This paragraph contains two lines of text. One more sentence. Tests that accessible inline text boxes update when a static text node changes. On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". PASS axStaticText.childrenCount is 2 PASS axInlineBefore0.stringValue is 'AXValue: This paragraph contains ' PASS axInlineBefore1.stringValue is 'AXValue: two lines of text.' PASS axStaticText.childrenCount is 3 PASS axInlineAfter0.stringValue is 'AXValue: This paragraph contains ' PASS axInlineAfter1.stringValue is 'AXValue: two lines of text. One ' PASS axInlineAfter2.stringValue is 'AXValue: more sentence.' PASS axInlineBefore1.stringValue is 'AXValue: ' PASS successfullyParsed is true TEST COMPLETE