# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Utility script to launch browser-tests on the Chromoting bot.""" import argparse import time from chromoting_test_utilities import CleanupUserProfileDir from chromoting_test_utilities import GetJidListFromTestResults from chromoting_test_utilities import InitialiseTestMachineForLinux from chromoting_test_utilities import PrintHostLogContents from chromoting_test_utilities import PROD_DIR_ID from chromoting_test_utilities import RunCommandInSubProcess from chromoting_test_utilities import TestCaseSetup from chromoting_test_utilities import TestMachineCleanup SUCCESS_INDICATOR = 'SUCCESS: all tests passed.' TEST_FAILURE = False FAILING_TESTS = '' BROWSER_NOT_STARTED_ERROR = ( 'Still waiting for the following processes to finish') TIME_OUT_INDICATOR = '(TIMED OUT)' MAX_RETRIES = 1 def LaunchBTCommand(args, command): """Launches the specified browser-test command. Retry if the execution failed because a browser-instance was not launched or because the JID used did not match the host-JID. Args: args: Command line args, used for test-case startup tasks. command: Browser-test command line. Returns: host_log_file_names: Array of host logs created for this command, including retries. """ global TEST_FAILURE, FAILING_TESTS host_log_file_names = [] retries = 0 host_jid_mismatch = False host_jid = None while retries <= MAX_RETRIES: # TestCaseSetup restarts the me2me host, and sets up user-profile dir. # It returns the file-name of the me2me host log. # If we are attempting to run this test because of a JID-mismatch, don't # restart host. if host_jid_mismatch: # Cleanup user-profile directory, but don't restart host. CleanupUserProfileDir(args) else: host_log_file_names.append(TestCaseSetup(args)) # Parse the me2me host log to obtain the JID that the host registered. host_jid = None with open(host_log_file_names[retries], 'r') as host_log_file: for line in host_log_file: # The host JID will be recorded in a line saying 'Signaling # connected'. if 'Signaling connected. ' in line: components = line.split('/') host_jid = components[-1] break results = RunCommandInSubProcess(command) # Get the JID used by this test to connect a remote-host, if any. jids_used = GetJidListFromTestResults(results) # Check for JID mismatch before checking for test success, so that we may # record instances where a test passed despite a JID mismatch. if jids_used and host_jid.rstrip() not in jids_used: host_jid_mismatch = True print 'Host JID mismatch. JID in host log = %s.' % host_jid.rstrip() print 'Host JIDs used by test:' for jid in jids_used: print jid if host_jid_mismatch: # The JID for the remote-host did not match the JID that was used for this # execution of the test. This happens because of a replication delay in # updating all instances of the Chromoting Directory Server. To # work-around this, sleep for 30s, which, based off a recent (08/2015) # query for average replication delay for Chromoting, should be sufficient # for the current JID value to have fully propagated. retries += 1 time.sleep(30) continue elif jids_used: print 'JID used by test matched me2me host JID: %s' % host_jid else: # There wasn't a mismatch and no JIDs were returned. If no JIDs were # returned, that means the test didn't use any JIDs, so there is nothing # further for us to do. pass if SUCCESS_INDICATOR in results: break # Sometimes, during execution of browser-tests, a browser instance is # not started and the test times out. See http://crbug/480025. # To work around it, check if this execution failed owing to that # problem and retry. # There are 2 things to look for in the results: # A line saying "Still waiting for the following processes to finish", # and, because sometimes that line gets logged even if the test # eventually passes, we'll also look for "(TIMED OUT)", before retrying. if not ( BROWSER_NOT_STARTED_ERROR in results and TIME_OUT_INDICATOR in results): # Test failed for some other reason. Let's not retry. break retries += 1 # Check that the test passed. if SUCCESS_INDICATOR not in results: TEST_FAILURE = True # Add this command-line to list of tests that failed. FAILING_TESTS += command return host_log_file_names def main(args): InitialiseTestMachineForLinux(args.cfg_file) host_log_files = [] with open(args.commands_file) as f: for line in f: # Replace the PROD_DIR value in the command-line with # the passed in value. line = line.replace(PROD_DIR_ID, args.prod_dir) # Launch specified command line for test. host_log_files.extend(LaunchBTCommand(args, line)) # All tests completed. Include host-logs in the test results. PrintHostLogContents(host_log_files) return host_log_files if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-f', '--commands_file', help='path to file listing commands to be launched.') parser.add_argument('-p', '--prod_dir', help='path to folder having product and test binaries.') parser.add_argument('-c', '--cfg_file', help='path to test host config file.') parser.add_argument('--me2me_manifest_file', help='path to me2me host manifest file.') parser.add_argument('--it2me_manifest_file', help='path to it2me host manifest file.') parser.add_argument( '-u', '--user_profile_dir', help='path to user-profile-dir, used by connect-to-host tests.') command_line_args = parser.parse_args() host_logs = '' try: host_logs = main(command_line_args) if TEST_FAILURE: print '++++++++++AT LEAST 1 TEST FAILED++++++++++' print FAILING_TESTS.rstrip('\n') print '++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++' raise Exception('At least one test failed.') finally: # Stop host and cleanup user-profile-dir. TestMachineCleanup(command_line_args.user_profile_dir, host_logs)