# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Defines the task controller library.""" import argparse import datetime import logging import os import socket import subprocess import sys import tempfile import threading import xmlrpclib #pylint: disable=relative-import import common_lib ISOLATE_PY = os.path.join(common_lib.SWARMING_DIR, 'isolate.py') SWARMING_PY = os.path.join(common_lib.SWARMING_DIR, 'swarming.py') class Error(Exception): pass class ConnectionTimeoutError(Error): pass class TaskController(object): """Provisions, configures, and controls a task machine. This class is an abstraction of a physical task machine. It provides an end to end API for controlling a task machine. Operations on the task machine are performed using the instance's "rpc" property. A simple end to end scenario is as follows: task = TaskController(...) task.Create() task.WaitForConnection() proc = task.rpc.subprocess.Popen(['ls']) print task.rpc.subprocess.GetStdout(proc) task.Release() """ _task_count = 0 _tasks = [] def __init__(self, isolated_hash, dimensions, priority=100, idle_timeout_secs=common_lib.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECS, connection_timeout_secs=common_lib.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECS, verbosity='ERROR', name=None, run_id=None): assert isinstance(dimensions, dict) type(self)._tasks.append(self) type(self)._task_count += 1 self.verbosity = verbosity self._name = name or 'Task%d' % type(self)._task_count self._priority = priority self._isolated_hash = isolated_hash self._idle_timeout_secs = idle_timeout_secs self._dimensions = dimensions self._connect_event = threading.Event() self._connected = False self._ip_address = None self._otp = self._CreateOTP() self._rpc = None run_id = run_id or datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S') self._task_name = '%s/%s/%s' % ( os.path.splitext(sys.argv[0])[0], self._name, run_id) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--isolate-server') parser.add_argument('--swarming-server') parser.add_argument('--task-connection-timeout-secs', default=common_lib.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECS) args, _ = parser.parse_known_args() self._isolate_server = args.isolate_server self._swarming_server = args.swarming_server self._connection_timeout_secs = (connection_timeout_secs or args.task_connection_timeout_secs) @property def name(self): return self._name @property def otp(self): return self._otp @property def connected(self): return self._connected @property def connect_event(self): return self._connect_event @property def rpc(self): return self._rpc @property def verbosity(self): return self._verbosity @verbosity.setter def verbosity(self, level): """Sets the verbosity level as a string. Either a string ('INFO', 'DEBUG', etc) or a logging level (logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG, etc) is allowed. """ assert isinstance(level, (str, int)) if isinstance(level, int): level = logging.getLevelName(level) self._verbosity = level #pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init @classmethod def ReleaseAllTasks(cls): for task in cls._tasks: task.Release() def _CreateOTP(self): """Creates the OTP.""" controller_name = socket.gethostname() test_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) creation_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow() otp = 'task:%s controller:%s test:%s creation:%s' % ( self._name, controller_name, test_name, creation_time) return otp def Create(self): """Creates the task machine.""" logging.info('Creating %s', self.name) self._connect_event.clear() self._ExecuteSwarming() def WaitForConnection(self): """Waits for the task machine to connect. Raises: ConnectionTimeoutError if the task doesn't connect in time. """ logging.info('Waiting for %s to connect with a timeout of %d seconds', self._name, self._connection_timeout_secs) self._connect_event.wait(self._connection_timeout_secs) if not self._connect_event.is_set(): raise ConnectionTimeoutError('%s failed to connect' % self.name) def Release(self): """Quits the task's RPC server so it can release the machine.""" if self._rpc is not None and self._connected: logging.info('Releasing %s', self._name) try: self._rpc.Quit() except (socket.error, xmlrpclib.Fault): logging.error('Unable to connect to %s to call Quit', self.name) self._rpc = None self._connected = False def _ExecuteSwarming(self): """Executes swarming.py.""" cmd = [ 'python', SWARMING_PY, 'trigger', self._isolated_hash, '--priority', str(self._priority), '--task-name', self._task_name, ] if self._isolate_server: cmd.extend(['--isolate-server', self._isolate_server]) if self._swarming_server: cmd.extend(['--swarming', self._swarming_server]) for key, value in self._dimensions.iteritems(): cmd.extend(['--dimension', key, value]) cmd.extend([ '--', '--controller', common_lib.MY_IP, '--otp', self._otp, '--verbosity', self._verbosity, '--idle-timeout', str(self._idle_timeout_secs), ]) self._ExecuteProcess(cmd) def _ExecuteProcess(self, cmd): """Executes a process, waits for it to complete, and checks for success.""" logging.debug('Running %s', ' '.join(cmd)) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) _, stderr = p.communicate() if p.returncode != 0: raise Error(stderr) def OnConnect(self, ip_address): """Receives task ip address on connection.""" self._ip_address = ip_address self._connected = True self._rpc = common_lib.ConnectToServer(self._ip_address) logging.info('%s connected from %s', self._name, ip_address) self._connect_event.set()