# TEMPORARY overrides of # src/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/platform/chromium/test_expectations.txt # that are associated with changes to the Skia code. # # GUIDELINES: # - This file should be empty most of the time. # - Expectations should only be added TEMPORARILY, as a step towards # rebaselining layout test results. If any one expectation remains in here # for more than a week or two, then we are probably doing something wrong. # - Expectations from this file should NOT be rolled into any other # test_expectations file. If there is a test that we expect to fail # indefinitely, then we should add that test to the roach motel that is # src/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/platform/chromium/test_expectations.txt # - Tests listed in this file should NOT be rebaselined by WebKit Gardeners, # unless they have made arrangements with Skia developers. # # For more information, see https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=86749 # or email skia-dev@google.com . # # INSTRUCTIONS: # If you are rolling Skia's DEPS within Chrome, and trybot results indicate # that the DEPS roll would break some webkit layout_tests, please follow # these steps: # # 1. Confirm that those layout_test failures are "reasonable"-- Are they # actually improvements, not regressions? Or maybe they are very minor # differences that go along with a performance improvement? # If not, please fix Skia rather than rolling in the version that will # regress the webkit layout_tests. # # 2. File a bug to yourself to track the rebaselining of results caused by # your Skia DEPS roll. # # 3. Add one or more lines to this file, in the same syntax used in the main # test_expectations file, to mark those tests as expected-to-fail. # Add this file to your DEPS roll CL. # # 4. Run your DEPS roll CL through the trybots again, and confirm your CL does # not cause any layout tests to fail. (If there are still failures as a # result of your CL, you probably didn't add the test expectations correctly.) # # 5. Commit your DEPS roll CL, and keep an eye on the waterfall bots to make # sure nothing goes red. # # 6. Make sure to rebaseline the layout tests as soon as possible! The longer # we leave overrides in this file, the harder it will be to rebaseline those # tests (because other rendering changes might creep in). # # START OVERRIDES HERE # bungeman@ will rebaseline this test crbug.com/155867 platform/chromium-linux/fast/text/chromium-linux-fontconfig-renderstyle.html [ Failure ImageOnlyFailure ] # To be rebaselined after skia.gyp undefines SK_DISABLE_EXTRACTSUBSET_OPAQUE_FIX # crbug.com/156097 fast/backgrounds/repeat/negative-offset-repeat-transformed.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] crbug.com/156097 fast/borders/border-image-rotate-transform.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] crbug.com/156097 svg/custom/clip-mask-negative-scale.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] crbug.com/156097 svg/custom/focus-ring.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] crbug.com/156097 svg/transforms/animated-path-inside-transformed-html.xhtml [ ImageOnlyFailure ] crbug.com/156097 fast/forms/select-style.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] # To be rebaselined by reed@. http://code.google.com/p/skia/source/detail?r=6220 # removed double drawing of clipped hairlines at edges. crbug.com/148638 fast/repaint/list-marker.html [ Failure ImageOnlyFailure ] crbug.com/148638 svg/hixie/perf/001.xml [ Failure ImageOnlyFailure ] crbug.com/148638 svg/hixie/perf/002.xml [ Failure ImageOnlyFailure ] crbug.com/148638 svg/transforms/text-with-pattern-inside-transformed-html.xhtml [ Failure ImageOnlyFailure ] crbug.com/148638 svg/zoom/page/zoom-img-preserveAspectRatio-support-1.html [ Failure ImageOnlyFailure ] # To be rebaselined for http://code.google.com/p/skia/source/detail?r=6451 # (make kSrc_Mode go faster) crbug.com/161762 svg/W3C-SVG-1.1/filters-color-01-b.svg [ Failure ImageOnlyFailure ] crbug.com/161762 svg/custom/gradient-stop-corner-cases.svg [ Crash ImageOnlyFailure ] crbug.com/161762 svg/custom/invalid-uri-stroke.svg [ Failure ImageOnlyFailure ] crbug.com/161762 svg/wicd/test-scalable-background-image1.xhtml [ Failure ImageOnlyFailure ] crbug.com/161762 