static bool ProcessEvent(); /** Call this whenever the requested timer has expired (requested by a call to SetQueueTimer). It will post any delayed events whose time as "expired" onto the event queue. It may also call SignalQueueTimer() and SignalNonEmptyQueue(). */ static void ServiceQueueTimer(); //////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** Porting layer must implement these functions **/ //////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** Called whenever an SkEvent is posted to an empty queue, so that the OS can be told to later call Dequeue(). */ static void SignalNonEmptyQueue(); /** Called whenever the delay until the next delayed event changes. If zero is passed, then there are no more queued delay events. */ static void SignalQueueTimer(SkMSec delay); #ifndef SK_USE_WXWIDGETS #ifdef SK_BUILD_FOR_WIN static bool WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); #elif defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_UNIXx) static uint32_t HandleTimer(uint32_t, void*); static bool WndProc(Display*, Window, XEvent&); #endif #else // Don't know yet what this will be //static bool CustomEvent(); #endif private: SkMetaData fMeta; mutable char* fType; // may be characters with low bit set to know that it is not a pointer uint32_t f32; SkDEBUGCODE(bool fDebugTrace;) // these are for our implementation of the event queue SkEventSinkID fTargetID; SkMSec fTime; SkEvent* fNextEvent; // either in the delay or normal event queue void initialize(const char* type, size_t typeLen); static bool Enqueue(SkEvent* evt); static SkMSec EnqueueTime(SkEvent* evt, SkMSec time); static SkEvent* Dequeue(SkEventSinkID* targetID); static bool QHasEvents(); }; #endif