Test for Bugzilla Bug 93829: Text decorations specified on the containing block are not properly applied when ::first-line is present.

The following text should have the first line text in green color with an underline in black color. The remainder of the text should have black underline.

Lorem ipsum dolor set amet. Lorem ipsum
dolor set amet. Lorem ipsum dolor set amet.

The following text should have the first line text in green color with an overline in green color and an underline in black color whereas the remainder of the text should only have an underline in black color.

Lorem ipsum dolor set amet. Lorem ipsum
dolor set amet. Lorem ipsum dolor set amet.

The following text should have the first line text in green color with an underline in green color whereas the remainder of the text should also have an underline in black color.

Lorem ipsum dolor set amet. Lorem ipsum
dolor set amet. Lorem ipsum dolor set amet.