var CShape = function(context, usePathObject) { this._context = context; if (usePathObject) this._path = new Path2D(); else this._path = context; }; CShape.prototype.usePathObject = function() { return this._path instanceof Path2D; }; CShape.prototype.createShape = function() { // override }; CShape.prototype.draw = function() { var context = this._context; var path = this._path; context.beginPath(); this.createShape(); if (this.usePathObject()) context.stroke(path); else context.stroke(); }; CShape.prototype.scroll = function() { var context = this._context; var path = this._path; if (this.usePathObject()) context.scrollPathIntoView(path); else context.scrollPathIntoView(); }; var overrideShape = function(overrideMethod) { var shape = function() { CShape.apply(this, arguments); }; shape.prototype = new CShape; shape.prototype.createShape = overrideMethod; return shape; }; var CRect = overrideShape(function() { var path = this._path; path.rect(-50, -50, 100, 100); }); var CCapsule = overrideShape(function() { var path = this._path; path.arc(-35, 0, 50, Math.PI / 2, Math.PI * 1.5, false); path.lineTo(35, -50); path.arc(50, 0, 50, Math.PI * 1.5, Math.PI / 2, false); path.lineTo(-35, 50); }); var CStar = overrideShape(function() { var path = this._path; path.moveTo(0, -50); path.lineTo(-15, -10); path.lineTo(-50, -10); path.lineTo(-15, 10); path.lineTo(-35, 50); path.lineTo(0, 20); path.lineTo(35, 50); path.lineTo(15, 10); path.lineTo(50, -10); path.lineTo(15, -10); path.lineTo(0, -50); }); var CCurve = overrideShape(function() { var path = this._path; path.moveTo(-50, -50); path.bezierCurveTo(-50, 10, 50, 10, 50, 50); }); var container = document.querySelector("div[class='container']"); var canvas = document.querySelector("canvas"); var context = canvas.getContext("2d"); function getRealValue(shape, degree, usePathObject) { // reset scroll container.scrollTop = 0; container.scrollLeft = 0; // draw shape stroke on canvas usePathObject = usePathObject == undefined || usePathObject == null ? false : true; var s = new shape(context, usePathObject); context.clearRect(0, 0, 400, 400);; context.translate(200, 200); if (degree != 0 && degree != undefined && degree != null) context.rotate(Math.PI / 180 * degree); s.draw(); s.scroll(); context.stroke(); context.restore(); return container.scrollTop; } function scrollTest(shape, degree, usePathObject, expectedValue) { var classes = [ "", "border", "padding", "padding border", "margin" ]; var offset = [ 0, 500, 500, 1000, 500 ]; for (var i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) { canvas.className = classes[i]; window.testValue = getRealValue(shape, degree, usePathObject); shouldBe("testValue", String(expectedValue + offset[i])); } } description("Series of tests to ensure correct results of scrolling path into view on canvas"); debug("Test case 1: scrollPathIntoView() / CTM == identity"); scrollTest(CRect, 0, false, 150); scrollTest(CCapsule, 0, false, 150); scrollTest(CCurve, 0, false, 150); scrollTest(CStar, 0, false, 150); debug(""); debug("Test case 2: scrollPathIntoView() / CTM != identity"); scrollTest(CRect, 20, false, 136); scrollTest(CCapsule, 42, false, 126); scrollTest(CCurve, 63, false, 133); scrollTest(CStar, 40, false, 160); debug(""); debug("Test case 3: scrollPathIntoView(path2d) / CTM == identity"); scrollTest(CRect, 0, true, 150); scrollTest(CCapsule, 0, true, 150); scrollTest(CCurve, 0, true, 150); scrollTest(CStar, 0, true, 150); debug(""); debug("Test case 4: scrollPathIntoView(path2d) / CTM != identity"); scrollTest(CRect, 20, true, 136); scrollTest(CCapsule, 42, true, 126); scrollTest(CCurve, 63, true, 133); scrollTest(CStar, 40, true, 160); debug(""); debug("Test case 5: exceptions"); shouldThrow("context.scrollPathIntoView(null);"); shouldThrow("context.scrollPathIntoView(undefined);"); shouldThrow("context.scrollPathIntoView([]);"); shouldThrow("context.scrollPathIntoView({});"); debug("");