Tests Function.bind. On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". PASS result is "[object Window] -> x:1, y:2" PASS result is "'a' -> x:'b', y:1" PASS result is "'a' -> x:'b', y:'c'" PASS result is "[object Object] -> x:1, y:2" PASS result is "[object Object] -> x:'b', y:1" PASS result is "[object Object] -> x:'b', y:'c'" PASS f instanceof F is true PASS f instanceof G is true PASS f instanceof H is true PASS g instanceof F is true PASS g instanceof G is true PASS g instanceof H is true PASS h instanceof F is true PASS h instanceof G is true PASS h instanceof H is true PASS "prototype" in F is true PASS "prototype" in G is false PASS "prototype" in H is false PASS Function.bind.call(undefined) threw exception TypeError: Bind must be called on a function. PASS abcAt(1) is "b" PASS new abcAt(1) threw exception TypeError: abcAt is not a constructor. PASS boundFunctionPrototypeAccessed is false PASS Function.bind.length is 1 PASS successfullyParsed is true TEST COMPLETE