#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Runs tests with Xvfb and Openbox on Linux and normally on other platforms.""" import os import platform import signal import subprocess import sys import threading import test_env def _kill(proc, send_signal): """Kills |proc| and ignores exceptions thrown for non-existent processes.""" try: os.kill(proc.pid, send_signal) except OSError: pass def kill(proc, timeout_in_seconds=10): """Tries to kill |proc| gracefully with a timeout for each signal.""" if not proc or not proc.pid: return _kill(proc, signal.SIGTERM) thread = threading.Thread(target=proc.wait) thread.start() thread.join(timeout_in_seconds) if thread.is_alive(): print >> sys.stderr, 'Xvfb running after SIGTERM, trying SIGKILL.' _kill(proc, signal.SIGKILL) thread.join(timeout_in_seconds) if thread.is_alive(): print >> sys.stderr, 'Xvfb running after SIGTERM and SIGKILL; good luck!' def wait_for_xvfb(xdisplaycheck, env): """Waits for xvfb to be fully initialized by using xdisplaycheck.""" try: subprocess.check_output([xdisplaycheck], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=env) except OSError: print >> sys.stderr, 'Failed to load %s with cwd=%s' % ( xdisplaycheck, os.getcwd()) return False except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print >> sys.stderr, ('Xvfb failed to load (code %d) according to %s' % (e.returncode, xdisplaycheck)) return False return True def should_start_xvfb(env): """Xvfb is only used on Linux and shouldn't be invoked recursively.""" return sys.platform == 'linux2' and env.get('_CHROMIUM_INSIDE_XVFB') != '1' def start_xvfb(env, build_dir, xvfb_path='Xvfb', display=':9'): """Start a virtual X server that can run tests without an existing X session. Returns the Xvfb and Openbox process Popen objects, or None on failure. The |env| dictionary is modified to set the DISPLAY and prevent re-entry. Args: env: The os.environ dictionary [copy] to check for re-entry. build_dir: The path of the build directory, used for xdisplaycheck. xvfb_path: The path to Xvfb. display: The X display number to use. """ assert should_start_xvfb(env) assert env.get('_CHROMIUM_INSIDE_XVFB') != '1' env['_CHROMIUM_INSIDE_XVFB'] = '1' env['DISPLAY'] = display xvfb_proc = None openbox_proc = None try: xvfb_cmd = [xvfb_path, display, '-screen', '0', '1024x768x24', '-ac', '-nolisten', 'tcp', '-dpi', '96'] xvfb_proc = subprocess.Popen(xvfb_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) if not wait_for_xvfb(os.path.join(build_dir, 'xdisplaycheck'), env): rc = xvfb_proc.poll() if rc is None: print 'Xvfb still running after xdisplaycheck failure, stopping.' kill(xvfb_proc) else: print 'Xvfb exited (code %d) after xdisplaycheck failure.' % rc print 'Xvfb output:' for l in xvfb_proc.communicate()[0].splitlines(): print '> %s' % l return (None, None) # Some ChromeOS tests need a window manager. openbox_proc = subprocess.Popen('openbox', stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=env) except OSError as e: print >> sys.stderr, 'Failed to start Xvfb or Openbox: %s' % str(e) kill(xvfb_proc) kill(openbox_proc) return (None, None) return (xvfb_proc, openbox_proc) def run_executable(cmd, build_dir, env): """Runs an executable within Xvfb on Linux or normally on other platforms. Returns the exit code of the specified commandline, or 1 on failure. """ xvfb = None openbox = None if should_start_xvfb(env): (xvfb, openbox) = start_xvfb(env, build_dir) if not xvfb or not xvfb.pid or not openbox or not openbox.pid: return 1 try: return test_env.run_executable(cmd, env) finally: kill(xvfb) kill(openbox) def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 3: print >> sys.stderr, ( 'Usage: xvfb.py [path to build_dir] [command args...]') return 2 return run_executable(sys.argv[2:], sys.argv[1], os.environ.copy()) if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())