This test ensures WebKit clears IME composition inside an input element when the value is programmatically set. On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". PASS successfullyParsed is true TEST COMPLETE nihao should marked from 0 to 5 PASS textInputController.hasMarkedText() is true PASS textInputController.markedRange().toString() is "0,5" text was removed so there should be no marked text PASS textInputController.hasMarkedText() is false nihao should marked from 0 to 5 PASS textInputController.hasMarkedText() is true PASS textInputController.markedRange().toString() is "0,5" the text was changed so there should be no marked text PASS textInputController.hasMarkedText() is false PASS successfullyParsed is true TEST COMPLETE