/* include/graphics/SkWidgetViews.h ** ** Copyright 2006, Google Inc. ** ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ** You may obtain a copy of the License at ** ** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ** ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ** limitations under the License. */ #ifndef SkWidgetViews_DEFINED #define SkWidgetViews_DEFINED #include "SkView.h" enum SkWidgetEnum { kBorder_WidgetEnum, //!< <sk-border> kButton_WidgetEnum, //!< <sk-button> kImage_WidgetEnum, //!< <sk-image> kList_WidgetEnum, //!< <sk-list> kProgress_WidgetEnum, //!< <sk-progress> kScroll_WidgetEnum, //!< <sk-scroll> kText_WidgetEnum, //!< <sk-text> kWidgetEnumCount }; //determines which skin to use enum SkinEnum { kBorder_SkinEnum, kButton_SkinEnum, kProgress_SkinEnum, kScroll_SkinEnum, kStaticText_SkinEnum, kSkinEnumCount }; #include "SkAnimator.h" //used for inflates const char* get_skin_enum_path(SkinEnum se); void init_skin_anim(const char path[], SkAnimator* anim); void init_skin_anim(SkinEnum se, SkAnimator* anim); void init_skin_paint(SkinEnum se, SkPaint* paint); void inflate_paint(const SkDOM& dom, const SkDOM::Node* node, SkPaint* paint); /** Given an enum value, return an instance of the specified widget. If the enum is out of range, returns null */ SkView* SkWidgetFactory(SkWidgetEnum); /** Given the inflate/element name of a widget, return an instance of the specified widget, or null if name does not match any known widget type. */ SkView* SkWidgetFactory(const char name[]); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class SkWidgetView : public SkView { public: SkWidgetView(); const char* getLabel() const; void getLabel(SkString* label) const; void setLabel(const char[]); void setLabel(const char[], size_t len); void setLabel(const SkString&); SkEvent& event() { return fEvent; } const SkEvent& event() const { return fEvent; } /** Returns true if the widget can post its event to its listeners. */ bool postWidgetEvent(); /** Returns the sinkID of the widgetview that posted the event, or 0 */ static SkEventSinkID GetWidgetEventSinkID(const SkEvent&); protected: /** called when the label changes. override in subclasses. default action invals the view's bounds. called with the old and new labels, before the label has actually changed. */ virtual void onLabelChange(const char oldLabel[], const char newLabel[]); /** called before posting the event to our listeners. Override to add slots to the event before posting. Return true to proceed with posting, or false to not post the event to any listener. Note: the event passed in may not be the same as calling this->event(). Be sure to call your INHERITED method as well, so that all classes in the hierarchy get a shot at modifying the event (and possibly returning false to abort). */ virtual bool onPrepareWidgetEvent(SkEvent* evt); // overrides virtual void onInflate(const SkDOM& dom, const SkDOM::Node*); private: SkString fLabel; SkEvent fEvent; typedef SkView INHERITED; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class SkButtonView : public SkWidgetView { public: // inflate: "sk-button" protected: // overrides virtual bool onEvent(const SkEvent&); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class SkCheckButtonView : public SkWidgetView { public: SkCheckButtonView(); // inflate: "sk-checkbutton" enum CheckState { kOff_CheckState, //!< inflate: check-state="off" kOn_CheckState, //!< inflate: check-state="on" kUnknown_CheckState //!