// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "sync/syncable/directory_backing_store.h" #include "build/build_config.h" #include #include "base/base64.h" #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/hash_tables.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/metrics/histogram.h" #include "base/rand_util.h" #include "base/stl_util.h" #include "base/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/stringprintf.h" #include "base/time.h" #include "sql/connection.h" #include "sql/statement.h" #include "sql/transaction.h" #include "sync/protocol/bookmark_specifics.pb.h" #include "sync/protocol/service_constants.h" #include "sync/protocol/sync.pb.h" #include "sync/syncable/syncable-inl.h" #include "sync/syncable/syncable_columns.h" #include "sync/util/time.h" using std::string; namespace syncable { // This just has to be big enough to hold an UPDATE or INSERT statement that // modifies all the columns in the entry table. static const string::size_type kUpdateStatementBufferSize = 2048; // Increment this version whenever updating DB tables. extern const int32 kCurrentDBVersion; // Global visibility for our unittest. const int32 kCurrentDBVersion = 78; // Iterate over the fields of |entry| and bind each to |statement| for // updating. Returns the number of args bound. void BindFields(const EntryKernel& entry, sql::Statement* statement) { int index = 0; int i = 0; for (i = BEGIN_FIELDS; i < INT64_FIELDS_END; ++i) { statement->BindInt64(index++, entry.ref(static_cast(i))); } for ( ; i < TIME_FIELDS_END; ++i) { statement->BindInt64(index++, browser_sync::TimeToProtoTime( entry.ref(static_cast(i)))); } for ( ; i < ID_FIELDS_END; ++i) { statement->BindString(index++, entry.ref(static_cast(i)).s_); } for ( ; i < BIT_FIELDS_END; ++i) { statement->BindInt(index++, entry.ref(static_cast(i))); } for ( ; i < STRING_FIELDS_END; ++i) { statement->BindString(index++, entry.ref(static_cast(i))); } std::string temp; for ( ; i < PROTO_FIELDS_END; ++i) { entry.ref(static_cast(i)).SerializeToString(&temp); statement->BindBlob(index++, temp.data(), temp.length()); } } // The caller owns the returned EntryKernel*. Assumes the statement currently // points to a valid row in the metas table. EntryKernel* UnpackEntry(sql::Statement* statement) { EntryKernel* kernel = new EntryKernel(); DCHECK_EQ(statement->ColumnCount(), static_cast(FIELD_COUNT)); int i = 0; for (i = BEGIN_FIELDS; i < INT64_FIELDS_END; ++i) { kernel->put(static_cast(i), statement->ColumnInt64(i)); } for ( ; i < TIME_FIELDS_END; ++i) { kernel->put(static_cast(i), browser_sync::ProtoTimeToTime(statement->ColumnInt64(i))); } for ( ; i < ID_FIELDS_END; ++i) { kernel->mutable_ref(static_cast(i)).s_ = statement->ColumnString(i); } for ( ; i < BIT_FIELDS_END; ++i) { kernel->put(static_cast(i), (0 != statement->ColumnInt(i))); } for ( ; i < STRING_FIELDS_END; ++i) { kernel->put(static_cast(i), statement->ColumnString(i)); } for ( ; i < PROTO_FIELDS_END; ++i) { kernel->mutable_ref(static_cast(i)).ParseFromArray( statement->ColumnBlob(i), statement->ColumnByteLength(i)); } return kernel; } namespace { string ComposeCreateTableColumnSpecs() { const ColumnSpec* begin = g_metas_columns; const ColumnSpec* end = g_metas_columns + arraysize(g_metas_columns); string query; query.reserve(kUpdateStatementBufferSize); char separator = '('; for (const ColumnSpec* column = begin; column != end; ++column) { query.push_back(separator); separator = ','; query.append(column->name); query.push_back(' '); query.append(column->spec); } query.push_back(')'); return query; } void AppendColumnList(std::string* output) { const char* joiner = " "; // Be explicit in SELECT order to match up with UnpackEntry. for (int i = BEGIN_FIELDS; i < BEGIN_FIELDS + FIELD_COUNT; ++i) { output->append(joiner); output->append(ColumnName(i)); joiner = ", "; } } } // namespace /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DirectoryBackingStore