<!DOCTYPE html> <script src="../../resources/js-test.js"></script> <script> description("Test the Blob constructor."); var jsTestIsAsync = true; // Test the different ways you can construct a Blob. shouldBeTrue("(new Blob()) instanceof window.Blob"); shouldBeTrue("(new Blob([])) instanceof window.Blob"); shouldBeTrue("(new Blob(['hello'])) instanceof window.Blob"); shouldBeTrue("(new Blob(['hello'], {})) instanceof window.Blob"); shouldBeTrue("(new Blob(['hello'], {type:'text/html'})) instanceof window.Blob"); shouldBeTrue("(new Blob(['hello'], {type:'text/html', endings:'native'})) instanceof window.Blob"); shouldBeTrue("(new Blob(['hello'], {type:'text/html', endings:'transparent'})) instanceof window.Blob"); // Test invalid blob parts. shouldThrow("new Blob('hello')", '"TypeError: Failed to construct \'Blob\': The 1st argument is neither an array, nor does it have indexed properties."'); shouldThrow("new Blob(0)", '"TypeError: Failed to construct \'Blob\': The 1st argument is neither an array, nor does it have indexed properties."'); shouldThrow("new Blob(null)", '"TypeError: Failed to construct \'Blob\': The 1st argument is neither an array, nor does it have indexed properties."'); // Test valid blob parts. shouldBeTrue("(new Blob([])) instanceof window.Blob"); shouldBeTrue("(new Blob(['stringPrimitive'])) instanceof window.Blob"); shouldBeTrue("(new Blob([String('stringObject')])) instanceof window.Blob"); shouldBeTrue("(new Blob([new Blob])) instanceof window.Blob"); shouldBeTrue("(new Blob([new Blob([new Blob])])) instanceof window.Blob"); // Test some conversions to string in the parts array. shouldBe("(new Blob([12])).size", "2"); shouldBe("(new Blob([[]])).size", "0"); // [].toString() is the empty string shouldBe("(new Blob([{}])).size", "15");; // {}.toString() is the string "[object Object]" shouldBe("(new Blob([document])).size", "21"); // document.toString() is the string "[object HTMLDocument]" var toStringingObj = { toString: function() { return "A string"; } }; shouldBe("(new Blob([toStringingObj])).size", "8"); var throwingObj = { toString: function() { throw "Error"; } }; shouldThrow("new Blob([throwingObj])", "'Error'"); // Test some invalid property bags. shouldBeTrue("(new Blob([], {unknownKey:'value'})) instanceof window.Blob"); // Ignore invalid keys shouldThrow("new Blob([], {endings:'illegalValue'})", "'TypeError: Failed to construct \\'Blob\\': The provided value \\'illegalValue\\' is not a valid enum value of type NormalizeLineEndings.'"); shouldThrow("new Blob([], {endings:throwingObj})", "'Error'"); shouldThrow("new Blob([], {type:throwingObj})", "'Error'"); shouldThrow("new Blob([], {type:'hello\u00EE'})", "'SyntaxError: Failed to construct \\'Blob\\': The \\'type\\' property must consist of ASCII characters.'"); // Test that order of property bag evaluation is lexigraphical var throwingObj1 = { toString: function() { throw "Error 1"; } }; var throwingObj2 = { toString: function() { throw "Error 2"; } }; shouldThrow("new Blob([], {endings:throwingObj1, type:throwingObj2})", "'Error 1'"); shouldThrow("new Blob([], {type:throwingObj2, endings:throwingObj1})", "'Error 1'"); shouldThrow("new Blob([], {type:throwingObj2, endings:'illegal'})", "'TypeError: Failed to construct \\'Blob\\': The provided value \\'illegal\\' is not a valid enum value of type NormalizeLineEndings.'"); // Test various non-object literals being used as property bags. shouldBeTrue("(new Blob([], null)) instanceof window.Blob"); shouldBeTrue("(new Blob([], undefined)) instanceof window.Blob"); shouldThrow("(new Blob([], 123)) instanceof window.Blob", "'TypeError: Failed to construct \\'Blob\\': parameter 2 (\\'options\\') is not an object.'"); shouldThrow("(new Blob([], 123.4)) instanceof window.Blob", "'TypeError: Failed to construct \\'Blob\\': parameter 2 (\\'options\\') is not an object.'"); shouldThrow("(new