// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "sync/engine/process_updates_command.h" #include <vector> #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/location.h" #include "sync/engine/syncer.h" #include "sync/engine/syncer_proto_util.h" #include "sync/engine/syncer_util.h" #include "sync/engine/syncproto.h" #include "sync/sessions/sync_session.h" #include "sync/syncable/syncable.h" #include "sync/util/cryptographer.h" using std::vector; namespace browser_sync { using sessions::SyncSession; using sessions::StatusController; using sessions::UpdateProgress; ProcessUpdatesCommand::ProcessUpdatesCommand() {} ProcessUpdatesCommand::~ProcessUpdatesCommand() {} std::set<ModelSafeGroup> ProcessUpdatesCommand::GetGroupsToChange( const sessions::SyncSession& session) const { return session.GetEnabledGroupsWithVerifiedUpdates(); } SyncerError ProcessUpdatesCommand::ModelChangingExecuteImpl( SyncSession* session) { syncable::Directory* dir = session->context()->directory(); const sessions::UpdateProgress* progress = session->status_controller().update_progress(); if (!progress) return SYNCER_OK; // Nothing to do. syncable::WriteTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, syncable::SYNCER, dir); vector<sessions::VerifiedUpdate>::const_iterator it; for (it = progress->VerifiedUpdatesBegin(); it != progress->VerifiedUpdatesEnd(); ++it) { const sync_pb::SyncEntity& update = it->second; if (it->first != VERIFY_SUCCESS && it->first != VERIFY_UNDELETE) continue; switch (ProcessUpdate(update, dir->GetCryptographer(&trans), &trans)) { case SUCCESS_PROCESSED: case SUCCESS_STORED: break; default: NOTREACHED(); break; } } StatusController* status = session->mutable_status_controller(); status->mutable_update_progress()->ClearVerifiedUpdates(); return SYNCER_OK; } namespace { // Returns true if the entry is still ok to process. bool ReverifyEntry(syncable::WriteTransaction* trans, const SyncEntity& entry, syncable::MutableEntry* same_id) { const bool deleted = entry.has_deleted() && entry.deleted(); const bool is_directory = entry.IsFolder(); const syncable::ModelType model_type = entry.GetModelType(); return VERIFY_SUCCESS == SyncerUtil::VerifyUpdateConsistency(trans, entry, same_id, deleted, is_directory, model_type); } } // namespace // Process a single update. Will avoid touching global state. ServerUpdateProcessingResult ProcessUpdatesCommand::ProcessUpdate( const sync_pb::SyncEntity& proto_update, const Cryptographer* cryptographer, syncable::WriteTransaction* const trans) { const SyncEntity& update = *static_cast<const SyncEntity*>(&proto_update); syncable::Id server_id = update.id(); const std::string name = SyncerProtoUtil::NameFromSyncEntity(update); // Look to see if there's a local item that should recieve this update, // maybe due to a duplicate client tag or a lost commit response. syncable::Id local_id = SyncerUtil::FindLocalIdToUpdate(trans, update); // FindLocalEntryToUpdate has veto power. if (local_id.IsNull()) { return SUCCESS_PROCESSED; // The entry has become irrelevant. } SyncerUtil::CreateNewEntry(trans, local_id); // We take a two step approach. First we store the entries data in the // server fields of a local entry and then move the data to the local fields syncable::MutableEntry target_entry(trans, syncable::GET_BY_ID, local_id); // We need to run the Verify checks again; the world could have changed // since VerifyUpdatesCommand. if (!ReverifyEntry(trans, update, &target_entry)) { return SUCCESS_PROCESSED; // The entry has become irrelevant. } // If we're repurposing an existing local entry with a new server ID, // change the ID now, after we're sure that the update can succeed. if (local_id != server_id) { DCHECK(!update.deleted()); SyncerUtil::ChangeEntryIDAndUpdateChildren(trans, &target_entry, server_id); // When IDs change, versions become irrelevant. Forcing BASE_VERSION // to zero would ensure that this update gets applied, but would indicate // creation or undeletion if it were committed that way. Instead, prefer // forcing BASE_VERSION to entry.version() while also forcing // IS_UNAPPLIED_UPDATE to true. If the item is UNSYNCED, it's committable // from the new state; it may commit before the conflict resolver gets // a crack at it. if (target_entry.Get(syncable::IS_UNSYNCED) || target_entry.Get(syncable::BASE_VERSION) > 0) { // If either of these conditions are met, then we can expect valid client // fields for this entry. When BASE_VERSION is positive, consistency is // enforced on the client fields at update-application time. Otherwise, // we leave the BASE_VERSION field alone; it'll get updated the first time // we successfully apply this update. target_entry.Put(syncable::BASE_VERSION, update.version()); } // Force application of this update, no matter what. target_entry.Put(syncable::IS_UNAPPLIED_UPDATE, true); } // If this is a newly received undecryptable update, and the only thing that // has changed are the specifics, store the original decryptable specifics, // (on which any current or future local changes are based) before we // overwrite SERVER_SPECIFICS. // MTIME, CTIME, and NON_UNIQUE_NAME are not enforced. if (!update.deleted() && !target_entry.Get(syncable::SERVER_IS_DEL) && (update.parent_id() == target_entry.Get(syncable::SERVER_PARENT_ID)) && (update.position_in_parent() == target_entry.Get(syncable::SERVER_POSITION_IN_PARENT)) && update.has_specifics() && update.specifics().has_encrypted() && !cryptographer->CanDecrypt(update.specifics().encrypted())) { sync_pb::EntitySpecifics prev_specifics = target_entry.Get(syncable::SERVER_SPECIFICS); // We only store the old specifics if they were decryptable and applied and // there is no BASE_SERVER_SPECIFICS already. Else do nothing. if (!target_entry.Get(syncable::IS_UNAPPLIED_UPDATE) && !syncable::IsRealDataType(syncable::GetModelTypeFromSpecifics( target_entry.Get(syncable::BASE_SERVER_SPECIFICS))) && (!prev_specifics.has_encrypted() || cryptographer->CanDecrypt(prev_specifics.encrypted()))) { DVLOG(2) << "Storing previous server specifcs: " << prev_specifics.SerializeAsString(); target_entry.Put(syncable::BASE_SERVER_SPECIFICS, prev_specifics); } } else if (syncable::IsRealDataType(syncable::GetModelTypeFromSpecifics( target_entry.Get(syncable::BASE_SERVER_SPECIFICS)))) { // We have a BASE_SERVER_SPECIFICS, but a subsequent non-specifics-only // change arrived. As a result, we can't use the specifics alone to detect // changes, so we clear BASE_SERVER_SPECIFICS. target_entry.Put(syncable::BASE_SERVER_SPECIFICS, sync_pb::EntitySpecifics()); } SyncerUtil::UpdateServerFieldsFromUpdate(&target_entry, update, name); return SUCCESS_PROCESSED; } } // namespace browser_sync