#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Toolbox to manage all the json files in this directory. It can reformat them in their canonical format or ensures they are well formatted. """ import argparse import ast import collections import glob import json import os import subprocess import sys THIS_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) SRC_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(THIS_DIR)) BLINK_DIR = os.path.join(SRC_DIR, 'third_party', 'WebKit') sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(SRC_DIR, 'third_party', 'colorama', 'src')) import colorama SKIP = { # These are not 'builders'. 'compile_targets', 'gtest_tests', 'filter_compile_builders', 'non_filter_builders', 'non_filter_tests_builders', # These are not supported on Swarming yet. # Android Cloud is still experimental and involves spinning up an Android # instance on GCE. Swarming doesn't work in that environment yet. 'Android Cloud Tests', # Recipes don't promise execution on jelly bean. This could work if the # OS dimensions go into the recipe, they're set in the json file, and # jelly bean devices are in the pool. For now, just blacklist. 'Jelly Bean Tester', 'KitKat Tablet Tester', 'Lollipop Consumer Tester', 'Lollipop Low-end Tester', 'Lollipop Phone Tester', 'Lollipop Tablet Tester', 'Marshmallow 64 bit Tester', 'Marshmallow Tablet Tester', # Android bots need custom dimension_sets entries for swarming, and capacity # is not there yet -- so don't let manage.py add swarming automatically there. 'Android User Builder Tests', 'Android GN', 'Android Tests', 'Android Tests (dbg)', # http://crbug.com/441429 'Linux Trusty (32)', 'Linux Trusty (dbg)(32)', # swarming may not work on Mac10.10 and 10.11, need to # re-investigate and confirm 'WebKit Mac10.10', 'WebKit Mac10.11', 'WebKit Mac10.11 (dbg)', 'WebKit Mac10.11 (retina)', 'Chromium Mac10.10 Tests', 'Chromium Mac10.11 Tests', 'Mac GN', 'Mac GN (dbg)', # The memory.fyi waterfall is in the process of being converted to recipes, # and swarming doesn't work yet. 'Chromium Mac (valgrind)(1)', 'Chromium Mac (valgrind)(2)', 'Chromium OS (valgrind)(1)', 'Chromium OS (valgrind)(2)', 'Chromium OS (valgrind)(3)', 'Chromium OS (valgrind)(4)', 'Chromium OS (valgrind)(5)', 'Chromium OS (valgrind)(6)', 'Linux Tests (valgrind)(1)', 'Linux Tests (valgrind)(2)', 'Linux Tests (valgrind)(3)', 'Linux Tests (valgrind)(4)', 'Linux Tests (valgrind)(5)', 'Windows Browser (DrMemory full) (1)', 'Windows Browser (DrMemory full) (2)', 'Windows Browser (DrMemory full) (3)', 'Windows Browser (DrMemory full) (4)', 'Windows Browser (DrMemory full) (5)', 'Windows Browser (DrMemory full) (6)', 'Windows Browser (DrMemory full) (7)', 'Windows Browser (DrMemory full) (8)', 'Windows Browser (DrMemory full) (9)', 'Windows Browser (DrMemory full) (10)', 'Windows Browser (DrMemory full) (11)', 'Windows Browser (DrMemory full) (12)', 'Windows Content Browser (DrMemory)', 'Windows Content Browser (DrMemory full) (1)', 'Windows Content Browser (DrMemory full) (2)', 'Windows Content Browser (DrMemory full) (3)', 'Windows Content Browser (DrMemory full) (4)', 'Windows Content Browser (DrMemory full) (5)', 'Windows Content Browser (DrMemory full) (6)', 'Windows Unit (DrMemory full) (1)', 'Windows Unit (DrMemory full) (2)', 'Windows Unit (DrMemory full) (3)', 'Windows Unit (DrMemory full) (4)', 'Windows Unit (DrMemory full) (5)', 'Windows Unit (DrMemory full) (6)', 'Windows Unit (DrMemory full) (7)', 'Windows Unit (DrMemory full) (8)', 'Windows Unit (DrMemory full) (9)', 'Windows Unit (DrMemory full) (10)', 'Windows Unit (DrMemory full) (11)', 'Windows Unit (DrMemory full) (12)', 'Windows Unit (DrMemory x64)', 'Windows Unit (DrMemory)', # This builder is fine, but win8_chromium_ng uses GN and this configuration, # which breaks everything. 'Win8 Aura', # One off builders. Note that Swarming does support ARM. 'Linux ARM Cross-Compile', 'Site Isolation Linux', 'Site Isolation Win', } SKIP_GN_ISOLATE_MAP_TARGETS = { # TODO(GYP): These targets have not been ported to GN yet. 