CONSOLE WARNING: line 13: The specified value "2012-12-24" does not conform to the required format. The format is "yyyy-Www" where yyyy is year in four or more digits, and ww is 01-53. Check that page popup doesn't exist at first. PASS $("mock-page-popup") is null Check that page popup exists. PASS popupWindow.pagePopupController.toString() is "[object PagePopupController]" Check that hovering over an entry highlights it. PASS highlightedEntry() is "2012-W02" Check that moving the mouse outside the popup de-highlights entries. PASS highlightedEntry() is null Check that mouse click closes the popup and sets the value. PASS $("mock-page-popup") is null PASS document.getElementById("week").value is "2012-W03" Check that you can scroll using the mouse wheel. PASS scrollTopBeforeWheelEvent < suggestionList.scrollTop became true PASS scrollTopBeforeWheelEvent > suggestionList.scrollTop became true PASS $("mock-page-popup") is null Check that you can scroll using the scroll bar. PASS scrollTopBeforeWheelEvent < scrollTopAfterWheelEvent is true PASS successfullyParsed is true TEST COMPLETE