// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "sync/engine/sync_scheduler_impl.h" #include #include #include "base/auto_reset.h" #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/bind_helpers.h" #include "base/compiler_specific.h" #include "base/location.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "sync/engine/backoff_delay_provider.h" #include "sync/engine/syncer.h" #include "sync/engine/throttled_data_type_tracker.h" #include "sync/protocol/proto_enum_conversions.h" #include "sync/protocol/sync.pb.h" #include "sync/util/data_type_histogram.h" #include "sync/util/logging.h" using base::TimeDelta; using base::TimeTicks; namespace syncer { using sessions::SyncSession; using sessions::SyncSessionSnapshot; using sessions::SyncSourceInfo; using sync_pb::GetUpdatesCallerInfo; namespace { bool ShouldRequestEarlyExit(const SyncProtocolError& error) { switch (error.error_type) { case SYNC_SUCCESS: case MIGRATION_DONE: case THROTTLED: case TRANSIENT_ERROR: return false; case NOT_MY_BIRTHDAY: case CLEAR_PENDING: // If we send terminate sync early then |sync_cycle_ended| notification // would not be sent. If there were no actions then |ACTIONABLE_ERROR| // notification wouldnt be sent either. Then the UI layer would be left // waiting forever. So assert we would send something. DCHECK_NE(error.action, UNKNOWN_ACTION); return true; case INVALID_CREDENTIAL: // The notification for this is handled by PostAndProcessHeaders|. // Server does no have to send any action for this. return true; // Make the default a NOTREACHED. So if a new error is introduced we // think about its expected functionality. default: NOTREACHED(); return false; } } bool IsActionableError( const SyncProtocolError& error) { return (error.action != UNKNOWN_ACTION); } } // namespace ConfigurationParams::ConfigurationParams() : source(GetUpdatesCallerInfo::UNKNOWN) {} ConfigurationParams::ConfigurationParams( const sync_pb::GetUpdatesCallerInfo::GetUpdatesSource& source, ModelTypeSet types_to_download, const ModelSafeRoutingInfo& routing_info, const base::Closure& ready_task) : source(source), types_to_download(types_to_download), routing_info(routing_info), ready_task(ready_task) { DCHECK(!ready_task.is_null()); } ConfigurationParams::~ConfigurationParams() {} SyncSchedulerImpl::WaitInterval::WaitInterval() : mode(UNKNOWN), had_nudge(false), pending_configure_job(NULL) {} SyncSchedulerImpl::WaitInterval::WaitInterval(Mode mode, TimeDelta length) : mode(mode), had_nudge(false), length(length), pending_configure_job(NULL) {} SyncSchedulerImpl::WaitInterval::~WaitInterval() {} #define ENUM_CASE(x) case x: return #x; break; const char* SyncSchedulerImpl::WaitInterval::GetModeString(Mode mode) { switch (mode) { ENUM_CASE(UNKNOWN); ENUM_CASE(EXPONENTIAL_BACKOFF); ENUM_CASE(THROTTLED); } NOTREACHED(); return ""; } GetUpdatesCallerInfo::GetUpdatesSource GetUpdatesFromNudgeSource( NudgeSource source) { switch (source) { case NUDGE_SOURCE_NOTIFICATION: return GetUpdatesCallerInfo::NOTIFICATION; case NUDGE_SOURCE_LOCAL: return GetUpdatesCallerInfo::LOCAL; case NUDGE_SOURCE_LOCAL_REFRESH: return GetUpdatesCallerInfo::DATATYPE_REFRESH; case NUDGE_SOURCE_UNKNOWN: return GetUpdatesCallerInfo::UNKNOWN; default: NOTREACHED(); return GetUpdatesCallerInfo::UNKNOWN; } } // Helper macros to log with the syncer thread name; useful when there // are multiple syncer threads involved. #define SLOG(severity) LOG(severity) << name_ << ": " #define SDVLOG(verbose_level) DVLOG(verbose_level) << name_ << ": " #define SDVLOG_LOC(from_here, verbose_level) \ DVLOG_LOC(from_here, verbose_level) << name_ << ": " namespace { const int kDefaultSessionsCommitDelaySeconds = 10; bool IsConfigRelatedUpdateSourceValue( GetUpdatesCallerInfo::GetUpdatesSource source) { switch (source) { case GetUpdatesCallerInfo::RECONFIGURATION: case GetUpdatesCallerInfo::MIGRATION: case GetUpdatesCallerInfo::NEW_CLIENT: case GetUpdatesCallerInfo::NEWLY_SUPPORTED_DATATYPE: return true; default: return false; } } } // namespace SyncSchedulerImpl::SyncSchedulerImpl(const std::string& name, BackoffDelayProvider* delay_provider, sessions::SyncSessionContext* context, Syncer* syncer) : weak_ptr_factory_(ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(this)), weak_ptr_factory_for_weak_handle_(ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(this)), weak_handle_this_(MakeWeakHandle( weak_ptr_factory_for_weak_handle_.GetWeakPtr())), name_(name), sync_loop_(MessageLoop::current()), started_(false), syncer_short_poll_interval_seconds_( TimeDelta::FromSeconds(kDefaultShortPollIntervalSeconds)), syncer_long_poll_interval_seconds_( TimeDelta::FromSeconds(kDefaultLongPollIntervalSeconds)), sessions_commit_delay_( TimeDelta::FromSeconds(kDefaultSessionsCommitDelaySeconds)), mode_(NORMAL_MODE), // Start with assuming everything is fine with the connection. // At the end of the sync cycle we would have the correct status. connection_code_(HttpResponse::SERVER_CONNECTION_OK), pending_nudge_(NULL), delay_provider_(delay_provider), syncer_(syncer), session_context_(context), no_scheduling_allowed_(false) { DCHECK(sync_loop_); } SyncSchedulerImpl::~SyncSchedulerImpl() { DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_); StopImpl(base::Closure()); } void