<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN"> <html> <head> <script src="../../../resources/js-test.js"></script> </head> <body> <p id="description"></p> <div id="console"></div> <script> description('Test to see if setting the value attribute updates the value.'); var input = document.createElement('input'); input.type = 'range'; shouldBe('input.setAttribute("value", "10"); input.value', '"10"'); input.setAttribute('min', '0'); input.setAttribute('max', '100'); debug("rewriting the value attribute should update the value") shouldBe('input.setAttribute("value", "20"); input.value', '"20"'); debug("changing the max should effect value") shouldBe('input.setAttribute("max", "10"); input.value', '"10"'); debug("value attribute should not change the value after you set a value") shouldBe('input.value = 10; input.setAttribute("value", "5"); input.value', '"10"'); </script> </body> </html>