implementation. DirectoryBackingStore::DirectoryBackingStore(const string& dir_name) : db_(new sql::Connection()), dir_name_(dir_name), needs_column_refresh_(false) { } DirectoryBackingStore::DirectoryBackingStore(const string& dir_name, sql::Connection* db) : db_(db), dir_name_(dir_name), needs_column_refresh_(false) { } DirectoryBackingStore::~DirectoryBackingStore() { } bool DirectoryBackingStore::DeleteEntries(const MetahandleSet& handles) { if (handles.empty()) return true; sql::Statement statement(db_->GetCachedStatement( SQL_FROM_HERE, "DELETE FROM metas WHERE metahandle = ?")); for (MetahandleSet::const_iterator i = handles.begin(); i != handles.end(); ++i) { statement.BindInt64(0, *i); if (!statement.Run()) return false; statement.Reset(true); } return true; } bool DirectoryBackingStore::SaveChanges( const Directory::SaveChangesSnapshot& snapshot) { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); DCHECK(db_->is_open()); // Back out early if there is nothing to write. bool save_info = (Directory::KERNEL_SHARE_INFO_DIRTY == snapshot.kernel_info_status); if (snapshot.dirty_metas.size() < 1 && !save_info) return true; sql::Transaction transaction(db_.get()); if (!transaction.Begin()) return false; for (EntryKernelSet::const_iterator i = snapshot.dirty_metas.begin(); i != snapshot.dirty_metas.end(); ++i) { DCHECK(i->is_dirty()); if (!SaveEntryToDB(*i)) return false; } if (!DeleteEntries(snapshot.metahandles_to_purge)) return false; if (save_info) { const Directory::PersistedKernelInfo& info = snapshot.kernel_info; sql::Statement s1(db_->GetCachedStatement( SQL_FROM_HERE, "UPDATE share_info " "SET store_birthday = ?, " "next_id = ?, " "notification_state = ?")); s1.BindString(0, info.store_birthday); s1.BindInt64(1, info.next_id); s1.BindBlob(2, info.notification_state.data(), info.notification_state.size()); if (!s1.Run()) return false; DCHECK_EQ(db_->GetLastChangeCount(), 1); sql::Statement s2(db_->GetCachedStatement( SQL_FROM_HERE, "INSERT OR REPLACE " "INTO models (model_id, progress_marker, initial_sync_ended) " "VALUES (?, ?, ?)")); for (int i = FIRST_REAL_MODEL_TYPE; i < MODEL_TYPE_COUNT; ++i) { // We persist not ModelType but rather a protobuf-derived ID. string model_id = ModelTypeEnumToModelId(ModelTypeFromInt(i)); string progress_marker; info.download_progress[i].SerializeToString(&progress_marker); s2.BindBlob(0, model_id.data(), model_id.length()); s2.BindBlob(1, progress_marker.data(), progress_marker.length()); s2.BindBool(2, info.initial_sync_ended.Has(ModelTypeFromInt(i))); if (!s2.Run()) return false; DCHECK_EQ(db_->GetLastChangeCount(), 1); s2.Reset(true); } } return transaction.Commit(); } bool DirectoryBackingStore::InitializeTables() { sql::Transaction transaction(db_.get()); if (!transaction.Begin()) return false; int version_on_disk = GetVersion(); // Upgrade from version 67. Version 67 was widely distributed as the original // Bookmark Sync release. Version 68 removed unique naming. if (version_on_disk == 67) { if (MigrateVersion67To68()) version_on_disk = 68; } // Version 69 introduced additional datatypes. if (version_on_disk == 68) { if (MigrateVersion68To69()) version_on_disk = 69; } if (version_on_disk == 69) { if (MigrateVersion69To70()) version_on_disk = 70; } // Version 71 changed the sync progress information to be per-datatype. if (version_on_disk == 70) { if (MigrateVersion70To71()) version_on_disk = 71; } // Version 72 removed extended attributes, a legacy way to do extensible // key/value information, stored in their own table. if (version_on_disk == 71) { if (MigrateVersion71To72()) version_on_disk = 72; } // Version 73 added a field for notification state. if (version_on_disk == 72) { if (MigrateVersion72To73()) version_on_disk = 73; } // Version 74 added state for the autofill migration. if (version_on_disk == 73) { if (MigrateVersion73To74()) version_on_disk = 74; } // Version 75 migrated from int64-based timestamps to per-datatype tokens. if (version_on_disk == 74) { if (MigrateVersion74To75()) version_on_disk = 75; } // Version 76 removed all (5) autofill migration related columns. if (version_on_disk == 75) { if (MigrateVersion75To76()) version_on_disk = 76; } // Version 77 standardized all time fields to ms since the Unix // epoch. if (version_on_disk == 76) { if (MigrateVersion76To77()) version_on_disk = 77; } // Version 78 added the column base_server_specifics to the metas table. if (version_on_disk == 77) { if (MigrateVersion77To78()) version_on_disk = 78; } // If one of the migrations requested it, drop columns that aren't current. // It's only safe to do this after migrating all the way to the current // version. if (version_on_disk == kCurrentDBVersion && needs_column_refresh_) { if (!RefreshColumns()) version_on_disk = 0; } // A final, alternative catch-all migration to simply re-sync everything. // // TODO(rlarocque): It's wrong to recreate the database here unless the higher // layers were expecting us to do so. See crbug.com/103824. We must leave // this code as is for now because this is the code that ends up creating the // database in the first time sync case, where the higher layers are expecting // us to create a fresh database. The solution to this should be to implement // crbug.com/105018. if (version_on_disk != kCurrentDBVersion) { if (version_on_disk > kCurrentDBVersion) return false; // Fallback (re-sync everything) migration path. DVLOG(1) << "Old/null sync database, version " << version_on_disk; // Delete the existing database (if any), and create a fresh one. DropAllTables(); if (!CreateTables()) return false; } sql::Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "SELECT db_create_version, db_create_time FROM share_info")); if (!s.Step()) return false; string db_create_version = s.ColumnString(0); int db_create_time = s.ColumnInt(1); DVLOG(1) << "DB created at " << db_create_time << " by version " << db_create_version; return transaction.Commit(); } // This function drops unused columns by creating a new table that contains only // the currently used columns then copying all rows from the old tables into // this new one. The tables are then rearranged so the new replaces the old. bool DirectoryBackingStore::RefreshColumns() { DCHECK(needs_column_refresh_); // Create a new table named temp_metas. SafeDropTable("temp_metas"); if (!CreateMetasTable(true)) return false; // Populate temp_metas from metas. // // At this point, the metas table may contain columns belonging to obsolete // schema versions. This statement explicitly lists only the columns that // belong to the current schema version, so the obsolete columns will be // effectively dropped once we rename temp_metas over top of metas. std::string query = "INSERT INTO temp_metas ("; AppendColumnList(&query); query.append(") SELECT "); AppendColumnList(&query); query.append(" FROM metas"); if (!db_->Execute(query.c_str())) return false; // Drop metas. SafeDropTable("metas"); // Rename temp_metas -> metas. if (!db_->Execute("ALTER TABLE temp_metas RENAME TO metas")) return false; // Repeat the process for share_info. SafeDropTable("temp_share_info"); if (!CreateShareInfoTable(true)) return false; if (!db_->Execute( "INSERT INTO temp_share_info (id, name, store_birthday, " "db_create_version, db_create_time, next_id, cache_guid," "notification_state) " "SELECT id, name, store_birthday, db_create_version, " "db_create_time, next_id, cache_guid, notification_state " "FROM share_info")) return false; SafeDropTable("share_info"); if (!db_->Execute("ALTER TABLE temp_share_info RENAME TO share_info")) return false; needs_column_refresh_ = false; return true; } bool DirectoryBackingStore::LoadEntries(MetahandlesIndex* entry_bucket) { string select; select.reserve(kUpdateStatementBufferSize); select.append("SELECT "); AppendColumnList(&select); select.append(" FROM metas "); sql::Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement(select.c_str())); while (s.Step()) { EntryKernel *kernel = UnpackEntry(&s); entry_bucket->insert(kernel); } return s.Succeeded(); } bool DirectoryBackingStore::LoadInfo(Directory::KernelLoadInfo* info) { { sql::Statement s( db_->GetUniqueStatement( "SELECT store_birthday, next_id, cache_guid, notification_state " "FROM share_info")); if (!s.Step()) return false; info->kernel_info.store_birthday = s.ColumnString(0); info->kernel_info.next_id = s.ColumnInt64(1); info->cache_guid = s.ColumnString(2); s.ColumnBlobAsString(3, &(info->kernel_info.notification_state)); // Verify there was only one row returned. DCHECK(!s.Step()); DCHECK(s.Succeeded()); } { sql::Statement s( db_->GetUniqueStatement( "SELECT model_id, progress_marker, initial_sync_ended " "FROM models")); while (s.Step()) { ModelType type = ModelIdToModelTypeEnum(s.ColumnBlob(0), s.ColumnByteLength(0)); if (type != UNSPECIFIED && type != TOP_LEVEL_FOLDER) { info->kernel_info.download_progress[type].ParseFromArray( s.ColumnBlob(1), s.ColumnByteLength(1)); if (s.ColumnBool(2)) info->kernel_info.initial_sync_ended.Put(type); } } if (!s.Succeeded()) return false; } { sql::Statement s( db_->GetUniqueStatement( "SELECT MAX(metahandle) FROM metas")); if (!s.Step()) return false; info->max_metahandle = s.ColumnInt64(0); // Verify only one row was returned. DCHECK(!s.Step()); DCHECK(s.Succeeded()); } return true; } bool DirectoryBackingStore::SaveEntryToDB(const EntryKernel& entry) { // This statement is constructed at runtime, so we can't use // GetCachedStatement() to let the Connection cache it. We will construct // and cache it ourselves the first time this function is called. if (!save_entry_statement_.is_valid()) { string query; query.reserve(kUpdateStatementBufferSize); query.append("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO metas "); string values; values.reserve(kUpdateStatementBufferSize); values.append("VALUES "); const char* separator = "( "; int i = 0; for (i = BEGIN_FIELDS; i < PROTO_FIELDS_END; ++i) { query.append(separator); values.append(separator); separator = ", "; query.append(ColumnName(i)); values.append("?"); } query.append(" ) "); values.append(" )"); query.append(values); save_entry_statement_.Assign( db_->GetUniqueStatement(query.c_str())); } else { save_entry_statement_.Reset(true); } BindFields(entry, &save_entry_statement_); return save_entry_statement_.Run(); } bool DirectoryBackingStore::DropDeletedEntries() { return db_->Execute("DELETE FROM metas " "WHERE is_del > 0 " "AND is_unsynced < 1 " "AND is_unapplied_update < 1"); } bool DirectoryBackingStore::SafeDropTable(const char* table_name) { string query = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "; query.append(table_name); return db_->Execute(query.c_str()); } void DirectoryBackingStore::DropAllTables() { SafeDropTable("metas"); SafeDropTable("temp_metas"); SafeDropTable("share_info"); SafeDropTable("temp_share_info"); SafeDropTable("share_version"); SafeDropTable("extended_attributes"); SafeDropTable("models"); SafeDropTable("temp_models"); needs_column_refresh_ = false; } // static ModelType DirectoryBackingStore::ModelIdToModelTypeEnum( const void* data, int size) { sync_pb::EntitySpecifics specifics; if (!specifics.ParseFromArray(data, size)) return syncable::UNSPECIFIED; return syncable::GetModelTypeFromSpecifics(specifics); } // static string DirectoryBackingStore::ModelTypeEnumToModelId(ModelType model_type) { sync_pb::EntitySpecifics specifics; syncable::AddDefaultFieldValue(model_type, &specifics); return specifics.SerializeAsString(); } // static std::string DirectoryBackingStore::GenerateCacheGUID() { // Generate a GUID with 128 bits of randomness. const int kGuidBytes = 128 / 8; std::string