SyncSchedulerImpl::OnJobDestroyed(SyncSessionJob* job) { // TODO(tim): Bug 165561 investigation. CHECK(!pending_nudge_ || pending_nudge_ != job); } void SyncSchedulerImpl::OnCredentialsUpdated() { DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_); // TODO(lipalani): crbug.com/106262. One issue here is that if after // the auth error we happened to do gettime and it succeeded then // the |connection_code_| would be briefly OK however it would revert // back to SYNC_AUTH_ERROR at the end of the sync cycle. The // referenced bug explores the option of removing gettime calls // altogethere // TODO(rogerta): this code no longer checks |connection_code_|. It uses // ServerConnectionManager::server_status() instead. This is to resolve a // missing notitification during re-auth. |connection_code_| is a duplicate // value and should probably be removed, see comment in the function // SyncSchedulerImpl::FinishSyncSessionJob() below. if (HttpResponse::SYNC_AUTH_ERROR == session_context_->connection_manager()->server_status()) { OnServerConnectionErrorFixed(); } } void SyncSchedulerImpl::OnConnectionStatusChange() { if (HttpResponse::CONNECTION_UNAVAILABLE == connection_code_) { // Optimistically assume that the connection is fixed and try // connecting. OnServerConnectionErrorFixed(); } } void SyncSchedulerImpl::OnServerConnectionErrorFixed() { connection_code_ = HttpResponse::SERVER_CONNECTION_OK; // There could be a pending nudge or configuration job in several cases: // // 1. We're in exponential backoff. // 2. We're silenced / throttled. // 3. A nudge was saved previously due to not having a valid auth token. // 4. A nudge was scheduled + saved while in configuration mode. // // In all cases except (2), we want to retry contacting the server. We // call DoCanaryJob to achieve this, and note that nothing -- not even a // canary job -- can bypass a THROTTLED WaitInterval. The only thing that // has the authority to do that is the Unthrottle timer. scoped_ptr pending(TakePendingJobForCurrentMode()); if (!pending.get()) return; PostTask(FROM_HERE, "DoCanaryJob", base::Bind(&SyncSchedulerImpl::DoCanaryJob, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), base::Passed(&pending))); } void SyncSchedulerImpl::UpdateServerConnectionManagerStatus( HttpResponse::ServerConnectionCode code) { DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_); SDVLOG(2) << "New server connection code: " << HttpResponse::GetServerConnectionCodeString(code); connection_code_ = code; } void SyncSchedulerImpl::Start(Mode mode) { DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_); std::string thread_name = MessageLoop::current()->thread_name(); if (thread_name.empty()) thread_name = "
"; SDVLOG(2) << "Start called from thread " << thread_name << " with mode " << GetModeString(mode); if (!started_) { started_ = true; SendInitialSnapshot(); } DCHECK(!session_context_->account_name().empty()); DCHECK(syncer_.get()); Mode old_mode = mode_; mode_ = mode; AdjustPolling(NULL); // Will kick start poll timer if needed. if (old_mode != mode_) { // We just changed our mode. See if there are any pending jobs that we could // execute in the new mode. if (mode_ == NORMAL_MODE) { // It is illegal to switch to NORMAL_MODE if a previous CONFIGURATION job // has not yet completed. DCHECK(!wait_interval_.get() || !wait_interval_->pending_configure_job); } scoped_ptr pending(TakePendingJobForCurrentMode()); if (pending.get()) { SDVLOG(2) << "Executing pending job. Good luck!"; DoSyncSessionJob(pending.Pass()); } } } void SyncSchedulerImpl::SendInitialSnapshot() { DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_); scoped_ptr dummy(new SyncSession( session_context_, this, SyncSourceInfo())); SyncEngineEvent event(SyncEngineEvent::STATUS_CHANGED); event.snapshot = dummy->TakeSnapshot(); session_context_->NotifyListeners(event); } namespace { // Helper to extract the routing info corresponding to types in // |types_to_download| from |current_routes|. void BuildModelSafeParams( ModelTypeSet types_to_download, const ModelSafeRoutingInfo& current_routes, ModelSafeRoutingInfo* result_routes) { for (ModelTypeSet::Iterator iter = types_to_download.First(); iter.Good(); iter.Inc()) { ModelType type = iter.Get(); ModelSafeRoutingInfo::const_iterator route = current_routes.find(type); DCHECK(route != current_routes.end()); ModelSafeGroup group = route->second; (*result_routes)[type] = group; } } } // namespace. bool SyncSchedulerImpl::ScheduleConfiguration( const ConfigurationParams& params) { DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_); DCHECK(IsConfigRelatedUpdateSourceValue(params.source)); DCHECK_EQ(CONFIGURATION_MODE, mode_); DCHECK(!params.ready_task.is_null()); CHECK(started_) << "Scheduler must be running to configure."; SDVLOG(2) << "Reconfiguring syncer."; // Only one configuration is allowed at a time. Verify we're not waiting // for a pending configure