/* libs/graphics/ports/SkFontHost_android.cpp
** Copyright 2006, Google Inc.
** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 
** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 
** You may obtain a copy of the License at 
**     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 
** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 
** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 
** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 
** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 
** limitations under the License.

#include "SkFontHost.h"
#include "SkDescriptor.h"
#include "SkMMapStream.h"
#include "SkPaint.h"
#include "SkString.h"
#include "SkStream.h"
#include "SkThread.h"
#include "SkTSearch.h"
#include <stdio.h>

#define FONT_CACHE_MEMORY_BUDGET    (768 * 1024)

    #define SK_FONT_FILE_PREFIX          "/fonts/"

SkTypeface::Style find_name_and_style(SkStream* stream, SkString* name);

static void GetFullPathForSysFonts(SkString* full, const char name[])


struct FamilyRec;

/*  This guy holds a mapping of a name -> family, used for looking up fonts.
    Since it is stored in a stretchy array that doesn't preserve object
    semantics, we don't use constructor/destructors, but just have explicit
    helpers to manage our internal bookkeeping.
struct NameFamilyPair {
    const char* fName;      // we own this
    FamilyRec*  fFamily;    // we don't own this, we just reference it
    void construct(const char name[], FamilyRec* family)
        fName = strdup(name);
        fFamily = family;   // we don't own this, so just record the referene
    void destruct()
        // we don't own family, so just ignore our reference

// we use atomic_inc to grow this for each typeface we create
static int32_t gUniqueFontID;

// this is the mutex that protects these globals
static SkMutex gFamilyMutex;
static FamilyRec* gFamilyHead;
static SkTDArray<NameFamilyPair> gNameList;

struct FamilyRec {
    FamilyRec*  fNext;
    SkTypeface* fFaces[4];
        fNext = gFamilyHead;
        memset(fFaces, 0, sizeof(fFaces));
        gFamilyHead = this;

static SkTypeface* find_best_face(const FamilyRec* family,
                                  SkTypeface::Style style)
    SkTypeface* const* faces = family->fFaces;

    if (faces[style] != NULL) { // exact match
        return faces[style];
    // look for a matching bold
    style = (SkTypeface::Style)(style ^ SkTypeface::kItalic);
    if (faces[style] != NULL) {
        return faces[style];
    // look for the plain
    if (faces[SkTypeface::kNormal] != NULL) {
        return faces[SkTypeface::kNormal];
    // look for anything
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        if (faces[i] != NULL) {
            return faces[i];
    // should never get here, since the faces list should not be empty
    SkASSERT(!"faces list is empty");
    return NULL;

static FamilyRec* find_family(const SkTypeface* member)
    FamilyRec* curr = gFamilyHead;
    while (curr != NULL) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            if (curr->fFaces[i] == member) {
                return curr;
        curr = curr->fNext;
    return NULL;

static SkTypeface* resolve_uniqueID(uint32_t uniqueID)
    FamilyRec* curr = gFamilyHead;
    while (curr != NULL) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            SkTypeface* face = curr->fFaces[i];
            if (face != NULL && face->uniqueID() == uniqueID) {
                return face;
        curr = curr->fNext;
    return NULL;

/*  Remove reference to this face from its family. If the resulting family
    is empty (has no faces), return that family, otherwise return NULL
static FamilyRec* remove_from_family(const SkTypeface* face)
    FamilyRec* family = find_family(face);
    SkASSERT(family->fFaces[face->style()] == face);
    family->fFaces[face->style()] = NULL;
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        if (family->fFaces[i] != NULL) {    // family is non-empty
            return NULL;
    return family;  // return the empty family

// maybe we should make FamilyRec be doubly-linked
static void detach_and_delete_family(FamilyRec* family)
    FamilyRec* curr = gFamilyHead;
    FamilyRec* prev = NULL;

    while (curr != NULL) {
        FamilyRec* next = curr->fNext;
        if (curr == family) {
            if (prev == NULL) {
                gFamilyHead = next;
            } else {
                prev->fNext = next;
        prev = curr;
        curr = next;
    SkASSERT(!"Yikes, couldn't find family in our list to remove/delete");

static SkTypeface* find_typeface(const char name[], SkTypeface::Style style)
    NameFamilyPair* list = gNameList.begin();
    int             count = gNameList.count();
    int index = SkStrLCSearch(&list[0].fName, count, name, sizeof(list[0]));

    if (index >= 0) {
        return find_best_face(list[index].fFamily, style);
    return NULL;

static SkTypeface* find_typeface(const SkTypeface* familyMember,
                                 SkTypeface::Style style)
    const FamilyRec* family = find_family(familyMember);
    return family ? find_best_face(family, style) : NULL;

static void add_name(const char name[], FamilyRec* family)
    SkAutoAsciiToLC tolc(name);
    name = tolc.lc();

