This test case illustrates some residual style tag examples. Unless otherwise noted, the behavior should match Firefox.
Passing Tags
A: All of this should be green
ABBR: All of this should be green
ACRONYM: All of this should be green
ADDRESS: All of this should be green
AREA: All of this should be green.
B: All of this should be green.
BDO: All of this should be green.
BIG: All of this should be green.
BLOCKQUOTE: All of this should be green.
BUTTON: All of this should be green.
CANVAS: All of this should be green.
All of this should be green.
All of this should be green.
CITE: All of this should be green.
CODE: All of this should be green.
All of this should be green.
All of this should be green.
All of this should be green.
DEL: All of this should be green.
DFN: All of this should be green.
DIR: All of this should be green.
DIV: All of this should be green.
All of this should be green.
All of this should be green.
EM: All of this should be green.
EMBED: All of this should be green.
FIELDSET: All of this should be green.
FONT: All of this should be green.
FORM: All of this should be green.
H1: All of this should be green.
H2: All of this should be green.
H3: All of this should be green.
H4: All of this should be green.
H5: All of this should be green.
H6: All of this should be green.
I: All of this should be green.
INS: All of this should be green.
ISINDEX: All of this should be green.
KBD: All of this should be green.
KEYGEN: All of this should be green.
LABEL: All of this should be green.
LEGEND: All of this should be green.
LI: All of this should be green.
LISTING: All of this should be green.
MAP: All of this should be green.
MARQUEE: All of this should be green.
MENU: All of this should be green.
NOBR: All of this should be green.
OBJECT: All of this should be green.
OL: All of this should be green.
OPTGROUP: All of this should be green.
OPTION: All of this should be green.
P: All of this should be green.
PARAM: All of this should be green.
PRE: All of this should be green.
Q: All of this should be green.
S: All of this should be green.
SAMP: All of this should be green.
SELECT: All of this should be green.
SMALL: All of this should be green.
SPAN: All of this should be green.
STRIKE: All of this should be green.
STRONG: All of this should be green.
SUB: All of this should be green.
SUP: All of this should be green.
All of this should be green.
All of this should be green.
All of this should be green.
All of this should be green.
All of this should be green.
All of this should be green.
TT: All of this should be green.
U: All of this should be green.
All of this should be green.
VAR: All of this should be green.