'android_webview_unittests', 'angle_deqp_gles2_tests', 'angle_deqp_gles3_tests', 'cast_media_unittests', 'cast_shell_browser_test', 'chromevox_tests', 'nacl_helper_nonsfi_unittests', # These targets are run on the bots but not listed in the # buildbot JSON files. # TODO(kbr): remove these before closing http://crbug.com/542370 . 'angle_end2end_tests', 'content_gl_tests', 'gl_tests', 'gl_unittests', 'gles2_conform_test', 'tab_capture_end2end_tests', 'telemetry_gpu_test', 'telemetry_gpu_unittests', 'telemetry_perf_unittests', 'telemetry_unittests', } class Error(Exception): """Processing error.""" def get_isolates(): """Returns the list of all isolate files.""" def git_ls_files(cwd): return subprocess.check_output(['git', 'ls-files'], cwd=cwd).splitlines() files = git_ls_files(SRC_DIR) + git_ls_files(BLINK_DIR) return [os.path.basename(f) for f in files if f.endswith('.isolate')] def process_builder_convert(data, test_name): """Converts 'test_name' to run on Swarming in 'data'. Returns True if 'test_name' was found. """ result = False for test in data['gtest_tests']: if test['test'] != test_name: continue test.setdefault('swarming', {}) if not test['swarming'].get('can_use_on_swarming_builders'): test['swarming']['can_use_on_swarming_builders'] = True result = True return result def process_builder_remaining(data, filename, builder, tests_location): """Calculates tests_location when mode is --remaining.""" for test in data['gtest_tests']: name = test['test'] if test.get('swarming', {}).get('can_use_on_swarming_builders'): tests_location[name]['count_run_on_swarming'] += 1 else: tests_location[name]['count_run_local'] += 1 tests_location[name]['local_configs'].setdefault( filename, []).append(builder) def process_file(mode, test_name, tests_location, filepath, ninja_targets, ninja_targets_seen): """Processes a json file describing what tests should be run for each recipe. The action depends on mode. Updates tests_location. Return False if the process exit code should be 1. """ filename = os.path.basename(filepath) with open(filepath) as f: content = f.read() try: config = json.loads(content) except ValueError as e: raise Error('Exception raised while checking %s: %s' % (filepath, e)) for builder, data in sorted(config.iteritems()): if builder in SKIP: # Oddities. continue if not isinstance(data, dict): raise Error('%s: %s is broken: %s' % (filename, builder, data)) if 'gtest_tests' not in data: continue if not isinstance(data['gtest_tests'], list): raise Error( '%s: %s is broken: %s' % (filename, builder, data['gtest_tests'])) if not all(isinstance(g, dict) for g in data['gtest_tests']): raise Error( '%s: %s is broken: %s' % (filename, builder, data['gtest_tests'])) for d in data['gtest_tests']: if (d['test'] not in ninja_targets and d['test'] not in SKIP_GN_ISOLATE_MAP_TARGETS): raise Error('%s: %s / %s is not listed in gn_isolate_map.pyl.' % (filename, builder, d['test'])) elif d['test'] in ninja_targets: ninja_targets_seen.add(d['test']) config[builder]['gtest_tests'] = sorted( data['gtest_tests'], key=lambda x: x['test']) # The trick here is that process_builder_remaining() is called before # process_builder_convert() so tests_location can be used to know how many # tests were converted. if mode in ('convert', 'remaining'): process_builder_remaining(data, filename, builder, tests_location) if mode == 'convert': process_builder_convert(data, test_name) expected = json.dumps( config, sort_keys=True, indent=2, separators=(',', ': ')) + '\n' if content != expected: if mode in ('convert', 'write'): with open(filepath, 'wb') as f: f.write(expected) if mode == 'write': print('Updated %s' % filename) else: print('%s is not in canonical format' % filename) print('run `testing/buildbot/manage.py -w` to fix') return mode != 'check' return True def print_convert(test_name, tests_location): """Prints statistics for a test being converted for use in a CL description. """ data = tests_location[test_name] print('Convert %s to run exclusively on Swarming' % test_name) print('') print('%d configs already ran on