CONSOLE WARNING: Blocked to expand the option list to 4294967295 items. The maximum list length is 2147483647. CONSOLE WARNING: Blocked to expand the option list to 2147483648 items. The maximum list length is 2147483647. 1) setting length to a negative length PASS mySelect.options.length is 2 PASS mySelect.selectedIndex is 0 2) setting length to a larger length PASS mySelect.options.length is 5 PASS mySelect.selectedIndex is 0 3) setting length to a smaller length PASS mySelect.options.length is 2 PASS mySelect.selectedIndex is 0 PASS mySelect.options.length is 1 PASS mySelect.selectedIndex is 0 4) setting length to the same length PASS mySelect.options.length is 2 PASS mySelect.selectedIndex is 0 5) setting length to non-integer value: null PASS mySelect.options.length is 0 PASS mySelect.selectedIndex is -1 6) setting length to non-integer value: undefined PASS mySelect.options.length is 0 PASS mySelect.selectedIndex is -1 7) setting length to non-integer value: true PASS mySelect.options.length is 1 PASS mySelect.selectedIndex is 0 8) setting length to non-integer value: false PASS mySelect.options.length is 0 PASS mySelect.selectedIndex is -1 9) setting length to non-integer value: non-numeric string PASS mySelect.options.length is 0 PASS mySelect.selectedIndex is -1 10) setting length to non-integer value: object PASS mySelect.options.length is 0 PASS mySelect.selectedIndex is -1 11) setting length to non-integer value: negative infinity PASS mySelect.options.length is 0 PASS mySelect.selectedIndex is -1 12) setting length to non-integer value: NaN PASS mySelect.options.length is 0 PASS mySelect.selectedIndex is -1 13) setting length to non-integer value: positive infinity PASS mySelect.options.length is 0 PASS mySelect.selectedIndex is -1 14) setting length to non-integer value: floating point number PASS mySelect.options.length is 2 PASS mySelect.selectedIndex is 0 15) setting an element by index past the end of the current list PASS mySelect.options.length is 11 PASS mySelect.selectedIndex is 0 16) setting an existing element by index PASS mySelect.options.length is 11 PASS mySelect.selectedIndex is 0 17) trying to set an element that's not an option: null PASS mySelect.options.length is 10 PASS mySelect.selectedIndex is 0 18) trying to set an element that's not an option: undefined PASS mySelect.options.length is 10 PASS mySelect.selectedIndex is 0 19) trying to set an element that's not an option: select element PASS mySelect.options[10] = mySelect; threw exception TypeError: Failed to set an indexed property on 'HTMLOptionsCollection': The provided value is not of type 'HTMLOptionElement'.. PASS mySelect.options.length is 10 PASS mySelect.selectedIndex is 0 20) trying to set a option element using an invalid index: negative infinity PASS mySelect.options.length is 10 PASS mySelect.selectedIndex is 0 21) trying to set a option element using an invalid index: NaN PASS mySelect.options.length is 10 PASS mySelect.selectedIndex is 0 22) trying to set a option element using an invalid index: positive infinity PASS mySelect.options.length is 10 PASS mySelect.selectedIndex is 0 23) setting length to a value greater than 2,147,483,647 PASS mySelect.options.length is 10 PASS mySelect.selectedIndex is 0 PASS successfullyParsed is true TEST COMPLETE