job. DCHECK(!wait_interval_.get() || !wait_interval_->pending_configure_job); ModelSafeRoutingInfo restricted_routes; BuildModelSafeParams(params.types_to_download, params.routing_info, &restricted_routes); session_context_->set_routing_info(restricted_routes); // Only reconfigure if we have types to download. if (!params.types_to_download.Empty()) { DCHECK(!restricted_routes.empty()); scoped_ptr session(new SyncSession( session_context_, this, SyncSourceInfo(params.source, ModelSafeRoutingInfoToInvalidationMap( restricted_routes, std::string())))); scoped_ptr job(new SyncSessionJob( SyncSessionJob::CONFIGURATION, TimeTicks::Now(), session.Pass(), params, FROM_HERE)); job->set_destruction_observer(weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()); bool succeeded = DoSyncSessionJob(job.Pass()); // If we failed, the job would have been saved as the pending configure // job and a wait interval would have been set. if (!succeeded) { DCHECK(wait_interval_.get() && wait_interval_->pending_configure_job); return false; } } else { SDVLOG(2) << "No change in routing info, calling ready task directly."; params.ready_task.Run(); } return true; } SyncSchedulerImpl::JobProcessDecision SyncSchedulerImpl::DecideWhileInWaitInterval(const SyncSessionJob& job) { DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_); DCHECK(wait_interval_.get()); SDVLOG(2) << "DecideWhileInWaitInterval with WaitInterval mode " << WaitInterval::GetModeString(wait_interval_->mode) << (wait_interval_->had_nudge ? " (had nudge)" : "") << (job.is_canary() ? " (canary)" : ""); if (job.purpose() == SyncSessionJob::POLL) return DROP; // If we save a job while in a WaitInterval, there is a well-defined moment // in time in the future when it makes sense for that SAVE-worthy job to try // running again -- the end of the WaitInterval. DCHECK(job.purpose() == SyncSessionJob::NUDGE || job.purpose() == SyncSessionJob::CONFIGURATION); // If throttled, there's a clock ticking to unthrottle. We want to get // on the same train. if (wait_interval_->mode == WaitInterval::THROTTLED) return SAVE; DCHECK_EQ(wait_interval_->mode, WaitInterval::EXPONENTIAL_BACKOFF); if (job.purpose() == SyncSessionJob::NUDGE) { if (mode_ == CONFIGURATION_MODE) return SAVE; // If we already had one nudge then just drop this nudge. We will retry // later when the timer runs out. if (!job.is_canary()) return wait_interval_->had_nudge ? DROP : CONTINUE; else // We are here because timer ran out. So retry. return CONTINUE; } return job.is_canary() ? CONTINUE : SAVE; } SyncSchedulerImpl::JobProcessDecision SyncSchedulerImpl::DecideOnJob( const SyncSessionJob& job) { DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_); // See if our type is throttled. ModelTypeSet throttled_types = session_context_->throttled_data_type_tracker()->GetThrottledTypes(); if (job.purpose() == SyncSessionJob::NUDGE && job.session()->source().updates_source == GetUpdatesCallerInfo::LOCAL) { ModelTypeSet requested_types; for (ModelTypeInvalidationMap::const_iterator i = job.session()->source().types.begin(); i != job.session()->source().types.end(); ++i) { requested_types.Put(i->first); } // If all types are throttled, do not CONTINUE. Today, we don't treat // a per-datatype "unthrottle" event as something that should force a // canary job. For this reason, there's no good time to reschedule this job // to run -- we'll lazily wait for an independent event to trigger a sync. // Note that there may already be such an event if we're in a WaitInterval, // so we can retry it then. if (!requested_types.Empty() && throttled_types.HasAll(requested_types)) return SAVE; } if (wait_interval_.get()) return DecideWhileInWaitInterval(job); if (mode_ == CONFIGURATION_MODE) { if (job.purpose() == SyncSessionJob::NUDGE) return SAVE; // Running requires a mode switch. else if (job.purpose() == SyncSessionJob::CONFIGURATION) return CONTINUE; else return DROP; } // We are in normal mode. DCHECK_EQ(mode_, NORMAL_MODE); DCHECK_NE(job.purpose(), SyncSessionJob::CONFIGURATION); // Note about some subtle scheduling semantics. // // It's possible at this point that |job| is known to be unnecessary, and // dropping it would be perfectly safe and correct. Consider // // 1) |job| is a POLL with a |scheduled_start| time that is less than // the time that the last successful all-datatype NUDGE completed. // // 2) |job| is a NUDGE (for any combination of types) with a // |scheduled_start| time that is less than the time that the last // successful all-datatype NUDGE completed, and it has a NOTIFICATION // GetUpdatesCallerInfo value yet offers no new notification hint. // // 3) |job| is a NUDGE with a |scheduled_start| time that is less than // the time that the last successful matching-datatype NUDGE completed, // and payloads (hints) are identical to that last successful NUDGE. // // Case 1 can occur if the POLL timer fires *after* a call to // ScheduleSyncSessionJob for a NUDGE, but *before* the thread actually // picks the resulting posted task off of the MessageLoop. The NUDGE will // run first and complete at a time greater than the