// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "sync/internal_api/public/util/immutable.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" namespace syncer { // Helper class that keeps track of the token passed in at // construction and how many times that token is copied. class TokenCore : public base::RefCounted { public: explicit TokenCore(const char* token) : token_(token), copy_count_(0) {} const char* GetToken() const { return token_; } void RecordCopy() { ++copy_count_; } int GetCopyCount() const { return copy_count_; } private: friend class base::RefCounted; ~TokenCore() {} const char* const token_; int copy_count_; }; enum SwapBehavior { USE_DEFAULT_SWAP, USE_FAST_SWAP_VIA_ADL, USE_FAST_SWAP_VIA_SPECIALIZATION }; const char kEmptyToken[] = ""; // Base class for various token classes, differing in swap behavior. template class TokenBase { public: TokenBase() : core_(new TokenCore(kEmptyToken)) {} explicit TokenBase(const char* token) : core_(new TokenCore(token)) {} TokenBase(const TokenBase& other) : core_(other.core_) { core_->RecordCopy(); } TokenBase& operator=(const TokenBase& other) { core_ = other.core_; core_->RecordCopy(); return *this; } const char* GetToken() const { return core_->GetToken(); } int GetCopyCount() const { return core_->GetCopyCount(); } // For associative containers. bool operator<(const TokenBase& other) const { return std::string(GetToken()) < std::string(other.GetToken()); } // STL-style swap. void swap(TokenBase& other) { using std::swap; swap(other.core_, core_); } // Google-style swap. void Swap(TokenBase* other) { using std::swap; swap(other->core_, core_); } private: scoped_refptr core_; }; typedef TokenBase Token; typedef TokenBase ADLToken; typedef TokenBase SpecializationToken; void swap(ADLToken& t1, ADLToken& t2) { t1.Swap(&t2); } } // namespace syncer // Allowed by the standard ( namespace std { template <> void swap(syncer::SpecializationToken& t1, syncer::SpecializationToken& t2) { t1.Swap(&t2); } } // namespace namespace syncer { namespace { class ImmutableTest : public ::testing::Test {}; TEST_F(ImmutableTest, Int) { int x = 5; Immutable ix(&x); EXPECT_EQ(5, ix.Get()); EXPECT_EQ(0, x); } TEST_F(ImmutableTest, IntCopy) { int x = 5; Immutable ix = Immutable(&x); EXPECT_EQ(5, ix.Get()); EXPECT_EQ(0, x); } TEST_F(ImmutableTest, IntAssign) { int x = 5; Immutable ix; EXPECT_EQ(0, ix.Get()); ix = Immutable(&x); EXPECT_EQ(5, ix.Get()); EXPECT_EQ(0, x); } TEST_F(ImmutableTest, IntMakeImmutable) { int x = 5; Immutable ix = MakeImmutable(&x); EXPECT_EQ(5, ix.Get()); EXPECT_EQ(0, x); } template void RunTokenTest(const char* token, bool expect_copies) { SCOPED_TRACE(token); T t(token); EXPECT_EQ(token, t.GetToken()); EXPECT_EQ(0, t.GetCopyCount()); ImmutableT immutable_t(&t); EXPECT_EQ(token, immutable_t.Get().GetToken()); EXPECT_EQ(kEmptyToken, t.GetToken()); EXPECT_EQ(expect_copies, immutable_t.Get().GetCopyCount() > 0); EXPECT_EQ(expect_copies, t.GetCopyCount() > 0); } TEST_F(ImmutableTest, Token) { RunTokenTest >("Token", true /* expect_copies */); } TEST_F(ImmutableTest, TokenSwapMemFnByRef) { RunTokenTest > >( "TokenSwapMemFnByRef", false /* expect_copies */); } TEST_F(ImmutableTest, TokenSwapMemFnByPtr) { RunTokenTest > >( "TokenSwapMemFnByPtr", false /* expect_copies */); } TEST_F(ImmutableTest, ADLToken) { RunTokenTest >( "ADLToken", false /* expect_copies */); } TEST_F(ImmutableTest, SpecializationToken) { RunTokenTest >( "SpecializationToken", false /* expect_copies */); } template void RunTokenContainerTest(const char* token) { SCOPED_TRACE(token); const Token tokens[] = { Token(), Token(token) }; const size_t token_count = arraysize(tokens); C c(tokens, tokens + token_count); const int copy_count = c.begin()->GetCopyCount(); EXPECT_GT(copy_count, 0); for (typename C::const_iterator it = c.begin(); it != c.end(); ++it) { EXPECT_EQ(copy_count, it->GetCopyCount()); } // Make sure that making the container immutable doesn't incur any // copies of the tokens. ImmutableC immutable_c(&c); EXPECT_TRUE(c.empty()); ASSERT_EQ(token_count, immutable_c.Get().size()); int i = 0; for (typename C::const_iterator it = c.begin(); it != c.end(); ++it) { EXPECT_EQ(tokens[i].GetToken(), it->GetToken()); EXPECT_EQ(copy_count, it->GetCopyCount()); ++i; } } TEST_F(ImmutableTest, Vector) { RunTokenContainerTest, Immutable > >( "Vector"); } TEST_F(ImmutableTest, VectorSwapMemFnByRef) { RunTokenContainerTest< std::vector, Immutable, HasSwapMemFnByRef > > >( "VectorSwapMemFnByRef"); } // http://crbug.com/129128 #if defined(OS_WIN) #define MAYBE_Deque DISABLED_Deque #else #define MAYBE_Deque Deque #endif TEST_F(ImmutableTest, MAYBE_Deque) { RunTokenContainerTest, Immutable > >( "Deque"); } TEST_F(ImmutableTest, List) { RunTokenContainerTest, Immutable > >( "List"); } TEST_F(ImmutableTest, Set) { RunTokenContainerTest, Immutable > >( "Set"); } } // namespace } // namespace syncer