< inflate: check-state="unknown" }; CheckState getCheckState() const { return (CheckState)fCheckState; } void setCheckState(CheckState); /** use this to extract the CheckState from an event (i.e. one that as posted by a SkCheckButtonView). Returns true if the proper slot was present in the event, and sets state to that value. If no proper slot is found, returns false and does not modify state. */ static bool GetWidgetEventCheckState(const SkEvent&, CheckState* state); protected: // called when the check-state is about to change, but before it actually has virtual void onCheckStateChange(CheckState oldState, CheckState newState); // overrides virtual void onInflate(const SkDOM& dom, const SkDOM::Node*); virtual bool onPrepareWidgetEvent(SkEvent* evt); private: uint8_t fCheckState; typedef SkWidgetView INHERITED; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "SkTextBox.h" class SkStaticTextView : public SkView { public: SkStaticTextView(); virtual ~SkStaticTextView(); enum Mode { kFixedSize_Mode, kAutoWidth_Mode, kAutoHeight_Mode, kModeCount }; Mode getMode() const { return (Mode)fMode; } void setMode(Mode); SkTextBox::SpacingAlign getSpacingAlign() const { return (SkTextBox::SpacingAlign)fSpacingAlign; } void setSpacingAlign(SkTextBox::SpacingAlign); void getMargin(SkPoint* margin) const; void setMargin(SkScalar dx, SkScalar dy); size_t getText(SkString* text = NULL) const; size_t getText(char text[] = NULL) const; void setText(const SkString&); void setText(const char text[]); void setText(const char text[], size_t len); void getPaint(SkPaint*) const; void setPaint(const SkPaint&); protected: // overrides virtual void onDraw(SkCanvas*); virtual void onInflate(const SkDOM& dom, const SkDOM::Node*); private: SkPoint fMargin; SkString fText; SkPaint fPaint; uint8_t fMode; uint8_t fSpacingAlign; void computeSize(); typedef SkView INHERITED; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class SkAnimator; class SkListSource; class SkScrollBarView; class SkListView : public SkWidgetView { public: SkListView(); virtual ~SkListView(); bool hasScrollBar() const { return fScrollBar != NULL; } void setHasScrollBar(bool); /** Return the number of visible rows */ int getVisibleRowCount() const { return fVisibleRowCount; } /** Return the index of the selected row, or -1 if none */ int getSelection() const { return fCurrIndex; } /** Set the index of the selected row, or -1 for none */ void setSelection(int); /** If possible, move the selection up and return true, else do nothing and return false If nothing is selected, select the last item (unless there are no items). */ bool moveSelectionUp(); /** If possible, move the selection down and return true, else do nothing and return false. If nothing is selected, select the first item (unless there are no items). */ bool moveSelectionDown(); SkListSource* getListSource() const { return fSource; } SkListSource* setListSource(SkListSource*); /** Call this in your event handler. If the specified event is from a SkListView, then it returns the index of the selected item in this list, otherwise it returns -1 */ static int GetWidgetEventListIndex(const SkEvent&); protected: // overrides virtual void onDraw(SkCanvas*); virtual void onSizeChange(); virtual bool onEvent(const SkEvent&); virtual void onInflate(const SkDOM& dom, const SkDOM::Node* node); virtual bool onPrepareWidgetEvent(SkEvent*); private: enum DirtyFlags { kAnimCount_DirtyFlag = 0x01, kAnimContent_DirtyFlag = 0x02 }; void dirtyCache(unsigned dirtyFlags); bool ensureCache(); int logicalToVisualIndex(int index) const { return index - fScrollIndex; } void invalSelection(); SkScalar getContentWidth() const; bool getRowRect(int index, SkRect*) const; void ensureSelectionIsVisible(); void ensureVisibleRowCount(); struct BindingRec; enum Heights { kNormal_Height, kSelected_Height }; SkListSource* fSource; SkScrollBarView* fScrollBar; SkAnimator* fAnims; BindingRec* fBindings; SkString fSkinName; SkScalar fHeights[2]; int16_t fScrollIndex, fCurrIndex; uint16_t fVisibleRowCount, fBindingCount; SkBool8 fAnimContentDirty; SkBool8 fAnimFocusDirty; typedef SkWidgetView INHERITED; }; class SkListSource : public SkRefCnt { public: virtual int countFields(); virtual void getFieldName(int index, SkString* field); /** Return the index of the named field, or -1 if not found */ virtual int findFieldIndex(const char field[]); virtual int countRecords(); virtual void getRecord(int rowIndex, int fieldIndex, SkString* data); virtual bool prepareWidgetEvent(SkEvent*, int rowIndex); static SkListSource* Factory(const char name[]); }; #endif