    NameFamilyPair* list = gNameList.begin();
    int             count = gNameList.count();
    int index = SkStrLCSearch(&list[0].fName, count, name, sizeof(list[0]));

    if (index < 0) {
        list = gNameList.insert(~index);
        list->construct(name, family);

static void remove_from_names(FamilyRec* emptyFamily)
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        SkASSERT(emptyFamily->fFaces[i] == NULL);

    SkTDArray<NameFamilyPair>& list = gNameList;
    // must go backwards when removing
    for (int i = list.count() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
        NameFamilyPair* pair = &list[i];
        if (pair->fFamily == emptyFamily) {


class FamilyTypeface : public SkTypeface {
    FamilyTypeface(Style style, bool sysFont, SkTypeface* familyMember)
        : SkTypeface(style, sk_atomic_inc(&gUniqueFontID) + 1)
        fIsSysFont = sysFont;
        SkAutoMutexAcquire  ac(gFamilyMutex);
        FamilyRec* rec = NULL;
        if (familyMember) {
            rec = find_family(familyMember);
        } else {
            rec = SkNEW(FamilyRec);
        rec->fFaces[style] = this;
    virtual ~FamilyTypeface()
        SkAutoMutexAcquire  ac(gFamilyMutex);
        // remove us from our family. If the family is now empty, we return
        // that and then remove that family from the name list
        FamilyRec* family = remove_from_family(this);
        if (NULL != family) {
    bool isSysFont() const { return fIsSysFont; }
    virtual SkStream* openStream() = 0;
    virtual void closeStream(SkStream*) = 0;
    bool    fIsSysFont;
    typedef SkTypeface INHERITED;


class StreamTypeface : public FamilyTypeface {
    StreamTypeface(Style style, bool sysFont, SkTypeface* familyMember,
                   SkStream* stream)
        : INHERITED(style, sysFont, familyMember)
        fStream = stream;
    virtual ~StreamTypeface()
    // overrides
    virtual SkStream* openStream() { return fStream; }
    virtual void closeStream(SkStream*) {}
    SkStream* fStream;
    typedef FamilyTypeface INHERITED;

class FileTypeface : public FamilyTypeface {
    FileTypeface(Style style, bool sysFont, SkTypeface* familyMember,
                 const char path[])
    : INHERITED(style, sysFont, familyMember)
        SkString fullpath;
        if (sysFont) {
            GetFullPathForSysFonts(&fullpath, path);
            path = fullpath.c_str();
    // overrides
    virtual SkStream* openStream()
        SkStream* stream = SkNEW_ARGS(SkMMAPStream, (fPath.c_str()));

        // check for failure
        if (stream->getLength() <= 0) {
            // maybe MMAP isn't supported. try FILE
            stream = SkNEW_ARGS(SkFILEStream, (fPath.c_str()));
            if (stream->getLength() <= 0) {
                stream = NULL;
        return stream;
    virtual void closeStream(SkStream* stream)
    SkString fPath;
    typedef FamilyTypeface INHERITED;


static bool get_name_and_style(const char path[], SkString* name,
                               SkTypeface::Style* style)
    SkString        fullpath;
    GetFullPathForSysFonts(&fullpath, path);

    SkMMAPStream stream(fullpath.c_str());
    if (stream.getLength() > 0) {
        *style = find_name_and_style(&stream, name);
        return true;
    else {
        SkFILEStream stream(fullpath.c_str());
        if (stream.getLength() > 0) {
            *style = find_name_and_style(&stream, name);
            return true;

    SkDebugf("---- failed to open <%s> as a font\n", fullpath.c_str());
    return false;

struct FontInitRec {
    const char*         fFileName;
    const char* const*  fNames;     // null-terminated list

static const char* gSansNames[] = {
    "sans-serif", "arial", "helvetica", "tahoma", "verdana", NULL

static const char* gSerifNames[] = {
    "serif", "times", "times new roman", "palatino", "goudy",
    "fantasy", "cursive", NULL

static const char* gMonoNames[] = {
    "monospace", "courier", "courier new", "monaco", NULL

static const char* gFBNames[] = { NULL };

