Bug 99493

25x25 image at 1x
25x25 image at 2x
25x25 image at 1x, 30x30 image at 2x
25x25 image at 1.5x, 30x30 image at 5x
Invalid tiny scale with fallback to pointer
Over-large image with fallback to pointer
200x200 image at 4x (not over-large in UI pixels)
Non-existent image in image-set with fallback to 25x25 image
Explicit hotspot at (5,3) logical in 1x and 2x
Explicit hotspot at (7,3) logical in 0.7x and 1.4x - should round to nearest integer
Implicit hot-spot at (5,4) physical for 1x and (28,3) physical for 2x