Blob([], true)) instanceof window.Blob", "'TypeError: Failed to construct \\'Blob\\': parameter 2 (\\'options\\') is not an object.'"); shouldThrow("(new Blob([], 'abc')) instanceof window.Blob", "'TypeError: Failed to construct \\'Blob\\': parameter 2 (\\'options\\') is not an object.'"); shouldBeTrue("(new Blob([], [])) instanceof window.Blob"); shouldBeTrue("(new Blob([], /abc/)) instanceof window.Blob"); shouldBeTrue("(new Blob([], function () {})) instanceof window.Blob"); // Test that the type/size is correctly added to the Blob. shouldBe("(new Blob([], {type:'text/html'})).type", "'text/html'"); shouldBe("(new Blob([], {type:'text/html'})).size", "0"); shouldBe("(new Blob([], {type:'text/plain;charset=UTF-8'})).type", "'text/plain;charset=utf-8'"); // Test that the File-specific lastModified is not set by the Blob constructor. shouldBe("(new Blob([])).lastModified", "undefined"); shouldBe("(new Blob([], {})).lastModified", "undefined"); shouldBe("(new Blob([], {lastModified: new Date()})).lastModified", "undefined"); // Test the number of expected arguments in the Blob constructor. shouldBe("window.Blob.length", "0"); // Test ArrayBufferView parameters. shouldBe("new Blob([new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(100))]).size", "100"); shouldBe("new Blob([new Uint8Array(100)]).size", "100"); shouldBe("new Blob([new Uint8ClampedArray(100)]).size", "100"); shouldBe("new Blob([new Uint16Array(100)]).size", "200"); shouldBe("new Blob([new Uint32Array(100)]).size", "400"); shouldBe("new Blob([new Int8Array(100)]).size", "100"); shouldBe("new Blob([new Int16Array(100)]).size", "200"); shouldBe("new Blob([new Int32Array(100)]).size", "400"); shouldBe("new Blob([new Float32Array(100)]).size", "400"); shouldBe("new Blob([new Float64Array(100)]).size", "800"); shouldBe("new Blob([new Float64Array(100), new Int32Array(100), new Uint8Array(100), new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(100))]).size", "1400"); shouldBe("new Blob([new Blob([new Int32Array(100)]), new Uint8Array(100), new Float32Array(100), new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(100))]).size", "1000"); // Test ArrayBuffer parameters. shouldBe("new Blob([(new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(100))).buffer]).size", "100"); shouldBe("new Blob([(new Uint8Array(100)).buffer]).size", "100"); shouldBe("new Blob([(new Uint8ClampedArray(100)).buffer]).size", "100"); shouldBe("new Blob([(new Uint16Array(100)).buffer]).size", "200"); shouldBe("new Blob([(new Uint32Array(100)).buffer]).size", "400"); shouldBe("new Blob([(new Int8Array(100)).buffer]).size", "100"); shouldBe("new Blob([(new Int16Array(100)).buffer]).size", "200"); shouldBe("new Blob([(new Int32Array(100)).buffer]).size", "400"); shouldBe("new Blob([(new Float32Array(100)).buffer]).size", "400"); shouldBe("new Blob([(new Float64Array(100)).buffer]).size", "800"); shouldBe("new Blob([(new Float64Array(100)).buffer, (new Int32Array(100)).buffer, (new Uint8Array(100)).buffer, (new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(100))).buffer]).size", "1400"); shouldBe("new Blob([new Blob([(new Int32Array(100)).buffer]), (new Uint8Array(100)).buffer, (new Float32Array(100)).buffer, (new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(100))).buffer]).size", "1000"); // Test passing blob parts in objects with indexed properties. // (This depends on the bindings code handling of sequence<T>) shouldBe("new Blob({length: 0}).size", "0"); shouldBe("new Blob({length: 1, 0: 'string'}).size", "6"); // Test that strings are not NFC normalized var OMICRON_WITH_OXIA = '\u1F79'; // NFC normalized to U+3CC shouldBe("OMICRON_WITH_OXIA.charCodeAt(0)", "0x1F79"); var reader = new FileReader(); reader.readAsText(new Blob([OMICRON_WITH_OXIA])); reader.onload = function() { shouldBe("reader.result.charCodeAt(0)", "0x1F79"); finishJSTest(); }; </script>