Swarming' % data['count_run_on_swarming']) print('%d used to run locally and were converted:' % data['count_run_local']) for master, builders in sorted(data['local_configs'].iteritems()): for builder in builders: print('- %s: %s' % (master, builder)) print('') print('Ran:') print(' ./manage.py --convert %s' % test_name) print('') print('R=') print('BUG=98637') def print_remaining(test_name, tests_location): """Prints a visual summary of what tests are yet to be converted to run on Swarming. """ if test_name: if test_name not in tests_location: raise Error('Unknown test %s' % test_name) for config, builders in sorted( tests_location[test_name]['local_configs'].iteritems()): print('%s:' % config) for builder in sorted(builders): print(' %s' % builder) return isolates = get_isolates() l = max(map(len, tests_location)) print('%-*s%sLocal %sSwarming %sMissing isolate' % (l, 'Test', colorama.Fore.RED, colorama.Fore.GREEN, colorama.Fore.MAGENTA)) total_local = 0 total_swarming = 0 for name, location in sorted(tests_location.iteritems()): if not location['count_run_on_swarming']: c = colorama.Fore.RED elif location['count_run_local']: c = colorama.Fore.YELLOW else: c = colorama.Fore.GREEN total_local += location['count_run_local'] total_swarming += location['count_run_on_swarming'] missing_isolate = '' if name + '.isolate' not in isolates: missing_isolate = colorama.Fore.MAGENTA + '*' print('%s%-*s %4d %4d %s' % (c, l, name, location['count_run_local'], location['count_run_on_swarming'], missing_isolate)) total = total_local + total_swarming p_local = 100. * total_local / total p_swarming = 100. * total_swarming / total print('%s%-*s %4d (%4.1f%%) %4d (%4.1f%%)' % (colorama.Fore.WHITE, l, 'Total:', total_local, p_local, total_swarming, p_swarming)) print('%-*s %4d' % (l, 'Total executions:', total)) def main(): colorama.init() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=sys.modules[__name__].__doc__) group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) group.add_argument( '-c', '--check', dest='mode', action='store_const', const='check', default='check', help='Only check the files') group.add_argument( '--convert', dest='mode', action='store_const', const='convert', help='Convert a test to run on Swarming everywhere') group.add_argument( '--remaining', dest='mode', action='store_const', const='remaining', help='Count the number of tests not yet running on Swarming') group.add_argument( '-w', '--write', dest='mode', action='store_const', const='write', help='Rewrite the files') parser.add_argument( 'test_name', nargs='?', help='The test name to print which configs to update; only to be used ' 'with --remaining') args = parser.parse_args() if args.mode == 'convert': if not args.test_name: parser.error('A test name is required with --convert') if args.test_name + '.isolate' not in get_isolates(): parser.error('Create %s.isolate first' % args.test_name) # Stats when running in --remaining mode; tests_location = collections.defaultdict( lambda: { 'count_run_local': 0, 'count_run_on_swarming': 0, 'local_configs': {} }) with open(os.path.join(THIS_DIR, "gn_isolate_map.pyl")) as fp: gn_isolate_map = ast.literal_eval(fp.read()) ninja_targets = {k: v['label'] for k, v in gn_isolate_map.items()} try: result = 0 ninja_targets_seen = set() for filepath in glob.glob(os.path.join(THIS_DIR, '*.json')): if not process_file(args.mode, args.test_name, tests_location, filepath, ninja_targets, ninja_targets_seen): result = 1 extra_targets = (set(ninja_targets) - ninja_targets_seen - SKIP_GN_ISOLATE_MAP_TARGETS) if extra_targets: if len(extra_targets) > 1: extra_targets_str = ', '.join(extra_targets) + ' are' else: extra_targets_str = list(extra_targets)[0] + ' is' raise Error('%s listed in gn_isolate_map.pyl but not in any .json ' 'files' % extra_targets_str) if args.mode == 'convert': print_convert(args.test_name, tests_location) elif args.mode == 'remaining': print_remaining(args.test_name, tests_location) return result except Error as e: sys.stderr.write('%s\n' % e) return 1 if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())