This tests that foreground and background colors properly change for autofilled inputs or select options. It can only be run using the test harness. PASS successfullyParsed is true TEST COMPLETE PASS foregroundOf(textarea1) is originalForeground PASS backgroundOf(textarea1) is originalBackground PASS search.value is "Search value" PASS foregroundOf(field) is not originalForeground PASS backgroundOf(field) is not originalBackground PASS foregroundOf(search) is not originalForeground PASS backgroundOf(search) is not originalBackground PASS foregroundOf(textarea1) is not originalForeground PASS backgroundOf(textarea1) is not originalBackground PASS foregroundOf(textarea2) is not originalForeground PASS backgroundOf(textarea2) is not originalBackground PASS foregroundOf(select1) is not originalForeground PASS backgroundOf(select1) is not originalBackground PASS foregroundOf(select2) is not originalForeground PASS backgroundOf(select2) is not originalBackground PASS foregroundOf(select3) is not originalForeground PASS backgroundOf(select3) is not originalBackground PASS select2.options.length is 3 PASS select2.options.length is 2 PASS foregroundOf(select2) is autofilledSelectForeground PASS backgroundOf(select2) is autofilledSelectBackground PASS search.value is "" PASS foregroundOf(field) is originalForeground PASS backgroundOf(field) is originalBackground PASS foregroundOf(search) is originalForeground PASS backgroundOf(search) is originalBackground PASS foregroundOf(textarea1) is originalForeground PASS backgroundOf(textarea1) is originalBackground PASS foregroundOf(textarea2) is originalForeground PASS backgroundOf(textarea2) is originalBackground PASS foregroundOf(select1) is originalForeground PASS backgroundOf(select1) is originalBackground PASS foregroundOf(select2) is originalForeground PASS backgroundOf(select2) is originalBackground PASS foregroundOf(select3) is originalForeground PASS backgroundOf(select3) is originalBackground