Tests that a 'toggle' event is fired asynchronously whenever the open attribute is added to or removed from a details element. On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". PASS details.ontoggle.__proto__ is Function.prototype PASS details.open is false PASS toggleEventCount is 0 PASS toggleEventCountFromHTMLAttribute is 0 PASS toggleEventCount is 0 PASS toggleEventCountFromHTMLAttribute is 0 PASS testEvent.__proto__ is Event.prototype PASS testEvent.type is "toggle" PASS testEvent.__proto__ is Event.prototype PASS testEvent.type is "toggle" PASS toggleEventCount is 1 PASS toggleEventCountFromHTMLAttribute is 1 PASS details.open is true PASS testEvent.__proto__ is Event.prototype PASS testEvent.type is "toggle" PASS testEvent.__proto__ is Event.prototype PASS testEvent.type is "toggle" PASS toggleEventCount is 2 PASS toggleEventCountFromHTMLAttribute is 2 PASS details.open is false PASS successfullyParsed is true TEST COMPLETE details