Bug 110903: getPropertyValue for -webkit-margin-collapse returns null, should compute the shorthand value On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". PASS webkitMarginCollapseValue("margin-collapse1") is 'collapse separate' PASS webkitMarginCollapseValue("margin-collapse2") is 'discard discard' PASS webkitMarginCollapseValue("margin-collapse3") is 'discard separate' NOTE: 'foo' is an illegal CSS value for '-webkit-margin-collapse'. PASS webkitMarginCollapseValue("margin-collapse4") is "" NOTE: If only few longhand properties are specified, getPropertyValue for shorthand property returns empty string. PASS webkitMarginCollapseValue("margin-collapse5") is "" PASS successfullyParsed is true TEST COMPLETE