// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef SYNC_SYNCABLE_ENTRY_KERNEL_H_ #define SYNC_SYNCABLE_ENTRY_KERNEL_H_ #include "base/time.h" #include "base/values.h" #include "sync/internal_api/public/base/model_type.h" #include "sync/internal_api/public/base/node_ordinal.h" #include "sync/internal_api/public/util/immutable.h" #include "sync/protocol/sync.pb.h" #include "sync/syncable/metahandle_set.h" #include "sync/syncable/syncable_id.h" #include "sync/util/time.h" namespace syncer { namespace syncable { // Things you need to update if you change any of the fields below: // - EntryKernel struct in this file // - syncable_columns.h // - syncable_enum_conversions{.h,.cc,_unittest.cc} // - EntryKernel::EntryKernel(), EntryKernel::ToValue() in entry_kernel.cc // - operator<< in Entry.cc // - BindFields() and UnpackEntry() in directory_backing_store.cc // - TestSimpleFieldsPreservedDuringSaveChanges in syncable_unittest.cc static const int64 kInvalidMetaHandle = 0; enum { BEGIN_FIELDS = 0, INT64_FIELDS_BEGIN = BEGIN_FIELDS }; enum MetahandleField { // Primary key into the table. Keep this as a handle to the meta entry // across transactions. META_HANDLE = INT64_FIELDS_BEGIN }; enum BaseVersion { // After initial upload, the version is controlled by the server, and is // increased whenever the data or metadata changes on the server. BASE_VERSION = META_HANDLE + 1, }; enum Int64Field { SERVER_VERSION = BASE_VERSION + 1, LOCAL_EXTERNAL_ID, // ID of an item in the external local storage that this // entry is associated with. (such as bookmarks.js) TRANSACTION_VERSION, INT64_FIELDS_END }; enum { INT64_FIELDS_COUNT = INT64_FIELDS_END - INT64_FIELDS_BEGIN, TIME_FIELDS_BEGIN = INT64_FIELDS_END, }; enum TimeField { MTIME = TIME_FIELDS_BEGIN, SERVER_MTIME, CTIME, SERVER_CTIME, TIME_FIELDS_END, }; enum { TIME_FIELDS_COUNT = TIME_FIELDS_END - TIME_FIELDS_BEGIN, ID_FIELDS_BEGIN = TIME_FIELDS_END, }; enum IdField { // Code in InitializeTables relies on ID being the first IdField value. ID = ID_FIELDS_BEGIN, PARENT_ID, SERVER_PARENT_ID, PREV_ID, NEXT_ID, ID_FIELDS_END }; enum { ID_FIELDS_COUNT = ID_FIELDS_END - ID_FIELDS_BEGIN, BIT_FIELDS_BEGIN = ID_FIELDS_END }; enum IndexedBitField { IS_UNSYNCED = BIT_FIELDS_BEGIN, IS_UNAPPLIED_UPDATE, INDEXED_BIT_FIELDS_END, }; enum IsDelField { IS_DEL = INDEXED_BIT_FIELDS_END, }; enum BitField { IS_DIR = IS_DEL + 1, SERVER_IS_DIR, SERVER_IS_DEL, BIT_FIELDS_END }; enum { BIT_FIELDS_COUNT = BIT_FIELDS_END - BIT_FIELDS_BEGIN, STRING_FIELDS_BEGIN = BIT_FIELDS_END }; enum StringField { // Name, will be truncated by server. Can be duplicated in a folder. NON_UNIQUE_NAME = STRING_FIELDS_BEGIN, // The server version of |NON_UNIQUE_NAME|. SERVER_NON_UNIQUE_NAME, // A tag string which identifies this node as a particular top-level // permanent object. The tag can be thought of as a unique key that // identifies a singleton instance. UNIQUE_SERVER_TAG, // Tagged by the server UNIQUE_CLIENT_TAG, // Tagged by the client STRING_FIELDS_END, }; enum { STRING_FIELDS_COUNT = STRING_FIELDS_END - STRING_FIELDS_BEGIN, PROTO_FIELDS_BEGIN = STRING_FIELDS_END }; // From looking at the sqlite3 docs, it's not directly stated, but it // seems the overhead for storing a NULL blob is very small. enum ProtoField { SPECIFICS = PROTO_FIELDS_BEGIN, SERVER_SPECIFICS, BASE_SERVER_SPECIFICS, PROTO_FIELDS_END, }; enum { PROTO_FIELDS_COUNT = PROTO_FIELDS_END - PROTO_FIELDS_BEGIN, ORDINAL_FIELDS_BEGIN = PROTO_FIELDS_END }; enum OrdinalField { // An Ordinal that identifies the relative ordering of this object // among its siblings. SERVER_ORDINAL_IN_PARENT = ORDINAL_FIELDS_BEGIN, ORDINAL_FIELDS_END }; enum { ORDINAL_FIELDS_COUNT = ORDINAL_FIELDS_END - ORDINAL_FIELDS_BEGIN, FIELD_COUNT = ORDINAL_FIELDS_END - BEGIN_FIELDS, // Past this point we have temporaries, stored in memory only. BEGIN_TEMPS = ORDINAL_FIELDS_END, BIT_TEMPS_BEGIN = BEGIN_TEMPS, }; enum BitTemp { // Not to be confused with IS_UNSYNCED, this bit is used to detect local // changes to items that happen during the server Commit operation. SYNCING = BIT_TEMPS_BEGIN, BIT_TEMPS_END, }; enum { BIT_TEMPS_COUNT = BIT_TEMPS_END - BIT_TEMPS_BEGIN }; struct EntryKernel { private: std::string string_fields[STRING_FIELDS_COUNT]; sync_pb::EntitySpecifics specifics_fields[PROTO_FIELDS_COUNT]; int64 int64_fields[INT64_FIELDS_COUNT]; base::Time time_fields[TIME_FIELDS_COUNT]; Id id_fields[ID_FIELDS_COUNT]; NodeOrdinal ordinal_fields[ORDINAL_FIELDS_COUNT]; std::bitset<BIT_FIELDS_COUNT> bit_fields; std::bitset<BIT_TEMPS_COUNT> bit_temps; public: EntryKernel(); ~EntryKernel(); // Set the dirty bit, and optionally add this entry's metahandle to // a provided index on dirty bits in |dirty_index|. Parameter may be null, // and will result only in setting the dirty bit of this entry. inline void mark_dirty(syncable::MetahandleSet* dirty_index) { if (!dirty_ && dirty_index) { DCHECK_NE(0, ref(META_HANDLE)); dirty_index->insert(ref(META_HANDLE)); } dirty_ = true; } // Clear the dirty bit, and optionally remove this entry's metahandle from // a provided index on dirty bits in |dirty_index|. Parameter may be null, // and will result only in clearing dirty bit of this entry. inline void clear_dirty(syncable::MetahandleSet* dirty_index) { if (dirty_ && dirty_index) { DCHECK_NE(0, ref(META_HANDLE)); dirty_index->erase(ref(META_HANDLE)); } dirty_ = false; } inline bool is_dirty() const { return dirty_; } // Setters. inline void put(MetahandleField field, int64 value) { int64_fields[field - INT64_FIELDS_BEGIN] = value; } inline void put(Int64Field field, int64 value) { int64_fields[field - INT64_FIELDS_BEGIN] = value; } inline void put(TimeField field, const base::Time& value) { // Round-trip to proto time format and back so that we have // consistent time resolutions (ms). time_fields[field - TIME_FIELDS_BEGIN] = ProtoTimeToTime(TimeToProtoTime(value)); } inline void put(IdField field, const Id& value) { id_fields[field - ID_FIELDS_BEGIN] = value; } inline void put(BaseVersion field, int64 value) { int64_fields[field - INT64_FIELDS_BEGIN] = value; } inline void put(IndexedBitField field, bool value) { bit_fields[field - BIT_FIELDS_BEGIN] = value; } inline void put(IsDelField field, bool