guid; base::Base64Encode(base::RandBytesAsString(kGuidBytes), &guid); return guid; } bool DirectoryBackingStore::MigrateToSpecifics( const char* old_columns, const char* specifics_column, void (*handler_function)(sql::Statement* old_value_query, int old_value_column, sync_pb::EntitySpecifics* mutable_new_value)) { std::string query_sql = base::StringPrintf( "SELECT metahandle, %s, %s FROM metas", specifics_column, old_columns); std::string update_sql = base::StringPrintf( "UPDATE metas SET %s = ? WHERE metahandle = ?", specifics_column); sql::Statement query(db_->GetUniqueStatement(query_sql.c_str())); sql::Statement update(db_->GetUniqueStatement(update_sql.c_str())); while (query.Step()) { int64 metahandle = query.ColumnInt64(0); std::string new_value_bytes; query.ColumnBlobAsString(1, &new_value_bytes); sync_pb::EntitySpecifics new_value; new_value.ParseFromString(new_value_bytes); handler_function(&query, 2, &new_value); new_value.SerializeToString(&new_value_bytes); update.BindBlob(0, new_value_bytes.data(), new_value_bytes.length()); update.BindInt64(1, metahandle); if (!update.Run()) return false; update.Reset(true); } return query.Succeeded(); } bool DirectoryBackingStore::SetVersion(int version) { sql::Statement s(db_->GetCachedStatement( SQL_FROM_HERE, "UPDATE share_version SET data = ?")); s.BindInt(0, version); return s.Run(); } int DirectoryBackingStore::GetVersion() { if (!db_->DoesTableExist("share_version")) return 0; sql::Statement statement(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "SELECT data FROM share_version")); if (statement.Step()) { return statement.ColumnInt(0); } else { return 0; } } bool DirectoryBackingStore::MigrateVersion67To68() { // This change simply removed three columns: // string NAME // string UNSANITIZED_NAME // string SERVER_NAME // No data migration is necessary, but we should do a column refresh. SetVersion(68); needs_column_refresh_ = true; return true; } bool DirectoryBackingStore::MigrateVersion69To70() { // Added "unique_client_tag", renamed "singleton_tag" to unique_server_tag SetVersion(70); if (!db_->Execute( "ALTER TABLE metas ADD COLUMN unique_server_tag varchar")) return false; if (!db_->Execute( "ALTER TABLE metas ADD COLUMN unique_client_tag varchar")) return false; needs_column_refresh_ = true; if (!db_->Execute( "UPDATE metas SET unique_server_tag = singleton_tag")) return false; return true; } namespace { // Callback passed to MigrateToSpecifics for the v68->v69 migration. See // MigrateVersion68To69(). void EncodeBookmarkURLAndFavicon(sql::Statement* old_value_query, int old_value_column, sync_pb::EntitySpecifics* mutable_new_value) { // Extract data from the column trio we expect. bool old_is_bookmark_object = old_value_query->ColumnBool(old_value_column); std::string old_url = old_value_query->ColumnString(old_value_column + 1); std::string old_favicon; old_value_query->ColumnBlobAsString(old_value_column + 2, &old_favicon); bool old_is_dir = old_value_query->ColumnBool(old_value_column + 3); if (old_is_bookmark_object) { sync_pb::BookmarkSpecifics* bookmark_data = mutable_new_value->mutable_bookmark(); if (!old_is_dir) { bookmark_data->set_url(old_url); bookmark_data->set_favicon(old_favicon); } } } } // namespace bool DirectoryBackingStore::MigrateVersion68To69() { // In Version 68, there were columns on table 'metas': // string BOOKMARK_URL // string SERVER_BOOKMARK_URL // blob BOOKMARK_FAVICON // blob SERVER_BOOKMARK_FAVICON // In version 69, these columns went away in favor of storing // a serialized EntrySpecifics protobuf in the columns: // protobuf blob SPECIFICS // protobuf blob SERVER_SPECIFICS // For bookmarks, EntrySpecifics is extended as per // bookmark_specifics.proto. This migration converts bookmarks from the // former scheme to the latter scheme. // First, add the two new columns to the schema. if (!db_->Execute( "ALTER TABLE metas ADD COLUMN specifics blob")) return false; if (!db_->Execute( "ALTER TABLE metas ADD COLUMN server_specifics blob")) return false; // Next, fold data from the old columns into the new protobuf columns. if (!MigrateToSpecifics(("is_bookmark_object, bookmark_url, " "bookmark_favicon, is_dir"), "specifics", &EncodeBookmarkURLAndFavicon)) { return false; } if (!MigrateToSpecifics(("server_is_bookmark_object, " "server_bookmark_url, " "server_bookmark_favicon, " "server_is_dir"), "server_specifics", &EncodeBookmarkURLAndFavicon)) { return false; } // Lastly, fix up the "Google Chrome" folder, which is of the TOP_LEVEL_FOLDER // ModelType: it shouldn't have BookmarkSpecifics. if (!db_->Execute( "UPDATE metas SET specifics = NULL, server_specifics = NULL WHERE " "singleton_tag IN ('google_chrome')")) return false; SetVersion(69); needs_column_refresh_ = true; // Trigger deletion of old columns. return true; } // Version 71, the columns 'initial_sync_ended' and 'last_sync_timestamp' // were removed from the share_info table. They were replaced by // the 'models' table, which has these values on a per-datatype basis. bool DirectoryBackingStore::MigrateVersion70To71() { if (!CreateV71ModelsTable()) return false; // Move data from the old share_info columns to the new models table. { sql::Statement fetch(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "SELECT last_sync_timestamp, initial_sync_ended FROM share_info")); if (!fetch.Step()) return false; int64 last_sync_timestamp = fetch.ColumnInt64(0); bool initial_sync_ended = fetch.ColumnBool(1); // Verify there were no additional rows returned. DCHECK(!fetch.Step()); DCHECK(fetch.Succeeded()); sql::Statement update(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "INSERT INTO models (model_id, " "last_download_timestamp, initial_sync_ended) VALUES (?, ?, ?)")); string bookmark_model_id = ModelTypeEnumToModelId(BOOKMARKS); update.BindBlob(0, bookmark_model_id.data(), bookmark_model_id.size()); update.BindInt64(1, last_sync_timestamp); update.BindBool(2, initial_sync_ended); if (!update.Run()) return false; } // Drop the columns from the old share_info table via a temp table. const bool kCreateAsTempShareInfo = true; if (!CreateShareInfoTableVersion71(kCreateAsTempShareInfo)) return false; if (!db_->Execute( "INSERT INTO temp_share_info (id, name, store_birthday, " "db_create_version, db_create_time, next_id, cache_guid) " "SELECT id, name, store_birthday, db_create_version, " "db_create_time, next_id, cache_guid FROM share_info")) return false; SafeDropTable("share_info"); if (!db_->Execute( "ALTER TABLE temp_share_info RENAME TO share_info")) return false; SetVersion(71); return true; } bool DirectoryBackingStore::MigrateVersion71To72() { // Version 72 removed a table 'extended_attributes', whose // contents didn't matter. SafeDropTable("extended_attributes"); SetVersion(72); return true; } bool DirectoryBackingStore::MigrateVersion72To73() { // Version 73 added one column to the table 'share_info': notification_state if (!db_->Execute( "ALTER TABLE share_info ADD COLUMN notification_state BLOB")) return false; SetVersion(73); return true; } bool DirectoryBackingStore::MigrateVersion73To74() { // Version 74 added the following columns to the table 'share_info': // autofill_migration_state // bookmarks_added_during_autofill_migration // autofill_migration_time // autofill_entries_added_during_migration // autofill_profiles_added_during_migration if (!db_->Execute( "ALTER TABLE share_info ADD COLUMN " "autofill_migration_state INT default 0")) return false; if (!db_->Execute( "ALTER TABLE share_info ADD COLUMN " "bookmarks_added_during_autofill_migration " "INT default 0")) return false; if (!db_->Execute( "ALTER TABLE share_info ADD COLUMN autofill_migration_time " "INT default 0")) return false; if (!db_->Execute( "ALTER TABLE share_info ADD COLUMN " "autofill_entries_added_during_migration " "INT default 0")) return false; if (!db_->Execute( "ALTER TABLE share_info ADD COLUMN " "autofill_profiles_added_during_migration " "INT default 0")) return false; SetVersion(74); return true; } bool DirectoryBackingStore::MigrateVersion74To75() { // In version 74, there was a table 'models': // blob model_id (entity specifics, primary key) // int last_download_timestamp // boolean initial_sync_ended // In version 75, we deprecated the integer-valued last_download_timestamp, // using insted a protobuf-valued progress_marker field: // blob progress_marker // The progress_marker values are initialized from the value of // last_download_timestamp, thereby preserving the download state. // Move aside the old table and create a new empty one at the current schema. if (!db_->Execute("ALTER TABLE models RENAME TO temp_models")) return false; if (!CreateModelsTable()) return false; sql::Statement query(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "SELECT model_id, last_download_timestamp, initial_sync_ended " "FROM temp_models")); sql::Statement update(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "INSERT INTO models (model_id, " "progress_marker, initial_sync_ended) VALUES (?, ?, ?)")); while (query.Step()) { ModelType type = ModelIdToModelTypeEnum(query.ColumnBlob(0), query.ColumnByteLength(0)); if (type != UNSPECIFIED) { // Set the |timestamp_token_for_migration| on a new // DataTypeProgressMarker, using the old value of last_download_timestamp. // The server will turn this into a real token on our behalf the next // time we check for updates. sync_pb::DataTypeProgressMarker progress_marker; progress_marker.set_data_type_id( GetSpecificsFieldNumberFromModelType(type)); progress_marker.set_timestamp_token_for_migration(query.ColumnInt64(1)); std::string progress_blob; progress_marker.SerializeToString(&progress_blob); update.BindBlob(0, query.ColumnBlob(0), query.ColumnByteLength(0)); update.BindBlob(1, progress_blob.data(), progress_blob.length()); update.BindBool(2, query.ColumnBool(2)); if (!update.Run()) return false; update.Reset(true); } } if (!query.Succeeded()) return false; // Drop the old table. SafeDropTable("temp_models"); SetVersion(75); return true; } bool DirectoryBackingStore::MigrateVersion75To76() { // This change removed five columns: // autofill_migration_state // bookmarks_added_during_autofill_migration // autofill_migration_time // autofill_entries_added_during_migration // autofill_profiles_added_during_migration // No data migration is necessary, but we should do a column refresh. SetVersion(76); needs_column_refresh_ = true; return true; } bool DirectoryBackingStore::MigrateVersion76To77() { // This change changes the format of stored timestamps to ms since // the Unix epoch. #if defined(OS_WIN) // On Windows, we used to store timestamps in FILETIME format (100s of // ns since Jan 1, 1601). Magic numbers taken from // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5398557/java-library-for-dealing-with-win32-filetime // . #define TO_UNIX_TIME_MS(x) #x " = " #x " / 10000 - 11644473600000" #else // On other platforms, we used to store timestamps in time_t format (s // since the Unix epoch). #define TO_UNIX_TIME_MS(x) #x " = " #x " * 1000" #endif sql::Statement update_timestamps(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "UPDATE metas SET " TO_UNIX_TIME_MS(mtime) ", " TO_UNIX_TIME_MS(server_mtime) ", " TO_UNIX_TIME_MS(ctime) ", " TO_UNIX_TIME_MS(server_ctime))); #undef TO_UNIX_TIME_MS if (!update_timestamps.Run()) return false; SetVersion(77); return true; } bool DirectoryBackingStore::MigrateVersion77To78() { // Version 78 added one column to table 'metas': base_server_specifics. if (!db_->Execute( "ALTER TABLE metas ADD COLUMN base_server_specifics BLOB")) { return false; } SetVersion(78); return true; } bool DirectoryBackingStore::CreateTables() { DVLOG(1) << "First run, creating tables"; // Create two little tables