/* libs/graphics/svg/SkSVGPaintState.cpp ** ** Copyright 2006, Google Inc. ** ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ** You may obtain a copy of the License at ** ** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ** ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ** limitations under the License. */ #include "SkSVGPaintState.h" #include "SkSVGElements.h" #include "SkSVGParser.h" #include "SkParse.h" SkSVGAttribute SkSVGPaint::gAttributes[] = { SVG_LITERAL_ATTRIBUTE(clip-path, f_clipPath), SVG_LITERAL_ATTRIBUTE(clip-rule, f_clipRule), SVG_LITERAL_ATTRIBUTE(enable-background, f_enableBackground), SVG_ATTRIBUTE(fill), SVG_LITERAL_ATTRIBUTE(fill-rule, f_fillRule), SVG_ATTRIBUTE(filter), SVG_LITERAL_ATTRIBUTE(font-family, f_fontFamily), SVG_LITERAL_ATTRIBUTE(font-size, f_fontSize), SVG_LITERAL_ATTRIBUTE(letter-spacing, f_letterSpacing), SVG_ATTRIBUTE(mask), SVG_ATTRIBUTE(opacity), SVG_LITERAL_ATTRIBUTE(stop-color, f_stopColor), SVG_LITERAL_ATTRIBUTE(stop-opacity, f_stopOpacity), SVG_ATTRIBUTE(stroke), SVG_LITERAL_ATTRIBUTE(stroke-dasharray, f_strokeDasharray), SVG_LITERAL_ATTRIBUTE(stroke-linecap, f_strokeLinecap), SVG_LITERAL_ATTRIBUTE(stroke-linejoin, f_strokeLinejoin), SVG_LITERAL_ATTRIBUTE(stroke-miterlimit, f_strokeMiterlimit), SVG_LITERAL_ATTRIBUTE(stroke-width, f_strokeWidth), SVG_ATTRIBUTE(style), SVG_ATTRIBUTE(transform) }; const int SkSVGPaint::kAttributesSize = SK_ARRAY_COUNT(SkSVGPaint::gAttributes); SkSVGPaint::SkSVGPaint() : fNext(NULL) { } SkString* SkSVGPaint::operator[](int index) { SkASSERT(index >= 0); SkASSERT(index < &fTerminal - &fInitial); SkASSERT(&fTerminal - &fInitial == kTerminal - kInitial); SkString* result = &fInitial + index + 1; return result; } void SkSVGPaint::addAttribute(SkSVGParser& parser, int attrIndex, const char* attrValue, size_t attrLength) { SkString* attr = (*this)[attrIndex]; switch(attrIndex) { case kClipPath: case kClipRule: case kEnableBackground: case kFill: case kFillRule: case kFilter: case kFontFamily: case kFontSize: case kLetterSpacing: case kMask: case kOpacity: case kStopColor: case kStopOpacity: case kStroke: case kStroke_Dasharray: case kStroke_Linecap: case kStroke_Linejoin: case kStroke_Miterlimit: case kStroke_Width: case kTransform: attr->set(attrValue, attrLength); return; case kStyle: { // iterate through colon / semi-colon delimited pairs int pairs = SkParse::Count(attrValue, ';'); const char* attrEnd = attrValue + attrLength; do { const char* end = strchr(attrValue, ';'); if (end == NULL) end = attrEnd; const char* delimiter = strchr(attrValue, ':'); SkASSERT(delimiter != 0 && delimiter < end); int index = parser.findAttribute(this, attrValue, (int) (delimiter - attrValue), true); SkASSERT(index >= 0); delimiter++; addAttribute(parser, index, delimiter, (int) (end - delimiter)); attrValue = end + 1; } while (--pairs); return; } default: SkASSERT(0); } } bool SkSVGPaint::flush(SkSVGParser& parser, bool isFlushable, bool isDef) { SkSVGPaint current; SkSVGPaint* walking = parser.fHead; int index; while (walking != NULL) { for (index = kInitial + 1; index < kTerminal; index++) { SkString* lastAttr = (*walking)[index]; if (lastAttr->size() == 0) continue; if (current[index]->size() > 0) continue; current[index]->set(*lastAttr); } walking = walking->fNext; } bool paintChanged = false; SkSVGPaint& lastState = parser.fLastFlush; if (isFlushable == false) { if (isDef == true) { if (current.f_mask.size() > 0 && current.f_mask.equals(lastState.f_mask) == false) { SkSVGElement* found; const char* idStart = strchr(current.f_mask.c_str(), '#'); SkASSERT(idStart); SkString id(idStart + 1, strlen(idStart) - 2); bool itsFound = parser.fIDs.find(id.c_str(), &found); SkASSERT(itsFound); SkSVGElement* gradient = found->getGradient(); if (gradient) { gradient->write(parser, current.f_fill); gradient->write(parser, current.f_stroke); } } } goto setLast; } { bool changed[kTerminal]; memset(changed, 0, sizeof(changed)); for (index = kInitial + 1; index < kTerminal; index++) { if (index == kTransform || index == kClipPath || index == kStopColor || index == kStopOpacity || index == kClipRule || index == kFillRule) continue; SkString* lastAttr = lastState[index]; SkString* currentAttr = current[index]; paintChanged |= changed[index] = lastAttr->equals(*currentAttr) == false; } if (paintChanged) { if (current.f_mask.size() > 0) { if (current.f_fill.equals("none") == false && strncmp(current.f_fill.c_str(), "url(#", 5) != 0) { SkASSERT(current.f_fill.c_str()[0] == '#'); SkString replacement("url(#mask"); replacement.append(current.f_fill.c_str() + 1); replacement.appendUnichar(')'); current.f_fill.set(replacement); } if (current.f_stroke.equals("none") == false && strncmp(current.f_stroke.c_str(), "url(#", 5) != 0) { SkASSERT(current.f_stroke.c_str()[0] == '#'); SkString replacement("url(#mask"); replacement.append(current.f_stroke.c_str() + 1); replacement.appendUnichar(')'); current.f_stroke.set(replacement); } } if (current.f_fill.equals("none") && current.f_stroke.equals("none")) current.f_opacity.set("0"); if (parser.fSuppressPaint == false) { parser._startElement("paint"); bool success = writeChangedAttributes(parser, current, changed); if (success == false) return paintChanged; success = writeChangedElements(parser, current, changed); if (success == false) return paintChanged; parser._endElement(); // paint } } } setLast: for (index = kInitial + 1; index < kTerminal; index++) { SkString* lastAttr = lastState[index]; SkString* currentAttr = current[index]; lastAttr->set(*currentAttr); } return paintChanged; } int SkSVGPaint::getAttributes(const SkSVGAttribute** attrPtr) { *attrPtr = gAttributes; return kAttributesSize; } void SkSVGPaint::setSave(SkSVGParser& parser) { SkTDArray<SkString*> clips; SkSVGPaint* walking = parser.fHead; int index; SkMatrix sum; sum.reset(); while (walking != NULL) { for (index = kInitial + 1; index < kTerminal; index++) { SkString* lastAttr = (*walking)[index]; if (lastAttr->size() == 0) continue; if (index == kTransform) { const char* str = lastAttr->c_str(); SkASSERT(strncmp(str, "matrix(", 7) == 0); str += 6; const char* strEnd = strrchr(str, ')'); SkASSERT(strEnd != NULL); SkString mat(str, strEnd - str); SkSVGParser::ConvertToArray(mat); SkScalar values[6]; SkParse::FindScalars(mat.c_str() + 1, values, 6); SkMatrix matrix; matrix.reset(); matrix.setScaleX(values[0]); matrix.setSkewY(values[1]); matrix.setSkewX(values[2]); matrix.setScaleY(values[3]); matrix.setTranslateX(values[4]); matrix.setTranslateY(values[5]); sum.setConcat(matrix, sum); continue; } if ( index == kClipPath) *clips.insert(0) = lastAttr; } walking = walking->fNext; } if ((sum == parser.fLastTransform) == false) { SkMatrix inverse; bool success = parser.fLastTransform.invert(&inverse); SkASSERT(success == true); SkMatrix output; output.setConcat(inverse, sum); parser.fLastTransform = sum; SkString outputStr; outputStr.appendUnichar('['); outputStr.appendScalar(output.getScaleX()); outputStr.appendUnichar(','); outputStr.appendScalar(output.getSkewX()); outputStr.appendUnichar(','); outputStr.appendScalar(output.getTranslateX()); outputStr.appendUnichar(','); outputStr.appendScalar(output.getSkewY()); outputStr.appendUnichar(','); outputStr.appendScalar(output.getScaleY()); outputStr.appendUnichar(','); outputStr.appendScalar(output.getTranslateY()); outputStr.appendUnichar(','); outputStr.appendScalar(output.getPerspX()); outputStr.appendUnichar(','); outputStr.appendScalar(output.getPerspY()); outputStr.append(",1]"); parser._startElement("matrix"); parser._addAttributeLen("matrix", outputStr.c_str(), outputStr.size()); parser._endElement(); } #if 0 // incomplete if (parser.fTransformClips.size() > 0) { // need to reset the clip when the 'g' scope is ended parser._startElement("add"); const char* start = strchr(current->f_clipPath.c_str(), '#') + 1; SkASSERT(start); parser._addAttributeLen("use", start, strlen(start) - 1); parser._endElement(); // clip } #endif } bool SkSVGPaint::writeChangedAttributes(SkSVGParser& parser, SkSVGPaint& current, bool* changed) { SkSVGPaint& lastState = parser.fLastFlush; for (int index = kInitial + 1; index < kTerminal; index++) { if (changed[index] == false) continue; SkString* topAttr = current[index]; size_t attrLength = topAttr->size(); if (attrLength == 0) continue; const char* attrValue = topAttr->c_str(); SkString* lastAttr = lastState[index]; switch(index) { case kClipPath: case kClipRule: case kEnableBackground: break; case