svg/zoom/page/zoom-mask-with-percentages.svg [ Failure ImageOnlyFailure ] crbug.com/161762 svg/carto.net/colourpicker.svg [ Crash ImageOnlyFailure ] # To be rebaselined for https://code.google.com/p/skia/source/detail?r=6483 crbug.com/161899 compositing/shadows/shadow-drawing.html [ Failure ImageOnlyFailure ] crbug.com/161899 fast/box-shadow/basic-shadows.html [ Failure ImageOnlyFailure ] crbug.com/161899 fast/box-shadow/box-shadow-clipped-slices.html [ Failure ImageOnlyFailure ] crbug.com/161899 fast/box-shadow/box-shadow-radius.html [ Failure ImageOnlyFailure ] crbug.com/161899 fast/box-shadow/box-shadow-transformed.html [ Failure ImageOnlyFailure ] crbug.com/161899 fast/box-shadow/inset-box-shadow-radius.html [ Failure ImageOnlyFailure ] crbug.com/161899 fast/box-shadow/inset-box-shadows.html [ Failure ImageOnlyFailure ] crbug.com/161899 fast/box-shadow/inset.html [ Failure ImageOnlyFailure ] crbug.com/161899 fast/box-shadow/scaled-box-shadow.html [ Failure ImageOnlyFailure ] crbug.com/161899 fast/box-shadow/single-pixel-shadow.html [ Failure ImageOnlyFailure ] crbug.com/161899 fast/repaint/box-shadow-h.html [ Failure ImageOnlyFailure ] crbug.com/161899 fast/repaint/box-shadow-v.html [ Failure ImageOnlyFailure ] crbug.com/161899 fast/repaint/shadow-multiple-vertical.html [ Failure ImageOnlyFailure ] crbug.com/161899 fast/repaint/transform-replaced-shadows.html [ Failure ImageOnlyFailure ] crbug.com/161899 fast/transforms/shadows.html [ Failure ImageOnlyFailure ] crbug.com/161899 platform/chromium/fast/forms/calendar-picker/calendar-picker-appearance-ru.html [ Failure ImageOnlyFailure ] crbug.com/161899 platform/chromium/fast/forms/calendar-picker/calendar-picker-appearance-step.html [ Failure ImageOnlyFailure ] crbug.com/161899 platform/chromium/fast/forms/calendar-picker/calendar-picker-appearance.html [ Failure ImageOnlyFailure ] crbug.com/161899 platform/chromium/fast/forms/calendar-picker/month-picker-appearance-step.html [ Failure ImageOnlyFailure ] crbug.com/161899 platform/chromium/fast/forms/calendar-picker/month-picker-appearance.html [ Failure ImageOnlyFailure ] crbug.com/161899 platform/chromium/fast/forms/calendar-picker/week-picker-appearance-step.html [ Failure ImageOnlyFailure ] crbug.com/161899 platform/chromium/fast/forms/calendar-picker/week-picker-appearance.html [ Failure ImageOnlyFailure ] crbug.com/161899 platform/chromium/fast/forms/color/color-suggestion-picker-appearance.html [ Failure ImageOnlyFailure ] crbug.com/161899 platform/chromium/fast/forms/color/color-suggestion-picker-one-row-appearance.html [ Failure ImageOnlyFailure ] crbug.com/161899 platform/chromium/fast/forms/color/color-suggestion-picker-two-row-appearance.html [ Failure ImageOnlyFailure ] crbug.com/161899 platform/chromium/fast/forms/color/color-suggestion-picker-with-scrollbar-appearance.html [ Failure ImageOnlyFailure ] crbug.com/161899 platform/chromium/virtual/softwarecompositing/shadows/shadow-drawing.html [ Failure ImageOnlyFailure ] crbug.com/161899 svg/filters/shadow-on-rect-with-filter.svg [ Failure ImageOnlyFailure ] # To be rebaselined after skia rev. 6530 has landed in webkit crbug.com/162247 fast/canvas/canvas-incremental-repaint.html [ ImageOnlyFailure ] crbug.com/162247 svg/W3C-SVG-1.1/animate-elem-81-t.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] crbug.com/162247 svg/W3C-SVG-1.1/animate-elem-82-t.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] crbug.com/162247 svg/W3C-SVG-1.1/painting-stroke-02-t.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] crbug.com/162247 svg/css/group-with-shadow.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] crbug.com/162247 svg/custom/linking-a-03-b-transform.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] crbug.com/162247 svg/custom/linking-a-03-b-viewBox-transform.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] crbug.com/162247 svg/custom/pattern-rotate.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] crbug.com/162247 svg/custom/stroke-width-large.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] crbug.com/162247 svg/custom/use-transform.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] crbug.com/162247 svg/transforms/text-with-pattern-with-svg-transform.svg [ ImageOnlyFailure ] # END OVERRIDES HERE (this line ensures that the file is newline-terminated)