POLL scheduled_start. // However, this case (and POLLs in general) is so rare that we ignore it ( // and avoid the required bookeeping to simplify code). // // We avoid cases 2 and 3 by externally synchronizing NUDGE requests -- // scheduling a NUDGE requires command of the sync thread, which is // impossible* from outside of SyncScheduler if a NUDGE is taking place. // And if you have command of the sync thread when scheduling a NUDGE and a // previous NUDGE exists, they will be coalesced and the stale job will be // cancelled via the session-equality check in DoSyncSessionJob. // // * It's not strictly "impossible", but it would be reentrant and hence // illegal. e.g. scheduling a job and re-entering the SyncScheduler is NOT a // legal side effect of any of the work being done as part of a sync cycle. // See |no_scheduling_allowed_| for details. // Decision now rests on state of auth tokens. if (!session_context_->connection_manager()->HasInvalidAuthToken()) return CONTINUE; SDVLOG(2) << "No valid auth token. Using that to decide on job."; // Running the job would require updated auth, so we can't honour // job.scheduled_start(). return job.purpose() == SyncSessionJob::NUDGE ? SAVE : DROP; } void SyncSchedulerImpl::HandleSaveJobDecision(scoped_ptr job) { DCHECK_EQ(DecideOnJob(*job), SAVE); const bool is_nudge = job->purpose() == SyncSessionJob::NUDGE; if (is_nudge && pending_nudge_) { SDVLOG(2) << "Coalescing a pending nudge"; // TODO(tim): This basically means we never use the more-careful coalescing // logic in ScheduleNudgeImpl that takes the min of the two nudge start // times, because we're calling this function first. Pull this out // into a function to coalesce + set start times and reuse. pending_nudge_->mutable_session()->CoalesceSources( job->session()->source()); return; } scoped_ptr job_to_save = job->CloneAndAbandon(); if (wait_interval_.get() && !wait_interval_->pending_configure_job) { // This job should be made the new canary. if (is_nudge) { set_pending_nudge(job_to_save.get()); } else { SDVLOG(2) << "Saving a configuration job"; DCHECK_EQ(job->purpose(), SyncSessionJob::CONFIGURATION); DCHECK(!wait_interval_->pending_configure_job); DCHECK_EQ(mode_, CONFIGURATION_MODE); DCHECK(!job->config_params().ready_task.is_null()); // The only nudge that could exist is a scheduled canary nudge. DCHECK(!unscheduled_nudge_storage_.get()); if (pending_nudge_) { // Pre-empt the nudge canary and abandon the old nudge (owned by task). unscheduled_nudge_storage_ = pending_nudge_->CloneAndAbandon(); set_pending_nudge(unscheduled_nudge_storage_.get()); } wait_interval_->pending_configure_job = job_to_save.get(); } TimeDelta length = wait_interval_->timer.desired_run_time() - TimeTicks::Now(); wait_interval_->length = length < TimeDelta::FromSeconds(0) ? TimeDelta::FromSeconds(0) : length; RestartWaiting(job_to_save.Pass()); return; } // Note that today there are no cases where we SAVE a CONFIGURATION job // when we're not in a WaitInterval. See bug 147736. DCHECK(is_nudge); // There may or may not be a pending_configure_job. Either way this nudge // is unschedulable. set_pending_nudge(job_to_save.get()); unscheduled_nudge_storage_ = job_to_save.Pass(); } // Functor for std::find_if to search by ModelSafeGroup. struct ModelSafeWorkerGroupIs { explicit ModelSafeWorkerGroupIs(ModelSafeGroup group) : group(group) {} bool operator()(ModelSafeWorker* w) { return group == w->GetModelSafeGroup(); } ModelSafeGroup group; }; void SyncSchedulerImpl::ScheduleNudgeAsync( const TimeDelta& desired_delay, NudgeSource source, ModelTypeSet types, const tracked_objects::Location& nudge_location) { DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_); SDVLOG_LOC(nudge_location, 2) << "Nudge scheduled with delay " << desired_delay.InMilliseconds() << " ms, " << "source " << GetNudgeSourceString(source) << ", " << "types " << ModelTypeSetToString(types); ModelTypeInvalidationMap invalidation_map = ModelTypeSetToInvalidationMap(types, std::string()); SyncSchedulerImpl::ScheduleNudgeImpl(desired_delay, GetUpdatesFromNudgeSource(source), invalidation_map, nudge_location); } void SyncSchedulerImpl::ScheduleNudgeWithStatesAsync( const TimeDelta& desired_delay, NudgeSource source, const ModelTypeInvalidationMap& invalidation_map, const tracked_objects::Location& nudge_location) { DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_); SDVLOG_LOC(nudge_location, 2) << "Nudge scheduled with delay " << desired_delay.InMilliseconds() << " ms, " << "source " << GetNudgeSourceString(source) << ", " << "payloads " << ModelTypeInvalidationMapToString(invalidation_map); SyncSchedulerImpl::ScheduleNudgeImpl(desired_delay, GetUpdatesFromNudgeSource(source), invalidation_map, nudge_location); } void SyncSchedulerImpl::ScheduleNudgeImpl( const TimeDelta& delay, GetUpdatesCallerInfo::GetUpdatesSource source, const ModelTypeInvalidationMap& invalidation_map, const tracked_objects::Location& nudge_location) { DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_); DCHECK(!invalidation_map.empty()) << "Nudge scheduled for no types!"; if (!started_) { SDVLOG_LOC(nudge_location, 2) << "Dropping nudge, scheduler is not running."; return; } SDVLOG_LOC(nudge_location, 2) << "In ScheduleNudgeImpl with delay " << delay.InMilliseconds() << " ms, " << "source " << GetUpdatesSourceString(source) << ", " << "payloads " << ModelTypeInvalidationMapToString(invalidation_map); SyncSourceInfo info(source, invalidation_map); UpdateNudgeTimeRecords(info); scoped_ptr job(new SyncSessionJob( SyncSessionJob::NUDGE, TimeTicks::Now() + delay, CreateSyncSession(info).Pass(), ConfigurationParams(), nudge_location)); job->set_destruction_observer(weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()); JobProcessDecision decision = DecideOnJob(*job); SDVLOG(2) << "Should run " << SyncSessionJob::GetPurposeString(job->purpose()) << " job " << job->session() << " in mode " << GetModeString(mode_) << ": " << GetDecisionString(decision); if (decision != CONTINUE) { // End of the line, though we may save the job for later. if (decision == SAVE) { HandleSaveJobDecision(job.Pass()); } else { DCHECK_EQ(decision, DROP); } return; } if (pending_nudge_) { SDVLOG(2) << "Rescheduling pending nudge"; pending_nudge_->mutable_session()->CoalesceSources( job->session()->source()); // Choose the start time as the earliest of the 2. Note that this means // if a nudge arrives with delay (e.g. kDefaultSessionsCommitDelaySeconds) // but a nudge is already scheduled to go out, we'll send the (tab) commit // without waiting. pending_nudge_->set_scheduled_start( std::min(job->scheduled_start(), pending_nudge_->scheduled_start())); // Abandon the old task by cloning and replacing the session. // It's possible that by "rescheduling" we're actually taking a job that // was previously unscheduled and giving it wings, so take care to reset // unscheduled nudge storage. job = pending_nudge_->CloneAndAbandon(); pending_nudge_ = NULL; unscheduled_nudge_storage_.reset(); // It's also possible we took a canary job, since we allow one nudge // per backoff interval. DCHECK(!wait_interval_ || !wait_interval_->had_nudge); } // TODO(zea): Consider adding separate throttling/backoff for datatype // refresh requests. ScheduleSyncSessionJob(job.Pass()); } const char* SyncSchedulerImpl::GetModeString(SyncScheduler::Mode mode) { switch (mode) { ENUM_CASE(CONFIGURATION_MODE); ENUM_CASE(NORMAL_MODE); } return ""; } const char* SyncSchedulerImpl::GetDecisionString( SyncSchedulerImpl::JobProcessDecision mode) { switch (mode) { ENUM_CASE(CONTINUE); ENUM_CASE(SAVE); ENUM_CASE(DROP); } return ""; } void SyncSchedulerImpl::PostTask( const tracked_objects::Location& from_here, const char* name, const base::Closure& task) { SDVLOG_LOC(from_here, 3) << "Posting " << name << " task"; DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_); if (!started_) { SDVLOG(1) << "Not posting task as scheduler is stopped."; return; } sync_loop_->PostTask(from_here, task); } void SyncSchedulerImpl::PostDelayedTask( const tracked_objects::Location& from_here, const char* name, const base::Closure& task, base::TimeDelta delay) { SDVLOG_LOC(from_here, 3) << "Posting " << name << " task with " << delay.InMilliseconds() << " ms delay"; DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_); if (!started_) { SDVLOG(1) << "Not posting task as scheduler is stopped."; return; } sync_loop_->PostDelayedTask(from_here, task, delay); } void SyncSchedulerImpl::ScheduleSyncSessionJob( scoped_ptr job) { DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_); if (no_scheduling_allowed_) { NOTREACHED() << "Illegal to schedule job while session in progress."; return; } TimeDelta delay = job->scheduled_start() - TimeTicks::Now(); tracked_objects::Location loc(job->from_location()); if (delay < TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(0)) delay = TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(0); SDVLOG_LOC(loc, 2) << "In ScheduleSyncSessionJob with " << SyncSessionJob::GetPurposeString(job->purpose()) << " job and " << delay.InMilliseconds() << " ms delay"; DCHECK(job->purpose() == SyncSessionJob::NUDGE || job->purpose() == SyncSessionJob::POLL); if (job->purpose() == SyncSessionJob::NUDGE) { SDVLOG_LOC(loc, 2) << "Resetting pending_nudge to "; DCHECK(!pending_nudge_ || pending_nudge_->session() == job->session()); set_pending_nudge(job.get()); } PostDelayedTask(loc, "DoSyncSessionJob", base::Bind(base::IgnoreResult(&SyncSchedulerImpl::DoSyncSessionJob), weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), base::Passed(&job)), delay); } bool SyncSchedulerImpl::DoSyncSessionJob(scoped_ptr job) { DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_); if (job->purpose() == SyncSessionJob::NUDGE) { if (pending_nudge_ == NULL || pending_nudge_->session() != job->session()) { // |job| is abandoned. SDVLOG(2) << "Dropping a nudge in " << "DoSyncSessionJob because another nudge was scheduled"; return false; } pending_nudge_ = NULL; } base::AutoReset protector(&no_scheduling_allowed_, true); JobProcessDecision decision = DecideOnJob(*job); SDVLOG(2) << "Should run " << SyncSessionJob::GetPurposeString(job->purpose()) << " job " << job->session() << " in mode " << GetModeString(mode_) << " with source " << job->session()->source().updates_source << ": " << GetDecisionString(decision); if (decision != CONTINUE) { if (decision == SAVE) { HandleSaveJobDecision(job.Pass()); } else { DCHECK_EQ(decision, DROP); } return false; } SDVLOG(2) << "Calling SyncShare with " << SyncSessionJob::GetPurposeString(job->purpose()) << " job"; bool premature_exit = !syncer_->SyncShare(job->mutable_session(), job->start_step(), job->end_step()); SDVLOG(2) << "Done SyncShare, returned: " << premature_exit; return FinishSyncSessionJob(job.Pass(), premature_exit); } void SyncSchedulerImpl::UpdateNudgeTimeRecords(const SyncSourceInfo& info) { DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_); // We are interested in recording time between local nudges for datatypes. // TODO(tim): Consider tracking LOCAL_NOTIFICATION as well. if (info.updates_source != GetUpdatesCallerInfo::LOCAL) return; base::TimeTicks now = TimeTicks::Now(); // Update timing information for how often datatypes are triggering nudges. for (ModelTypeInvalidationMap::const_iterator iter = info.types.begin(); iter != info.types.end(); ++iter) { base::TimeTicks previous = last_local_nudges_by_model_type_[iter->first]; last_local_nudges_by_model_type_[iter->first] = now; if (previous.is_null()) continue; #define PER_DATA_TYPE_MACRO(type_str) \ SYNC_FREQ_HISTOGRAM("Sync.Freq" type_str, now - previous); SYNC_DATA_TYPE_HISTOGRAM(iter->first); #undef PER_DATA_TYPE_MACRO } } bool SyncSchedulerImpl::FinishSyncSessionJob(scoped_ptr job, bool exited_prematurely) { DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_); // Now update the status of the connection from SCM. We need this to decide // whether we need to save/run future jobs. The notifications from SCM are // not reliable. // // TODO(rlarocque): crbug.com/110954 // We should get rid of the notifications and it is probably not needed to // maintain this status variable in 2 places. We should query it directly // from SCM when needed. ServerConnectionManager* scm = session_context_->connection_manager(); UpdateServerConnectionManagerStatus(scm->server_status()); // Let job know that we're through syncing (calling SyncShare) at this point. bool succeeded = false; { base::AutoReset protector(&no_scheduling_allowed_, true); succeeded = job->Finish(exited_prematurely); } SDVLOG(2) << "Updating the next polling time after SyncMain"; ScheduleNextSync(job.Pass(), succeeded); return succeeded; } void SyncSchedulerImpl::set_pending_nudge(SyncSessionJob* job) { job->set_destruction_observer(weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()); pending_nudge_ = job; } void SyncSchedulerImpl::ScheduleNextSync( scoped_ptr finished_job, bool succeeded) { DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_); AdjustPolling(finished_job.get()); if (succeeded) { // Only reset backoff if we actually reached the server. // It's possible that we reached the server on one attempt, then had an // error on the next (or didn't perform some of the server-communicating // commands). We want to verify that, for all commands attempted, we // successfully spoke with the server. Therefore, we verify no errors // and at least one SYNCER_OK. if (finished_job->session()->DidReachServer()) wait_interval_.reset(); SDVLOG(2) << "Job succeeded so not scheduling more jobs"; return; } if (IsSyncingCurrentlySilenced()) { SDVLOG(2) << "We are currently throttled; scheduling Unthrottle."; // If we're here, it's because |job| was silenced until a server specified // time. (Note, it had to be |job|, because DecideOnJob would not permit // any job through while in WaitInterval::THROTTLED). scoped_ptr clone = finished_job->Clone(); if (clone->purpose() == SyncSessionJob::NUDGE) set_pending_nudge(clone.get()); else if (clone->purpose() == SyncSessionJob::CONFIGURATION) wait_interval_->pending_configure_job = clone.get(); else clone.reset(); // Unthrottling is enough, no need to force a canary. RestartWaiting(clone.Pass()); return; } if (finished_job->purpose() == SyncSessionJob::POLL) { return; // We don't retry POLL jobs. } // TODO(rlarocque): There's no reason why we should blindly backoff and retry // if we don't succeed. Some types of errors are not likely to disappear on // their own. With the return values now available in the old_job.session, // we should be able to detect such errors and only retry when we detect // transient errors. if (IsBackingOff() && wait_interval_->timer.IsRunning() && mode_ == NORMAL_MODE) { // When in normal mode, we allow up to one nudge per backoff interval. It // appears that this was our nudge for this interval, and it failed. // // Note: This does not prevent us from running canary jobs. For example, // an IP address change might still result in another nudge being executed // during this backoff interval. SDVLOG(2) << "A nudge during backoff failed, creating new pending nudge."; DCHECK_EQ(SyncSessionJob::NUDGE, finished_job->purpose()); DCHECK(!wait_interval_->had_nudge); wait_interval_->had_nudge = true; DCHECK(!pending_nudge_); scoped_ptr