description("This test covers the behaviour of pattern use and construction"); function dataToArray(data) { var result = new Array(data.length) for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) result[i] = data[i]; return result; } function getPixel(x, y) { var data = context.getImageData(x,y,1,1); if (!data) // getImageData failed, which should never happen return [-1,-1,-1,-1]; return dataToArray(; } function pixelShouldBe(x, y, colour) { shouldBe("getPixel(" + [x, y] +")", "["+colour+"]"); } function createCanvasImage(width, height, colour) { var c = document.createElement("canvas"); c.width = width; c.height = height; var context = c.getContext("2d"); context.fillStyle = colour; context.fillRect(0,0,width,height); return c; } var green1x1 = createCanvasImage(1, 1, "green"); var green100x50 = createCanvasImage(100, 50, "green"); var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); canvas.width = 100; canvas.height = 50; var context = canvas.getContext("2d"); var tests = [ function () { var didThrow = false; try { var pattern = context.createPattern(green1x1, null); } catch (e) { didThrow = true; testFailed("context.createPattern(green1x1, null) threw exception "+e) } if (!didThrow) testPassed("context.createPattern(green1x1, null) did not throw an exception"); context.fillStyle = pattern; context.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 50); pixelShouldBe(1, 1, [0,128,0,255]); pixelShouldBe(98, 1, [0,128,0,255]); pixelShouldBe(1, 48, [0,128,0,255]); pixelShouldBe(98, 48, [0,128,0,255]); }, function () { shouldThrow("context.createPattern(green1x1, 'null')"); }, function () { shouldThrow("context.createPattern(green1x1, undefined)"); }, function () { shouldThrow("context.createPattern(green1x1, 'undefined')"); }, function () { shouldThrow("context.createPattern(green1x1, {toString:function(){ return null;}})"); }, function () { shouldThrow("context.createPattern(null, '')"); }, function () { shouldThrow("context.createPattern(undefined, '')"); }, function () { shouldThrow("context.createPattern({}, '')"); }, function () { shouldThrow("context.createPattern([], '')"); }, function () { var didThrow = false; try { var pattern = context.createPattern(green1x1, ''); } catch (e) { didThrow = true; testFailed("context.createPattern(green1x1, '') threw exception "+e) } if (!didThrow) testPassed("context.createPattern(green1x1, '') did not throw an exception"); context.fillStyle = pattern; context.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 50); pixelShouldBe(1, 1, [0,128,0,255]); pixelShouldBe(98, 1, [0,128,0,255]); pixelShouldBe(1, 48, [0,128,0,255]); pixelShouldBe(98, 48, [0,128,0,255]); }, function () { var didThrow = false; try { var pattern = context.createPattern(green1x1, {toString:function(){ return 'repeat';}}); } catch (e) { didThrow = true; testFailed("context.createPattern(green1x1, {toString:function(){ return 'repeat';}}) threw exception "+e) } if (!didThrow) testPassed("context.createPattern(green1x1, {toString:function(){ return 'repeat';}}) did not throw an exception"); context.fillStyle = pattern; context.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 50); pixelShouldBe(1, 1, [0,128,0,255]); pixelShouldBe(98, 1, [0,128,0,255]); pixelShouldBe(1, 48, [0,128,0,255]); pixelShouldBe(98, 48, [0,128,0,255]); }, function () { context.fillStyle = "green"; context.fillRect(0, 0, 50, 50); var pattern = context.createPattern(green100x50, "no-repeat"); context.fillStyle = pattern; context.translate(50, 0); context.fillRect(-50, 0, 100, 50); pixelShouldBe(1, 1, [0,128,0,255]); pixelShouldBe(98, 1, [0,128,0,255]); pixelShouldBe(1, 48, [0,128,0,255]); pixelShouldBe(98, 48, [0,128,0,255]); }, ]; for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) { context.fillStyle="red"; context.fillRect(0,0,100,50); tests[i](); }