share_version and share_info if (!db_->Execute( "CREATE TABLE share_version (" "id VARCHAR(128) primary key, data INT)")) { return false; } { sql::Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "INSERT INTO share_version VALUES(?, ?)")); s.BindString(0, dir_name_); s.BindInt(1, kCurrentDBVersion); if (!s.Run()) return false; } const bool kCreateAsTempShareInfo = false; if (!CreateShareInfoTable(kCreateAsTempShareInfo)) { return false; } { sql::Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "INSERT INTO share_info VALUES" "(?, " // id "?, " // name "?, " // store_birthday "?, " // db_create_version "?, " // db_create_time "-2, " // next_id "?, " // cache_guid "?);")); // notification_state s.BindString(0, dir_name_); // id s.BindString(1, dir_name_); // name s.BindString(2, ""); // store_birthday // TODO(akalin): Remove this unused db_create_version field. (Or // actually use it for something.) http://crbug.com/118356 s.BindString(3, "Unknown"); // db_create_version s.BindInt(4, static_cast(time(0))); // db_create_time s.BindString(5, GenerateCacheGUID()); // cache_guid s.BindBlob(6, NULL, 0); // notification_state if (!s.Run()) return false; } if (!CreateModelsTable()) return false; // Create the big metas table. if (!CreateMetasTable(false)) return false; { // Insert the entry for the root into the metas table. const int64 now = browser_sync::TimeToProtoTime(base::Time::Now()); sql::Statement s(db_->GetUniqueStatement( "INSERT INTO metas " "( id, metahandle, is_dir, ctime, mtime) " "VALUES ( \"r\", 1, 1, ?, ?)")); s.BindInt64(0, now); s.BindInt64(1, now); if (!s.Run()) return false; } return true; } bool DirectoryBackingStore::CreateMetasTable(bool is_temporary) { const char* name = is_temporary ? "temp_metas" : "metas"; string query = "CREATE TABLE "; query.append(name); query.append(ComposeCreateTableColumnSpecs()); return db_->Execute(query.c_str()); } bool DirectoryBackingStore::CreateV71ModelsTable() { // This is an old schema for the Models table, used from versions 71 to 74. return db_->Execute( "CREATE TABLE models (" "model_id BLOB primary key, " "last_download_timestamp INT, " // Gets set if the syncer ever gets updates from the // server and the server returns 0. Lets us detect the // end of the initial sync. "initial_sync_ended BOOLEAN default 0)"); } bool DirectoryBackingStore::CreateModelsTable() { // This is the current schema for the Models table, from version 75 // onward. If you change the schema, you'll probably want to double-check // the use of this function in the v74-v75 migration. return db_->Execute( "CREATE TABLE models (" "model_id BLOB primary key, " "progress_marker BLOB, " // Gets set if the syncer ever gets updates from the // server and the server returns 0. Lets us detect the // end of the initial sync. "initial_sync_ended BOOLEAN default 0)"); } bool DirectoryBackingStore::CreateShareInfoTable(bool is_temporary) { const char* name = is_temporary ? "temp_share_info" : "share_info"; string query = "CREATE TABLE "; query.append(name); // This is the current schema for the ShareInfo table, from version 76 // onward. query.append(" (" "id TEXT primary key, " "name TEXT, " "store_birthday TEXT, " "db_create_version TEXT, " "db_create_time INT, " "next_id INT default -2, " "cache_guid TEXT "); query.append(", notification_state BLOB"); query.append(")"); return db_->Execute(query.c_str()); } bool DirectoryBackingStore::CreateShareInfoTableVersion71( bool is_temporary) { const char* name = is_temporary ? "temp_share_info" : "share_info"; string query = "CREATE TABLE "; query.append(name); // This is the schema for the ShareInfo table used from versions 71 to 72. query.append(" (" "id TEXT primary key, " "name TEXT, " "store_birthday TEXT, " "db_create_version TEXT, " "db_create_time INT, " "next_id INT default -2, " "cache_guid TEXT )"); return db_->Execute(query.c_str()); } } // namespace syncable