kFill: if (topAttr->equals("none") == false && lastAttr->equals("none") == true) parser._addAttribute("stroke", "false"); goto fillStrokeAttrCommon; case kFillRule: case kFilter: case kFontFamily: break; case kFontSize: parser._addAttributeLen("textSize", attrValue, attrLength); break; case kLetterSpacing: parser._addAttributeLen("textTracking", attrValue, attrLength); break; case kMask: break; case kOpacity: break; case kStopColor: break; case kStopOpacity: break; case kStroke: if (topAttr->equals("none") == false && lastAttr->equals("none") == true) parser._addAttribute("stroke", "true"); fillStrokeAttrCommon: if (strncmp(attrValue, "url(", 4) == 0) { SkASSERT(attrValue[4] == '#'); const char* idStart = attrValue + 5; char* idEnd = strrchr(attrValue, ')'); SkASSERT(idStart < idEnd); SkString id(idStart, idEnd - idStart); SkSVGElement* found; if (strncmp(id.c_str(), "mask", 4) != 0) { bool itsFound = parser.fIDs.find(id.c_str(), &found); SkASSERT(itsFound); SkASSERT(found->getType() == SkSVGType_LinearGradient || found->getType() == SkSVGType_RadialGradient); } parser._addAttribute("shader", id.c_str()); } break; case kStroke_Dasharray: break; case kStroke_Linecap: parser._addAttributeLen("strokeCap", attrValue, attrLength); break; case kStroke_Linejoin: parser._addAttributeLen("strokeJoin", attrValue, attrLength); break; case kStroke_Miterlimit: parser._addAttributeLen("strokeMiter", attrValue, attrLength); break; case kStroke_Width: parser._addAttributeLen("strokeWidth", attrValue, attrLength); case kStyle: case kTransform: break; default: SkASSERT(0); return false; } } return true; } bool SkSVGPaint::writeChangedElements(SkSVGParser& parser, SkSVGPaint& current, bool* changed) { SkSVGPaint& lastState = parser.fLastFlush; for (int index = kInitial + 1; index < kTerminal; index++) { SkString* topAttr = current[index]; size_t attrLength = topAttr->size(); if (attrLength == 0) continue; const char* attrValue = topAttr->c_str(); SkString* lastAttr = lastState[index]; switch(index) { case kClipPath: case kClipRule: // !!! need to add this outside of paint break; case kEnableBackground: // !!! don't know what to do with this break; case kFill: goto addColor; case kFillRule: case kFilter: break; case kFontFamily: parser._startElement("typeface"); parser._addAttributeLen("fontName", attrValue, attrLength); parser._endElement(); // typeface break; case kFontSize: case kLetterSpacing: break; case kMask: case kOpacity: if (changed[kStroke] == false && changed[kFill] == false) { parser._startElement("color"); SkString& opacity = current.f_opacity; parser._addAttributeLen("color", parser.fLastColor.c_str(), parser.fLastColor.size()); parser._addAttributeLen("alpha", opacity.c_str(), opacity.size()); parser._endElement(); // color } break; case kStopColor: break; case kStopOpacity: break; case kStroke: addColor: if (strncmp(lastAttr->c_str(), "url(", 4) == 0 && strncmp(attrValue, "url(", 4) != 0) { parser._startElement("shader"); parser._endElement(); } if (topAttr->equals(*lastAttr)) continue; { bool urlRef = strncmp(attrValue, "url(", 4) == 0; bool colorNone = strcmp(attrValue, "none") == 0; bool lastEqual = parser.fLastColor.equals(attrValue, attrLength); bool newColor = urlRef == false && colorNone == false && lastEqual == false; if (newColor || changed[kOpacity]) { parser._startElement("color"); if (newColor || changed[kOpacity]) { parser._addAttributeLen("color", attrValue, attrLength); parser.fLastColor.set(attrValue, attrLength); } if (changed[kOpacity]) { SkString& opacity = current.f_opacity; parser._addAttributeLen("alpha", opacity.c_str(), opacity.size()); } parser._endElement(); // color } } break; case kStroke_Dasharray: parser._startElement("dash"); SkSVGParser::ConvertToArray(*topAttr); parser._addAttribute("intervals", topAttr->c_str()); parser._endElement(); // dash break; case kStroke_Linecap: case kStroke_Linejoin: case kStroke_Miterlimit: case kStroke_Width: case kStyle: case kTransform: break; default: SkASSERT(0); return false; } } return true; } void SkSVGPaint::Push(SkSVGPaint** head, SkSVGPaint* newRecord) { newRecord->fNext = *head; *head = newRecord; } void SkSVGPaint::Pop(SkSVGPaint** head) { SkSVGPaint* next = (*head)->fNext; *head = next; }