Tests that canvas 2d context supports 'direction' attribute:
Tests that context.direction is 'ltr' with parent element having unspecified direction:
Tests that context.direction is 'rtl' with parent element having direction as rtl:
Tests that context.direction is overridden by 'rtl' with parent element having unspecified direction:
Tests that context.direction is overridden by 'ltr' with parent element having direction as rtl:
Tests that context.direction is overridden by 'inherit' with parent element having unspecified direction:
Tests that context.direction is overridden by 'inherit' with parent element having direction as rtl:
Tests that context.reset sets the direction as ltr
Tests that context.reset sets the direction as rtl
Tests that change in element's dir attribute is reflected in context.direction as rtl:
Tests that change in element's dir attribute is reflected in context.direction as ltr:
Tests that context.direction reflects the valid direction after save/restore context operations: