body {
background-color: white;

iframe {
border: 2px solid black;
function log(msg)
    document.getElementById('log').appendChild(document.createTextNode(msg + '\n'));

function windowFocused(win, name)
    return function() {
        log(name + ': window focused');

function windowBlurred(win, name)
    return function() {
        win.document.body.style.background = "red";
        log(name + ': window blurred');

function logTabbedElement(event, elem, i, name)
    log(name + ': ' + elem.tagName + ' #' + i + ' (tabindex=' + elem.tabIndex + ') ' + event);

var lastFocusedElement = null;
function elementFocused(elem, i, name)
    return function() {
        logTabbedElement('focused', elem, i, name);
        lastFocusedElement = elem;

function elementBlurred(elem, i, name)
    return function() {
        logTabbedElement('blurred', elem, i, name);

function setupElements(win, name, tag)
    var elems = win.document.getElementsByTagName(tag);
    for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; ++i) {
        elems[i].onfocus = elementFocused(elems[i], i, name);
        elems[i].onblur = elementBlurred(elems[i], i, name);

function setupBodyFunc(win, name)
    return function() {
        setupElements(win, name, 'a');
        setupElements(win, name, 'input');
        setupElements(win, name, 'iframe');

function setupWindow(win)
    var name;
    if (win.frameElement) {
        name = win.frameElement.id;
    } else {
        name = 'main window';

    win.setupWindow = setupWindow;
    win.setupBody = setupBodyFunc(win, name);

    win.onfocus = windowFocused(win, name);
    win.onblur = windowBlurred(win, name);

function dispatchTabPress(element, shiftKey, altKey)
    if (window.eventSender) {
        modifiers = [];
        if (shiftKey)
        if (altKey)
        eventSender.keyDown('\u0009', modifiers);

function test()
    if (window.testRunner) {

    log('Tabbing forward...\n');
    for (var i = 0; i < 7; ++i) {
        dispatchTabPress(document, false, false);


    log('\nTabbing backward...\n');
    for (var i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
        dispatchTabPress(document, true, false);


    log('\nOption-tabbing forward...\n');
    for (var i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {
        dispatchTabPress(document, false, navigator.platform.indexOf('Mac') == 0);


    log('\nOption-tabbing backward...\n');
    for (var i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {
        dispatchTabPress(document, true, navigator.platform.indexOf('Mac') == 0);


    log('\nTest finished\n');

<body onload="window.setupBody(); test();">
    <p>This page tests tabbing between subframes. To test, click on this text
    to focus the main window. Then press Tab 7 times, then Shift-Tab 7 times,
    which should move focus forward and backward through all inputs and frames.
    Then press Option-Tab 11 times and Shift-Option-Tab 11 times, which should
    move focus forward and backward through all inputs, frames, and links.</p>

    <input type="text">
    <iframe id="empty-middle" src="resources/frame-tab-focus-empty-middle.html" width="400" height="200"></iframe>
    <input type="text" tabindex="3">
    <input type="text" tabindex="2" id="first">
    <iframe id="upper" src="resources/frame-tab-focus-upper.html" height="300"></iframe>
    <iframe id="child" tabindex="4" src="resources/frame-tab-focus-child.html"></iframe>
    <input type="text">
    <a tabindex="1" href="#">[tabindex of one]</a>
    <a tabindex="3" href="#">[tabindex of three]</a>
    <a tabindex="2" href="#">[tabindex of two]</a>
    <a tabindex="3" href="#">[tabindex of three]</a>
    <pre id="log"></pre>