description( "Test numeric escapes in string literals -" ); function test(_stringLiteral, _nonStrictResult, _strictResult) { stringLiteral = '"' + _stringLiteral + '"'; nonStrictResult = _nonStrictResult; shouldBe("eval(stringLiteral)", "nonStrictResult"); stringLiteral = '"use strict"; ' + stringLiteral; if (_strictResult) { strictResult = _strictResult; shouldBe("eval(stringLiteral)", "strictResult"); } else shouldThrow("eval(stringLiteral)"); } // Tests for single digit octal and decimal escapes. // In non-strict mode 0-7 are octal escapes, 8-9 are NonEscapeCharacters. // In strict mode only "\0" is permitted. test("\\0", "\x00", "\x00"); test("\\1", "\x01"); test("\\7", "\x07"); test("\\8", "8"); test("\\9", "9"); // Tests for multi-digit octal values outside strict mode; // Octal literals may be 1-3 digits long. In strict more all multi-digit sequences are illegal. test("\\00", "\x00"); test("\\000", "\x00"); test("\\0000", "\x000"); test("\\01", "\x01"); test("\\001", "\x01"); test("\\0001", "\x001"); test("\\10", "\x08"); test("\\100", "\x40"); test("\\1000", "\x400"); test("\\19", "\x019"); test("\\109", "\x089"); test("\\1009", "\x409"); test("\\99", "99");