/*  Fonts must be grouped by family, with the first font in a family having the
    list of names (even if that list is empty), and the following members having
    null for the list. The names list must be NULL-terminated
static const FontInitRec gSystemFonts[] = {
    { "DroidSans.ttf",              gSansNames  },
    { "DroidSans-Bold.ttf",         NULL        },
    { "DroidSerif-Regular.ttf",     gSerifNames },
    { "DroidSerif-Bold.ttf",        NULL        },
    { "DroidSerif-Italic.ttf",      NULL        },
    { "DroidSerif-BoldItalic.ttf",  NULL        },
    { "DroidSansMono.ttf",          gMonoNames  },
    { "DroidSansFallback.ttf",      gFBNames    }

#define DEFAULT_NAMES   gSansNames

// these globals are assigned (once) by load_system_fonts()
static SkTypeface* gFallBackTypeface;
static FamilyRec* gDefaultFamily;
static SkTypeface* gDefaultNormal;

static void load_system_fonts()
    // check if we've already be called
    if (NULL != gDefaultNormal) {

    const FontInitRec* rec = gSystemFonts;
    SkTypeface* firstInFamily = NULL;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gSystemFonts); i++) {
        // if we're the first in a new family, clear firstInFamily
        if (rec[i].fNames != NULL) {
            firstInFamily = NULL;
        SkString name;
        SkTypeface::Style style;
        if (!get_name_and_style(rec[i].fFileName, &name, &style)) {
            SkDebugf("------ can't load <%s> as a font\n", rec[i].fFileName);

        SkTypeface* tf = SkNEW_ARGS(FileTypeface,
                                     true,  // system-font (cannot delete)
                                     firstInFamily, // what family to join
                                     rec[i].fFileName) // filename

        if (rec[i].fNames != NULL) {
            firstInFamily = tf;
            const char* const* names = rec[i].fNames;

            // record the fallback if this is it
            if (names == gFBNames) {
                gFallBackTypeface = tf;
            // record the default family if this is it
            if (names == DEFAULT_NAMES) {
                gDefaultFamily = find_family(tf);
            // add the names to map to this family
            FamilyRec* family = find_family(tf);
            while (*names) {
                add_name(*names, family);
                names += 1;

    // do this after all fonts are loaded. This is our default font, and it
    // acts as a sentinel so we only execute load_system_fonts() once
    gDefaultNormal = find_best_face(gDefaultFamily, SkTypeface::kNormal);


SkTypeface* SkFontHost::FindTypeface(const SkTypeface* familyFace,
                                     const char familyName[],
                                     SkTypeface::Style style)

    SkAutoMutexAcquire  ac(gFamilyMutex);
    // clip to legal style bits
    style = (SkTypeface::Style)(style & SkTypeface::kBoldItalic);
    SkTypeface* tf = NULL;

    if (NULL != familyFace) {
        tf = find_typeface(familyFace, style);
    } else if (NULL != familyName) {
        tf = find_typeface(familyName, style);

    if (NULL == tf) {
        tf = find_best_face(gDefaultFamily, style);

    return tf;

SkTypeface* SkFontHost::ResolveTypeface(uint32_t fontID)
    SkAutoMutexAcquire  ac(gFamilyMutex);
    return resolve_uniqueID(fontID);

SkStream* SkFontHost::OpenStream(uint32_t fontID)
    FamilyTypeface* tf = (FamilyTypeface*)SkFontHost::ResolveTypeface(fontID);
    SkStream* stream = tf ? tf->openStream() : NULL;

    if (NULL == stream || stream->getLength() == 0) {
        delete stream;
        stream = NULL;
    return stream;

void SkFontHost::CloseStream(uint32_t fontID, SkStream* stream)
    FamilyTypeface* tf = (FamilyTypeface*)SkFontHost::ResolveTypeface(fontID);
    if (NULL != tf) {

SkScalerContext* SkFontHost::CreateFallbackScalerContext(
                                                const SkScalerContext::Rec& rec)

    SkAutoDescriptor    ad(sizeof(rec) + SkDescriptor::ComputeOverhead(1));
    SkDescriptor*       desc = ad.getDesc();
    SkScalerContext::Rec* newRec =
                                              sizeof(rec), &rec);
    newRec->fFontID = gFallBackTypeface->uniqueID();
    return SkFontHost::CreateScalerContext(desc);


SkTypeface* SkFontHost::CreateTypeface(SkStream* stream)
    if (NULL == stream || stream->getLength() <= 0) {
        return NULL;
    SkString name;
    SkTypeface::Style style = find_name_and_style(stream, &name);

    return SkNEW_ARGS(StreamTypeface, (style, false, NULL, stream));


size_t SkFontHost::ShouldPurgeFontCache(size_t sizeAllocatedSoFar)
    if (sizeAllocatedSoFar > FONT_CACHE_MEMORY_BUDGET)
        return sizeAllocatedSoFar - FONT_CACHE_MEMORY_BUDGET;
        return 0;   // nothing to do