Tests if typing an arrow key dispatches |Focus| and |ActiveDescendantChanged| a11y events. On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". Focused: Focused: Focused: Sunday January 2 2000 PASS Received ActiveDescendantChanged Focused: Monday January 3 2000 PASS Received ActiveDescendantChanged Focused: Show next month Focused: <<CalendarToday>> Focused: Show previous month Focused: Show month selection panel Open the month popup. This should notify the third ActiveDescendantChanged. Focused: Focused: January 2000 PASS Received ActiveDescendantChanged Focused: February 2000 PASS Received ActiveDescendantChanged Focused: October 1999 PASS Received ActiveDescendantChanged PASS successfullyParsed is true TEST COMPLETE