This tests the behaviour of a number of the DOM Canvas drawing methods when given 0, Infinity, or NaN as parameters. PASS called fillRect 0*0 fillRect without throwing an exception. PASS called fillRect with Infinity*Infinity fillRect without throwing an exception. PASS did not throw exception with NaN*NaN fillRect. PASS called clearRect 0*0 clearRect without throwing an exception. PASS called clearRect with Infinity*Infinity clearRect without throwing an exception. PASS did not throw exception with NaN*NaN clearRect. PASS called rect 0*0 rect without throwing an exception. PASS called rect with Infinity*Infinity rect without throwing an exception. PASS did not throw exception with NaN*NaN rect. PASS called fill with an empty path without throwing an exception. PASS did not throw exception on arc with zero-length radius PASS threw exception code 1 on arc with negative-length radius PASS did not throw exception on arc with infinite radius PASS did not throw exception on arc with NaN-length radius PASS did not throw exception on arcTo with zero-length radius PASS threw exception code 1 on arcTo with negative-length radius PASS did not throw exception on arcTo with infinite radius PASS did not throw exception on arcTo with NaN-length radius PASS did not throw exception on lineTo(Infinity, Infinity). PASS did not throw exception on lineTo(Infinity, 20). PASS did not throw exception on lineTo(20, Infinity). PASS did not throw exception on lineTo(NaN, NaN). PASS did not throw exception on lineTo(20, NaN). PASS did not throw exception on lineTo(NaN, 20). PASS did not throw exception on quadraticCurveTo(20, 20, Infinity, Infinity). PASS did not throw exception on quadraticCurveTo(Infinity, Infinity, 20, 20). PASS did not throw exception on quadraticCurveTo(Infinity, 20, 20, 20). PASS did not throw exception on quadraticCurveTo(20, Infinity, 20, 20). PASS did not throw exception on quadraticCurveTo(20, 20, Infinity, 20). PASS did not throw exception on quadraticCurveTo(20, 20, 20, Infinity). PASS did not throw exception on quadraticCurveTo(20, 20, NaN, NaN). PASS did not throw exception on quadraticCurveTo(NaN, NaN, 20, 20). PASS did not throw exception on quadraticCurveTo(NaN, 20, 20, 20). PASS did not throw exception on quadraticCurveTo(20, NaN, 20, 20). PASS did not throw exception on quadraticCurveTo(20, 20, Nan, 20). PASS did not throw exception on quadraticCurveTo(20, 20, 20, NaN). PASS did not throw exception on bezierCurveTo(20, 20, 30, 30, Infinity, Infinity). PASS did not throw exception on bezierCurveTo(20, 20, 30, 30, 30, Infinity). PASS did not throw exception on bezierCurveTo(20, 20, 30, 30, Infinity, 30). PASS did not throw exception on bezierCurveTo(20, 20, Infinity, Infinity, 30, 30). PASS did not throw exception on bezierCurveTo(20, 20, 30, Infinity, 30, 30). PASS did not throw exception on bezierCurveTo(20, 20, Infinity, 30, 30, 30). PASS did not throw exception on bezierCurveTo(Infinity, Infinity, 20, 20, 30, 30). PASS did not throw exception on bezierCurveTo(30, Infinity, 20, 20, 30, 30). PASS did not throw exception on bezierCurveTo(Infinity, 30, 20, 20, 30, 30). PASS did not throw exception on bezierCurveTo(20, 20, 30, 30, NaN, NaN). PASS did not throw exception on bezierCurveTo(20, 20, 30, 30, 0, NaN). PASS did not throw exception on bezierCurveTo(20, 20, 30, 30, NaN, 0). PASS did not throw exception on bezierCurveTo(20, 20, NaN, NaN, 30, 30). PASS did not throw exception on bezierCurveTo(20, 20, 30, NaN, 30, 30). PASS did not throw exception on bezierCurveTo(20, 20, NaN, 30, 30, 30). PASS did not throw exception on bezierCurveTo(NaN, NaN, 20, 20, 30, 30). PASS did not throw exception on bezierCurveTo(20, NaN, 20, 20, 30, 30). PASS did not throw exception on bezierCurveTo(NaN, 20, 20, 20, 30, 30). PASS threw exception code undefined on createPattern with 0x0 canvas.