function stringifyObj(o) { s = ""; if (o) for (index in o) { s += index + ": " + o[index] + ";"; } return s; } function onError(e) { testFailed("Got error: " + stringifyObj(e)); cleanUp(); } function assert(s) { if (!s) { var e = new Error("Assertion failed. "); onError(e); throw e; } } var fileEntryForCleanup; // Set as soon as we have one. function cleanUp() { if (fileEntryForCleanup) { try { fileEntryForCleanup.remove(finishJSTest, finishJSTest); return; } catch (ex) { } } finishJSTest(); } // Generic function that gets a File from a FileEntry and calls a custom verification function on it. function verifyFileContents(fileEntry, verifyFunc, arg0, arg1, onSuccess) { fileEntry.file( function(file) { verifyFunc(file, arg0, arg1, onSuccess); }, onError); } // Helper function used with verifyFileContents. function verifyFileLengthHelper(file, length, unused, onSuccess) { assert(file.size == length); onSuccess(); } // Verifies that the contents of fileEntry have the supplied length. function verifyFileLength(fileEntry, length, onSuccess) { verifyFileContents(fileEntry, verifyFileLengthHelper, length, null, onSuccess); } // Helper function used with verifyFileContents. function verifyByteRangeIsZeroesHelper(file, start, length, onSuccess) { var fileReader = new FileReader(); fileReader.onerror = onError; fileReader.onload = function() { var result = fileReader.result; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) assert(result.charCodeAt(i) == 0); onSuccess(); }; fileReader.readAsBinaryString(file.slice(start, start + length)); } // Verifies that fileEntry, at offset, is all zeroes for length bytes. function verifyByteRangeIsZeroes(fileEntry, offset, length, onSuccess) { verifyFileContents(fileEntry, verifyByteRangeIsZeroesHelper, offset, length, onSuccess); } // Helper function used with verifyFileContents. function verifyByteRangeAsStringHelper(file, start, data, onSuccess) { var fileReader = new FileReader(); fileReader.onerror = onError; fileReader.onload = function() { assert(fileReader.result == data); onSuccess(); }; fileReader.readAsText(file.slice(start, start + data.length)); } // Verifies that the contents of fileEntry, at offset, match contents [a string]. function verifyByteRangeAsString(fileEntry, offset, contents, onSuccess) { verifyFileContents(fileEntry, verifyByteRangeAsStringHelper, offset, contents, onSuccess); } // Creates a file called fileName in fileSystem's root directory, truncates it to zero length just in case, and calls onSuccess, passing it a FileEntry and FileWriter for the new file. function createEmptyFile(fileSystem, fileName, onSuccess) { function getSuccessFunc(fileEntry) { // Create a fresh FileWriter here, rather than pass in the used one. // This way we don't accidentally leave our event handlers attached. return function() { fileEntry.createWriter(function(fw) { onSuccess(fileEntry, fw); }, onError); } } function getFileWriterCallback(fileEntry) { return function(fileWriter) { var successFunc = getSuccessFunc(fileEntry); fileWriter.onError = onError; fileWriter.onwrite = function() { fileWriter.onwrite = null; verifyFileLength(fileEntry, 0, successFunc); }; fileWriter.truncate(0); } } function onFileEntry(fileEntry) { fileEntryForCleanup = fileEntry; var onFileWriter = getFileWriterCallback(fileEntry); fileEntry.createWriter(onFileWriter, onError); } assert(fileSystem); fileSystem.root.getFile(fileName, {create:true}, onFileEntry, onError); } function writeString(fileEntry, fileWriter, offset, data, onSuccess) { var blob = new Blob([data]);; fileWriter.write(blob); fileWriter.onerror = onError; if (offset < 0) offset += fileWriter.length; assert(offset >= 0); fileWriter.onwrite = function() { fileWriter.onwrite = null; verifyByteRangeAsString(fileEntry, offset, data, onSuccess); }; } function setFileContents(fileEntry, fileWriter, contents, onSuccess) { fileWriter.onerror = onError; fileWriter.onwrite = function() { fileWriter.onwrite = null; writeString(fileEntry, fileWriter, 0, contents, onSuccess); }; fileWriter.truncate(0); } function setupAndRunTest(size, testName, testFunc) { if (!webkitRequestFileSystem) { debug("This test requires FileSystem API support."); return; } debug("starting test"); webkitRequestFileSystem(TEMPORARY, size, function(fs) { createEmptyFile(fs, testName, testFunc); }, onError); }