new_job = finished_job->Clone(); set_pending_nudge(new_job.get()); RestartWaiting(new_job.Pass()); } else { // Either this is the first failure or a consecutive failure after our // backoff timer expired. We handle it the same way in either case. SDVLOG(2) << "Non-'backoff nudge' SyncShare job failed"; HandleContinuationError(finished_job.Pass()); } } void SyncSchedulerImpl::AdjustPolling(const SyncSessionJob* old_job) { DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_); TimeDelta poll = (!session_context_->notifications_enabled()) ? syncer_short_poll_interval_seconds_ : syncer_long_poll_interval_seconds_; bool rate_changed = !poll_timer_.IsRunning() || poll != poll_timer_.GetCurrentDelay(); if (old_job && old_job->purpose() != SyncSessionJob::POLL && !rate_changed) poll_timer_.Reset(); if (!rate_changed) return; // Adjust poll rate. poll_timer_.Stop(); poll_timer_.Start(FROM_HERE, poll, this, &SyncSchedulerImpl::PollTimerCallback); } void SyncSchedulerImpl::RestartWaiting(scoped_ptr job) { CHECK(wait_interval_.get()); wait_interval_->timer.Stop(); DCHECK(wait_interval_->length >= TimeDelta::FromSeconds(0)); if (wait_interval_->mode == WaitInterval::THROTTLED) { wait_interval_->timer.Start(FROM_HERE, wait_interval_->length, base::Bind(&SyncSchedulerImpl::Unthrottle, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), base::Passed(&job))); } else { wait_interval_->timer.Start(FROM_HERE, wait_interval_->length, base::Bind(&SyncSchedulerImpl::DoCanaryJob, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), base::Passed(&job))); } } void SyncSchedulerImpl::HandleContinuationError( scoped_ptr old_job) { DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_); if (DCHECK_IS_ON()) { if (IsBackingOff()) { DCHECK(wait_interval_->timer.IsRunning() || old_job->is_canary()); } } TimeDelta length = delay_provider_->GetDelay( IsBackingOff() ? wait_interval_->length : delay_provider_->GetInitialDelay( old_job->session()->status_controller().model_neutral_state())); SDVLOG(2) << "In handle continuation error with " << SyncSessionJob::GetPurposeString(old_job->purpose()) << " job. The time delta(ms) is " << length.InMilliseconds(); // This will reset the had_nudge variable as well. wait_interval_.reset(new WaitInterval(WaitInterval::EXPONENTIAL_BACKOFF, length)); scoped_ptr new_job(old_job->CloneFromLocation(FROM_HERE)); new_job->set_scheduled_start(TimeTicks::Now() + length); if (old_job->purpose() == SyncSessionJob::CONFIGURATION) { SDVLOG(2) << "Configuration did not succeed, scheduling retry."; // Config params should always get set. DCHECK(!old_job->config_params().ready_task.is_null()); wait_interval_->pending_configure_job = new_job.get(); } else { // We are not in configuration mode. So wait_interval's pending job // should be null. DCHECK(wait_interval_->pending_configure_job == NULL); DCHECK(!pending_nudge_); set_pending_nudge(new_job.get()); } RestartWaiting(new_job.Pass()); } void SyncSchedulerImpl::RequestStop(const base::Closure& callback) { syncer_->RequestEarlyExit(); // Safe to call from any thread. DCHECK(weak_handle_this_.IsInitialized()); SDVLOG(3) << "Posting StopImpl"; weak_handle_this_.Call(FROM_HERE, &SyncSchedulerImpl::StopImpl, callback); } void SyncSchedulerImpl::StopImpl(const base::Closure& callback) { DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_); SDVLOG(2) << "StopImpl called"; // Kill any in-flight method calls. weak_ptr_factory_.InvalidateWeakPtrs(); wait_interval_.reset(); poll_timer_.Stop(); pending_nudge_ = NULL; unscheduled_nudge_storage_.reset(); if (started_) { started_ = false; } if (!callback.is_null()) callback.Run(); } void SyncSchedulerImpl::DoCanaryJob(scoped_ptr to_be_canary) { DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_); SDVLOG(2) << "Do canary job"; // Only set canary privileges here, when we are about to run the job. This // avoids confusion in managing canary bits during scheduling, when you // consider that mode switches (e.g., to config) can "pre-empt" a NUDGE that // was scheduled as canary, and send it to an "unscheduled" state. to_be_canary->GrantCanaryPrivilege(); if (to_be_canary->purpose() == SyncSessionJob::NUDGE) { // TODO(tim): Bug 158313. Remove this check. if (pending_nudge_ == NULL || pending_nudge_->session() != to_be_canary->session()) { // |job| is abandoned. SDVLOG(2) << "Dropping a nudge in " << "DoSyncSessionJob because another nudge was scheduled"; return; } DCHECK_EQ(pending_nudge_->session(), to_be_canary->session()); } DoSyncSessionJob(to_be_canary.Pass()); } scoped_ptr SyncSchedulerImpl::TakePendingJobForCurrentMode() { DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_); // If we find a scheduled pending_ job, abandon the old one and return a // a clone. If unscheduled, just hand over ownership. scoped_ptr candidate; if (mode_ == CONFIGURATION_MODE && wait_interval_.get() && wait_interval_->pending_configure_job) { SDVLOG(2) << "Found pending configure job"; candidate = wait_interval_->pending_configure_job->CloneAndAbandon().Pass(); wait_interval_->pending_configure_job = candidate.get(); } else