Tests if calendar picker key bindings work as expected. On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". Check that page popup doesn't exist at first. PASS document.getElementById("mock-page-popup") is null Check that page popup exists. PASS popupWindow.pagePopupController.toString() is "[object PagePopupController]" PASS isCalendarTableScrollingWithAnimation() is false PASS currentMonth() is "2000-01" PASS selectedValue() is "2000-01-02" PASS selectedDayCells() is "2000-01-02" PASS highlightedValue() is "2000-01-02" PASS highlightedDayCells() is "2000-01-02" Check that arrow keys work properly even when going between weeks and months. press up PASS currentMonth() is "2000-01" PASS selectedValue() is "2000-01-02" PASS selectedDayCells() is "2000-01-02" PASS highlightedValue() is "1999-12-26" PASS highlightedDayCells() is "1999-12-26" press up PASS isCalendarTableScrollingWithAnimation() is true PASS currentMonth() is "1999-12" PASS selectedValue() is "2000-01-02" PASS selectedDayCells() is "" PASS highlightedValue() is "1999-12-19" PASS highlightedDayCells() is "1999-12-19" press down PASS currentMonth() is "1999-12" PASS selectedValue() is "2000-01-02" PASS selectedDayCells() is "" PASS highlightedValue() is "1999-12-26" PASS highlightedDayCells() is "1999-12-26" press down PASS isCalendarTableScrollingWithAnimation() is true PASS currentMonth() is "2000-01" PASS selectedValue() is "2000-01-02" PASS selectedDayCells() is "2000-01-02" PASS highlightedValue() is "2000-01-02" PASS highlightedDayCells() is "2000-01-02" press up PASS currentMonth() is "2000-01" PASS selectedValue() is "2000-01-02" PASS selectedDayCells() is "2000-01-02" PASS highlightedValue() is "1999-12-26" PASS highlightedDayCells() is "1999-12-26" press left PASS isCalendarTableScrollingWithAnimation() is true PASS currentMonth() is "1999-12" PASS selectedValue() is "2000-01-02" PASS selectedDayCells() is "" PASS highlightedValue() is "1999-12-25" PASS highlightedDayCells() is "1999-12-25" press right PASS currentMonth() is "1999-12" PASS selectedValue() is "2000-01-02" PASS selectedDayCells() is "" PASS highlightedValue() is "1999-12-26" PASS highlightedDayCells() is "1999-12-26" press pageDown PASS currentMonth() is "2000-01" PASS selectedValue() is "2000-01-02" PASS selectedDayCells() is "2000-01-02" PASS highlightedValue() is "1999-12-26" PASS highlightedDayCells() is "1999-12-26" press pageUp PASS currentMonth() is "1999-12" PASS selectedValue() is "2000-01-02" PASS selectedDayCells() is "" PASS highlightedValue() is "1999-12-26" PASS highlightedDayCells() is "1999-12-26" press m PASS isCalendarTableScrollingWithAnimation() is true PASS currentMonth() is "2000-01" PASS selectedValue() is "2000-01-02" PASS selectedDayCells() is "2000-01-02" PASS highlightedValue() is "2000-01-23" PASS highlightedDayCells() is "2000-01-23" press shift + m PASS isCalendarTableScrollingWithAnimation() is true PASS currentMonth() is "1999-12" PASS selectedValue() is "2000-01-02" PASS selectedDayCells() is "" PASS highlightedValue() is "1999-12-26" PASS highlightedDayCells() is "1999-12-26" press y PASS isCalendarTableScrollingWithAnimation() is true PASS currentMonth() is "2000-12" PASS selectedValue() is "2000-01-02" PASS selectedDayCells() is "" PASS highlightedValue() is "2000-12-24" PASS highlightedDayCells() is "2000-12-24" press shift + y PASS isCalendarTableScrollingWithAnimation() is true PASS currentMonth() is "1999-12" PASS selectedValue() is "2000-01-02" PASS selectedDayCells() is "" PASS highlightedValue() is "1999-12-26" PASS highlightedDayCells() is "1999-12-26" press d PASS isCalendarTableScrollingWithAnimation() is true PASS currentMonth() is "2009-12" PASS selectedValue() is "2000-01-02" PASS selectedDayCells() is "" PASS highlightedValue() is "2009-12-27" PASS highlightedDayCells() is "2009-12-27" press shift + d PASS isCalendarTableScrollingWithAnimation() is true PASS currentMonth() is "1999-12" PASS selectedValue() is "2000-01-02" PASS selectedDayCells() is "" PASS highlightedValue() is "1999-12-26" PASS highlightedDayCells() is "1999-12-26" press enter PASS document.getElementById("date").value is "1999-12-26" Check if tabbing works. PASS focusedElement() is ".list-view calendar-table-view" PASS focusedElement() is ".calendar-navigation-button" PASS focusedElement() is ".calendar-navigation-button today-button" PASS focusedElement() is ".calendar-navigation-button" PASS focusedElement() is ".month-popup-button" open the month popup PASS popupWindow.global.picker.monthPopupView.isVisible is true PASS highlightedMonthButton() is "1999-12" TAB shouldn't change focus PASS focusedElement() is ".list-view year-list-view" PASS focusedElement().indexOf("month-button") < 0 is true PASS focusedElement().indexOf("list-cell") < 0 is true PASS focusedElement() is ".list-view year-list-view" press down PASS highlightedMonthButton() is "2000-04" press right PASS highlightedMonthButton() is "2000-05" press right PASS highlightedMonthButton() is "2000-06" press right PASS highlightedMonthButton() is "2000-07" press right PASS highlightedMonthButton() is "2000-08" press right PASS highlightedMonthButton() is "2000-09" press left PASS highlightedMonthButton() is "2000-08" press up PASS highlightedMonthButton() is "2000-04" press pageDown PASS highlightedMonthButton() is "2001-04" press pageUp PASS highlightedMonthButton() is "2000-04" select month in the month popup PASS popupWindow.global.picker.monthPopupView.isVisible is false PASS currentMonth() is "2000-04" PASS selectedValue() is "1999-12-26" PASS selectedDayCells() is "" PASS highlightedValue() is "1999-12-26" PASS highlightedDayCells() is "" focus calendar table press t PASS testToday() || testToday() is true press esc PASS document.getElementById("mock-page-popup") is null PASS successfullyParsed is true TEST COMPLETE