Multiple fields UI of time input type with mouse events On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". Please run this with DumpRenderTree. Test following mouse actions: Mouse click to focus field Mouse click on spin button PASS successfullyParsed is true TEST COMPLETE = Focus to hour field = PASS input.value is "02:23" = Focus to minute field = PASS input.value is "02:24" = Click up part of spin button = PASS input.value is "02:25" = Click down part of spin button = PASS input.value is "02:24" = Click on a disabled/readonly field = PASS input.value is "02:24" PASS input.value is "02:24" ==> Click on clear button. PASS input.value is "02:24" PASS input.value is "02:24" PASS input.value is "" ==> Reset type attribute, and click on the clear button PASS input.value is ""