if (mode_ == NORMAL_MODE && pending_nudge_) { SDVLOG(2) << "Found pending nudge job"; candidate = pending_nudge_->CloneAndAbandon(); set_pending_nudge(candidate.get()); unscheduled_nudge_storage_.reset(); } // If we took a job and there's a wait interval, we took the pending canary. if (candidate && wait_interval_) wait_interval_->timer.Stop(); return candidate.Pass(); } scoped_ptr SyncSchedulerImpl::CreateSyncSession( const SyncSourceInfo& source) { DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_); DVLOG(2) << "Creating sync session with routes " << ModelSafeRoutingInfoToString(session_context_->routing_info()); SyncSourceInfo info(source); return scoped_ptr(new SyncSession(session_context_, this, info)); } void SyncSchedulerImpl::PollTimerCallback() { DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_); ModelSafeRoutingInfo r; ModelTypeInvalidationMap invalidation_map = ModelSafeRoutingInfoToInvalidationMap(r, std::string()); SyncSourceInfo info(GetUpdatesCallerInfo::PERIODIC, invalidation_map); scoped_ptr s(CreateSyncSession(info)); scoped_ptr job(new SyncSessionJob(SyncSessionJob::POLL, TimeTicks::Now(), s.Pass(), ConfigurationParams(), FROM_HERE)); job->set_destruction_observer(weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()); ScheduleSyncSessionJob(job.Pass()); } void SyncSchedulerImpl::Unthrottle(scoped_ptr to_be_canary) { DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_); DCHECK_EQ(WaitInterval::THROTTLED, wait_interval_->mode); DCHECK(!to_be_canary.get() || pending_nudge_ == to_be_canary.get() || wait_interval_->pending_configure_job == to_be_canary.get()); SDVLOG(2) << "Unthrottled " << (to_be_canary.get() ? "with " : "without ") << "canary."; // We're no longer throttled, so clear the wait interval. wait_interval_.reset(); // We treat this as a 'canary' in the sense that it was originally scheduled // to run some time ago, failed, and we now want to retry, versus a job that // was just created (e.g via ScheduleNudgeImpl). The main implication is // that we're careful to update routing info (etc) with such potentially // stale canary jobs. if (to_be_canary.get()) { DoCanaryJob(to_be_canary.Pass()); } else { DCHECK(!unscheduled_nudge_storage_.get()); } } void SyncSchedulerImpl::Notify(SyncEngineEvent::EventCause cause) { DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_); session_context_->NotifyListeners(SyncEngineEvent(cause)); } bool SyncSchedulerImpl::IsBackingOff() const { DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_); return wait_interval_.get() && wait_interval_->mode == WaitInterval::EXPONENTIAL_BACKOFF; } void SyncSchedulerImpl::OnSilencedUntil( const base::TimeTicks& silenced_until) { DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_); wait_interval_.reset(new WaitInterval(WaitInterval::THROTTLED, silenced_until - TimeTicks::Now())); } bool SyncSchedulerImpl::IsSyncingCurrentlySilenced() { DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_); return wait_interval_.get() && wait_interval_->mode == WaitInterval::THROTTLED; } void SyncSchedulerImpl::OnReceivedShortPollIntervalUpdate( const base::TimeDelta& new_interval) { DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_); syncer_short_poll_interval_seconds_ = new_interval; } void SyncSchedulerImpl::OnReceivedLongPollIntervalUpdate( const base::TimeDelta& new_interval) { DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_); syncer_long_poll_interval_seconds_ = new_interval; } void SyncSchedulerImpl::OnReceivedSessionsCommitDelay( const base::TimeDelta& new_delay) { DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_); sessions_commit_delay_ = new_delay; } void SyncSchedulerImpl::OnShouldStopSyncingPermanently() { DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_); SDVLOG(2) << "OnShouldStopSyncingPermanently"; syncer_->RequestEarlyExit(); // Thread-safe. Notify(SyncEngineEvent::STOP_SYNCING_PERMANENTLY); } void SyncSchedulerImpl::OnActionableError( const sessions::SyncSessionSnapshot& snap) { DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_); SDVLOG(2) << "OnActionableError"; SyncEngineEvent event(SyncEngineEvent::ACTIONABLE_ERROR); event.snapshot = snap; session_context_->NotifyListeners(event); } void SyncSchedulerImpl::OnSyncProtocolError( const sessions::SyncSessionSnapshot& snapshot) { DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_); if (ShouldRequestEarlyExit( snapshot.model_neutral_state().sync_protocol_error)) { SDVLOG(2) << "Sync Scheduler requesting early exit."; syncer_->RequestEarlyExit(); // Thread-safe. } if (IsActionableError(snapshot.model_neutral_state().sync_protocol_error)) OnActionableError(snapshot); } void SyncSchedulerImpl::SetNotificationsEnabled(bool notifications_enabled) { DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_); session_context_->set_notifications_enabled(notifications_enabled); } base::TimeDelta SyncSchedulerImpl::GetSessionsCommitDelay() const { DCHECK_EQ(MessageLoop::current(), sync_loop_); return sessions_commit_delay_; } #undef SDVLOG_LOC #undef SDVLOG #undef SLOG #undef ENUM_CASE } // namespace syncer