<p>Tests for compilation errors in trivial functions.</p>
<pre id="console"></pre>

<p id="p"></p>

function $(id)
    return document.getElementById(id);

function log(s)
    $("console").appendChild(document.createTextNode(s + "\n"));

function shouldBe(aDescription, a, b)
    if (a == b) {
        log("PASS: " + aDescription + " should be " + b + " and is.");

    log("FAIL: " + aDescription + " should be " + b + " but instead is " + a + ".");

function f1(a, b) { return a[b]; }
function f2(a, b, c) { return a[b] = c; }

if (window.testRunner)

shouldBe("f1(0, 0)", f1(0, 0), undefined);
shouldBe("f2(0, 0, 0)", f2(0, 0, 0), 0);