// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef SYNC_INTERNAL_API_PUBLIC_ENGINE_MODEL_SAFE_WORKER_H_ #define SYNC_INTERNAL_API_PUBLIC_ENGINE_MODEL_SAFE_WORKER_H_ #include #include #include #include "base/callback.h" #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h" #include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h" #include "base/synchronization/lock.h" #include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h" #include "sync/base/sync_export.h" #include "sync/internal_api/public/base/model_type.h" #include "sync/internal_api/public/util/syncer_error.h" namespace base { class DictionaryValue; } // namespace namespace syncer { // TODO(akalin): Move the non-exported functions in this file to a // private header. typedef base::Callback WorkCallback; enum ModelSafeGroup { GROUP_PASSIVE = 0, // Models that are just "passively" being synced; e.g. // changes to these models don't need to be pushed to a // native model. GROUP_UI, // Models that live on UI thread and are being synced. GROUP_DB, // Models that live on DB thread and are being synced. GROUP_FILE, // Models that live on FILE thread and are being synced. GROUP_HISTORY, // Models that live on history thread and are being // synced. GROUP_PASSWORD, // Models that live on the password thread and are // being synced. On windows and linux, this runs on the // DB thread. MODEL_SAFE_GROUP_COUNT, }; SYNC_EXPORT std::string ModelSafeGroupToString(ModelSafeGroup group); // WorkerLoopDestructionObserver is notified when the thread where it works // is going to be destroyed. class WorkerLoopDestructionObserver { public: virtual void OnWorkerLoopDestroyed(ModelSafeGroup group) = 0; }; // The Syncer uses a ModelSafeWorker for all tasks that could potentially // modify syncable entries (e.g under a WriteTransaction). The ModelSafeWorker // only knows how to do one thing, and that is take some work (in a fully // pre-bound callback) and have it performed (as in Run()) from a thread which // is guaranteed to be "model-safe", where "safe" refers to not allowing us to // cause an embedding application model to fall out of sync with the // syncable::Directory due to a race. Each ModelSafeWorker is affiliated with // a thread and does actual work on that thread. On the destruction of that // thread, the affiliated worker is effectively disabled to do more // work and will notify its observer. class SYNC_EXPORT ModelSafeWorker : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe, public base::MessageLoop::DestructionObserver { public: // Subclass should implement to observe destruction of the loop where // it actually does work. Called on UI thread immediately after worker is // created. virtual void RegisterForLoopDestruction() = 0; // Called on sync loop from SyncBackendRegistrar::ShutDown(). Post task to // working loop to stop observing loop destruction and invoke // |unregister_done_callback|. virtual void UnregisterForLoopDestruction( base::Callback unregister_done_callback); // If not stopped, call DoWorkAndWaitUntilDoneImpl() to do work. Otherwise // return CANNOT_DO_WORK. SyncerError DoWorkAndWaitUntilDone(const WorkCallback& work); // Soft stop worker by setting stopped_ flag. Called when sync is disabled // or browser is shutting down. Called on UI loop. virtual void RequestStop(); virtual ModelSafeGroup GetModelSafeGroup() = 0; // MessageLoop::DestructionObserver implementation. virtual void WillDestroyCurrentMessageLoop() OVERRIDE; protected: friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe; explicit ModelSafeWorker(WorkerLoopDestructionObserver* observer); virtual ~ModelSafeWorker(); // Any time the Syncer performs model modifications (e.g employing a // WriteTransaction), it should be done by this method to ensure it is done // from a model-safe thread. virtual SyncerError DoWorkAndWaitUntilDoneImpl(const WorkCallback& work) = 0; base::WaitableEvent* work_done_or_stopped() { return &work_done_or_stopped_; } // Return true if the worker was stopped. Thread safe. bool IsStopped(); // Subclass should call this in RegisterForLoopDestruction() from the loop // where work is done. void SetWorkingLoopToCurrent(); private: void UnregisterForLoopDestructionAsync( base::Callback unregister_done_callback); // Whether the worker should/can do more work. Set when sync is disabled or // when the worker's working thread is to be destroyed. base::Lock stopped_lock_; bool stopped_; // Signal set when work on native thread is finished or when native thread // is to be destroyed so no more work can be done. base::WaitableEvent work_done_or_stopped_; // Notified when working thread of the worker is to be destroyed. WorkerLoopDestructionObserver* observer_; // Remember working loop for posting task to unregister destruction // observation from sync thread when shutting down sync. base::Lock working_loop_lock_; base::MessageLoop* working_loop_; base::WaitableEvent working_loop_set_wait_; }; // A map that details which ModelSafeGroup each ModelType // belongs to. Routing info can change in response to the user enabling / // disabling sync for certain types, as well as model association completions. typedef std::map ModelSafeRoutingInfo; // Caller takes ownership of return value. SYNC_EXPORT_PRIVATE base::DictionaryValue* ModelSafeRoutingInfoToValue( const ModelSafeRoutingInfo& routing_info); SYNC_EXPORT std::string ModelSafeRoutingInfoToString( const ModelSafeRoutingInfo& routing_info); SYNC_EXPORT ModelTypeSet GetRoutingInfoTypes( const ModelSafeRoutingInfo& routing_info); SYNC_EXPORT ModelSafeGroup GetGroupForModelType( const ModelType type, const ModelSafeRoutingInfo& routes); } // namespace syncer #endif // SYNC_INTERNAL_API_PUBLIC_ENGINE_MODEL_SAFE_WORKER_H_