value) { bit_fields[field - BIT_FIELDS_BEGIN] = value; } inline void put(BitField field, bool value) { bit_fields[field - BIT_FIELDS_BEGIN] = value; } inline void put(StringField field, const std::string& value) { string_fields[field - STRING_FIELDS_BEGIN] = value; } inline void put(ProtoField field, const sync_pb::EntitySpecifics& value) { specifics_fields[field - PROTO_FIELDS_BEGIN].CopyFrom(value); } inline void put(OrdinalField field, const NodeOrdinal& value) { ordinal_fields[field - ORDINAL_FIELDS_BEGIN] = value; } inline void put(BitTemp field, bool value) { bit_temps[field - BIT_TEMPS_BEGIN] = value; } // Const ref getters. inline int64 ref(MetahandleField field) const { return int64_fields[field - INT64_FIELDS_BEGIN]; } inline int64 ref(Int64Field field) const { return int64_fields[field - INT64_FIELDS_BEGIN]; } inline const base::Time& ref(TimeField field) const { return time_fields[field - TIME_FIELDS_BEGIN]; } inline const Id& ref(IdField field) const { return id_fields[field - ID_FIELDS_BEGIN]; } inline int64 ref(BaseVersion field) const { return int64_fields[field - INT64_FIELDS_BEGIN]; } inline bool ref(IndexedBitField field) const { return bit_fields[field - BIT_FIELDS_BEGIN]; } inline bool ref(IsDelField field) const { return bit_fields[field - BIT_FIELDS_BEGIN]; } inline bool ref(BitField field) const { return bit_fields[field - BIT_FIELDS_BEGIN]; } inline const std::string& ref(StringField field) const { return string_fields[field - STRING_FIELDS_BEGIN]; } inline const sync_pb::EntitySpecifics& ref(ProtoField field) const { return specifics_fields[field - PROTO_FIELDS_BEGIN]; } inline const NodeOrdinal& ref(OrdinalField field) const { return ordinal_fields[field - ORDINAL_FIELDS_BEGIN]; } inline bool ref(BitTemp field) const { return bit_temps[field - BIT_TEMPS_BEGIN]; } // Non-const, mutable ref getters for object types only. inline std::string& mutable_ref(StringField field) { return string_fields[field - STRING_FIELDS_BEGIN]; } inline sync_pb::EntitySpecifics& mutable_ref(ProtoField field) { return specifics_fields[field - PROTO_FIELDS_BEGIN]; } inline Id& mutable_ref(IdField field) { return id_fields[field - ID_FIELDS_BEGIN]; } inline NodeOrdinal& mutable_ref(OrdinalField field) { return ordinal_fields[field - ORDINAL_FIELDS_BEGIN]; } ModelType GetServerModelType() const; // Dumps all kernel info into a DictionaryValue and returns it. // Transfers ownership of the DictionaryValue to the caller. base::DictionaryValue* ToValue() const; private: // Tracks whether this entry needs to be saved to the database. bool dirty_; }; struct EntryKernelMutation { EntryKernel original, mutated; }; typedef std::map<int64, EntryKernelMutation> EntryKernelMutationMap; typedef Immutable<EntryKernelMutationMap> ImmutableEntryKernelMutationMap; // Caller owns the return value. base::DictionaryValue* EntryKernelMutationToValue( const EntryKernelMutation& mutation); // Caller owns the return value. base::ListValue* EntryKernelMutationMapToValue( const EntryKernelMutationMap& mutations); } // namespace syncable } // namespace syncer #endif // SYNC_SYNCABLE_ENTRY_KERNEL_H_