description("Ensure correct behavior of canvas with drawImage+shadow after scaling. A blue and red checkered pattern should be displayed."); function print(message, color) { var paragraph = document.createElement("div"); paragraph.appendChild(document.createTextNode(message)); = "monospace"; if (color) = color; document.getElementById("console").appendChild(paragraph); } function shouldBeAround(a, b) { var evalA; try { evalA = eval(a); } catch(e) { evalA = e; } if (Math.abs(evalA - b) < 10) print("PASS " + a + " is around " + b , "green") else print("FAIL " + a + " is not around " + b + " (actual: " + evalA + ")", "red"); } // Create auxiliary canvas to draw to and create an image from. // This is done instead of simply loading an image from the file system // because that would throw a SECURITY_ERR DOM Exception. var aCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'); aCanvas.width = 10; aCanvas.height = 10; aCanvas.setAttribute('height', '10'); var aCtx = aCanvas.getContext('2d'); aCtx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0, 0, 255, 1)'; aCtx.fillRect(0, 0, 50, 50); // Create the image object to be drawn on the master canvas. var img = new Image(); img.onload = drawImageToCanvasAndCheckPixels; img.src = aCanvas.toDataURL(); // set a data URI of the base64 encoded image as the source aCanvas.width = 10; aCtx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.5)'; aCtx.fillRect(0, 0, 50, 50); // Create the image object to be drawn on the master canvas. var transparentImg = new Image(); transparentImg.onload = drawImageToCanvasAndCheckPixels; transparentImg.src = aCanvas.toDataURL(); // set a data URI of the base64 encoded image as the source // Create master canvas. var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); document.body.appendChild(canvas); canvas.setAttribute('width', '150'); canvas.setAttribute('height', '110'); var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); var imagesLoaded = 0; function drawImageToCanvasAndCheckPixels() { imagesLoaded = imagesLoaded + 1; if (imagesLoaded == 2) { ctx.scale(2, 2); ctx.shadowOffsetX = 20; ctx.shadowOffsetY = 20; ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0, 0, 255, 1)'; ctx.shadowColor = 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 1.0)'; ctx.drawImage(img, 10, 10); ctx.shadowColor = 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.3)'; ctx.drawImage(img, 10, 30); ctx.shadowColor = 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 1.0)'; ctx.shadowBlur = 10; ctx.drawImage(img, 30, 10); ctx.shadowColor = 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.3)'; ctx.drawImage(img, 30, 30); ctx.shadowColor = 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 1.0)'; ctx.drawImage(transparentImg, 50, 10); ctx.shadowColor = 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.3)'; ctx.drawImage(transparentImg, 50, 30); checkPixels(); } } var d; // function checkPixels() { // Verify solid shadow. d = ctx.getImageData(40, 40, 1, 1).data; shouldBe('d[0]', '255'); shouldBe('d[1]', '0'); shouldBe('d[2]', '0'); shouldBe('d[3]', '255'); d = ctx.getImageData(59, 59, 1, 1).data; shouldBe('d[0]', '255'); shouldBe('d[1]', '0'); shouldBe('d[2]', '0'); shouldBe('d[3]', '255'); // Verify solid alpha shadow. d = ctx.getImageData(41, 81, 1, 1).data; shouldBe('d[0]', '255'); shouldBe('d[1]', '0'); shouldBe('d[2]', '0'); shouldBeAround('d[3]', '76'); d = ctx.getImageData(59, 99, 1, 1).data; shouldBe('d[0]', '255'); shouldBe('d[1]', '0'); shouldBe('d[2]', '0'); shouldBeAround('d[3]', '76'); // Verify blurry shadow. d = ctx.getImageData(90, 39, 1, 1).data; shouldBe('d[0]', '255'); shouldBe('d[1]', '0'); shouldBe('d[2]', '0'); shouldBeAround('d[3]', '114'); d = ctx.getImageData(90, 60, 1, 1).data; shouldBe('d[0]', '255'); shouldBe('d[1]', '0'); shouldBe('d[2]', '0'); shouldBeAround('d[3]', '114'); d = ctx.getImageData(79, 50, 1, 1).data; shouldBe('d[0]', '255'); shouldBe('d[1]', '0'); shouldBe('d[2]', '0'); shouldBeAround('d[3]', '114'); d = ctx.getImageData(100, 50, 1, 1).data; shouldBe('d[0]', '255'); shouldBe('d[1]', '0'); shouldBe('d[2]', '0'); shouldBeAround('d[3]', '114'); // Verify blurry alpha shadow. d = ctx.getImageData(90, 79, 1, 1).data; shouldBe('d[0]', '255'); shouldBe('d[1]', '0'); shouldBe('d[2]', '0'); shouldBeAround('d[3]', '34'); d = ctx.getImageData(90, 100, 1, 1).data; shouldBe('d[0]', '255'); shouldBe('d[1]', '0'); shouldBe('d[2]', '0'); shouldBeAround('d[3]', '34'); d = ctx.getImageData(79, 90, 1, 1).data; shouldBe('d[0]', '255'); shouldBe('d[1]', '0'); shouldBe('d[2]', '0'); shouldBeAround('d[3]', '34'); d = ctx.getImageData(100, 90, 1, 1).data; shouldBe('d[0]', '255'); shouldBe('d[1]', '0'); shouldBe('d[2]', '0'); shouldBeAround('d[3]', '34'); // Verify blurry shadow of image with alpha d = ctx.getImageData(130, 39, 1, 1).data; shouldBe('d[0]', '255'); shouldBe('d[1]', '0'); shouldBe('d[2]', '0'); shouldBeAround('d[3]', '57'); d = ctx.getImageData(130, 60, 1, 1).data; shouldBe('d[0]', '255'); shouldBe('d[1]', '0'); shouldBe('d[2]', '0'); shouldBeAround('d[3]', '57'); d = ctx.getImageData(119, 50, 1, 1).data; shouldBe('d[0]', '255'); shouldBe('d[1]', '0'); shouldBe('d[2]', '0'); shouldBeAround('d[3]', '57'); d = ctx.getImageData(140, 50, 1, 1).data; shouldBe('d[0]', '255'); shouldBe('d[1]', '0'); shouldBe('d[2]', '0'); shouldBeAround('d[3]', '57'); // Verify blurry alpha shadow of image with alpha. d = ctx.getImageData(130, 79, 1, 1).data; shouldBe('d[0]', '255'); shouldBe('d[1]', '0'); shouldBe('d[2]', '0'); shouldBeAround('d[3]', '17'); d = ctx.getImageData(130, 100, 1, 1).data; shouldBe('d[0]', '255'); shouldBe('d[1]', '0'); shouldBe('d[2]', '0'); shouldBeAround('d[3]', '17'); d = ctx.getImageData(119, 90, 1, 1).data; shouldBe('d[0]', '255'); shouldBe('d[1]', '0'); shouldBe('d[2]', '0'); shouldBeAround('d[3]', '17'); d = ctx.getImageData(140, 90, 1, 1).data; shouldBe('d[0]', '255'); shouldBe('d[1]', '0'); shouldBe('d[2]', '0'); shouldBeAround('d[3]', '17'); finishJSTest(); } window.jsTestIsAsync = true;